American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 12 Cryogenic Containment, Predicting the Appearance Location!

"Task Force Beta7 is in place and is now launching cooling missiles."

Electronic sounds came from the people inside the fighter plane.

Each fighter plane aimed at a different location in the town and dropped small missiles one after another.

After the pile of missiles landed, they sprayed out a large amount of mist, which spread throughout the town in a blink of an eye, turning it white.

Anything within the fog is frozen into ice.

Houses, grounds, cars, all without exception, and the same goes for carnivorous vines.

The carnivorous vines that were able to resist any attack before and fought back angrily were now unable to resist the freezing ice.

Even if the vines try to move, they will be immediately cooled into ice.

Finally, more and more carnivorous vines and ivy kept cooling into ice.

Then hundreds of soldiers wearing special forces uniforms and gas masks, holding extremely large devices that looked like rocket launchers, poured out from all directions.

Their appearance caused the already frozen carnivorous vines to begin to struggle violently, and the ice on the surface was constantly breaking.

Even if it is cooled to this point, once the prey is detected, the strange vitality will come into play.

"Continue to spray the freezing gas to stop it from rushing out!"

A man who looked like a captain immediately ordered.

Then the weapon in his hand sprayed out a large amount of cold air, and others also used the same weapon.

The carnivorous vines that had finally struggled to fall were once again frozen so tightly that it was difficult to escape.

However, this group of soldiers from the shelter did not dare to be careless and continued to spray cooling gas to ensure that all carnivorous vines were completely frozen!

"Start cutting!"

Then one of the task force soldiers took out a chainsaw and cut.

Obviously many people have tried to use this method to deal with carnivorous vines before, but all the results were that the chainsaw was cracked by the shock.

However, this time it only took a little effort to cut through the vines of the carnivorous vine.

The fallen part was still shaking, but now it is motionless. On the contrary, the remaining vines immediately grow new vines to fight back.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the task force nearby quickly continued to spray ice mist to cool down.

"Note that the cut-off part of the containment object will not be alive, but the rest will still be there!"

"Copy that! The missile bombing will begin in thirty seconds, and you should evacuate immediately!"

After the sound of the fighter planes came, they dropped missiles emitting ice mist again, ignoring the task force still in the town.

However, in the ice fog, this group of task forces was not affected at all and immediately left the town.

When the time came, all the fighter planes launched missiles and bombed every corner of the town mercilessly.

At this moment, there were flames all around the town, countless rubble and sawdust were flying everywhere, and the ice cubes melted instantly.

The originally peaceful town turned into a sea of ​​​​purgatory fire at this moment.

This scene made some people look shocked and couldn't help but comment.

Fengyuan: "Are you kidding me? You actually bombed it directly. I'm not sure if there are any survivors inside!"

Zhu Xingtuan: "Fengyuan, calm down. Although it's not a good thing to do, you can also see that when it spreads to that extent, I'm afraid there will be no survivors."

Nick Fury: "That's right. In such an extraordinary situation, rescue is no longer possible."

Fengyuan: "But!"

Fengyuan didn't expect that even his own captain would say this, and he felt unwilling to do so. If there were still people alive inside, it would be life.

The stars next to them sighed helplessly when they saw this, there were some things they couldn't help themselves.

Warring States: "Wait a minute! What is that flying thing! Were the shells fired just now! What kind of weapon is this!"

Jiraiya: "There is such a powerful weapon, more powerful than S-level ninjutsu!"

Patton: "What are you talking about? These are fighter planes and missiles. How could you not know?"

Natasha: "Aren't you the Sengoku Marine? You don't understand this kind of air force weapon?"

Warring States: "What air force? We don't have any air force!"

Jiraiya: "Fighter? What is that."

Luffy: "Is this powered by a wind shell? It doesn't look like a ship like Enil, but it's so handsome!"

Franky, Usopp and Chopper: "Agree! It's a man's romance!"

Seeing these people's words, many people had to look confused.

Who doesn't even know about fighter jets?

Marvel world.

Tony Stark looked at the screen in confusion. Are the people from the Pirate Universe and Naruto Universe primitive?

"Wait a minute, one said pirate and the other said ninja, they can't really be ancient people."

Tony Stark twitched the corner of his mouth, if that was the case, it would make sense.

Why does this system find people from previous eras? It can't keep up with the dialogue of the times. It's very embarrassing, isn't it?

One Piece World, Navy Headquarters.

Sengoku looked at the words on the screen with a bad expression.

Those people knew very well about things like fighter planes, but he didn't understand them at all.

Speaking of flying tools, there are not many in this world. At most, they are large birds, or have the ability to move in the air similar to the moonwalk.

The only thing that can be regarded as an air vehicle is a ship that relies on the ability of the Golden Lion Shiji to fly.

"This is called the speed of a fighter jet, it's faster than a ship."

Kizaru couldn't help but admire.

"And the power of this missile is very terrifying!"

Akainu had a solemn look on his face. Only by attacking with all his strength could he achieve such an explosive attack that covered the town, but this missile seemed to be able to replace him easily.

Such a terrifyingly powerful weapon made Akainu's eyes glow with greed.

"Marshal, I think we should also develop such a weapon! Only in this way can we fight pirates more effectively!"

Akainu said excitedly.

Just imagine, pirates are running on the sea, the navy is chasing and bombing with fighter planes, and the other side has no chance to fight back. What a beautiful thing it is!

Sengoku agreed with Akainu's view, and then decided to visit Vegapunk personally and let him study this weapon!

At this time, in the picture, the town was transformed into a sea of ​​fire, and many carnivorous vines fell down one after another.

Everyone thought this was how the carnivorous vine crisis would be solved.

But at this moment, a change occurred, and a large number of carnivorous vines suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​​​fire, rushing towards the Mobile Task Force!

"Release the ice mist quickly!"

Members of the Mobile Task Force quickly sprayed ice fog to resist.

But there were still many vines that fought against the ice fog and killed the task force members.

At this moment, the fighter plane immediately launched cooling missiles to cool down the regrown vines again.

Then they didn't dare to make any move.

Missiles bombing the weak carnivorous vines not only fail to kill them, but also give them a chance to escape!

The terrifying plant properties exceeded all expectations.

Subsequently, conclusions were drawn based on the research of many scientists.

As long as the rhizome of the carnivorous vine is still there, it will regenerate indefinitely, and the rhizome cannot be destroyed by any means.

Therefore, in the final containment meeting, all the vines were cut off and the rhizomes were kept and taken away.

The video stopped here, and then the cold voice sounded again.

"Now predict where carnivorous vines will appear."

Everyone trembled when they heard this, especially Nick Fury who was particularly nervous.

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