American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 11 The terrifying carnivorous vines, how to get rid of them!

The prey of the contained carnivorous vines has rapidly reproduced, leaving everyone stunned.

This completely goes beyond biology, the law of conservation of mass, and completely overturns botanical knowledge!

Marvel world, on a private jet.

"How is this possible! How can plants have such amazing growth capabilities! And they are so destructive!"

Tony Stark couldn't help but stood up excitedly, frightening the stewardess who came to serve him.

Tony Stark ignored them and stared at the screen, watching the brutality of the carnivorous vines. It was simply hell. No one could avoid the pursuit of the vines. Once caught, there would be no chance to scream.

"There are ivy everywhere in this world, don't you think so?"

The more Tony Stark thought about it, the more panicked he became, and he immediately contacted Jarvis.

"Jarvis, check all areas where ivy is bred! Even if you use certain permissions!"


Nick Fury also immediately used his authority to investigate around the world to ensure that there was no reproduction of this plant.

"But it's just a plant after all. It can be solved with gunpowder."

Nick Fury didn't pay much attention.

This was much easier to deal with than the crying woodcarving. He didn't believe that a mere plant could withstand weapons like cannonballs!

One Piece World, Navy Headquarters

"Plant? I can solve it with the eight-foot magatama."

Kizaru didn't take it seriously.

"Indeed, even if you are not an esper, you can still use cannonballs."

Warring States also felt unimpressed. The so-called contained objects this time were not very good.

DC World

Bruce Wayne is anxiously checking every surveillance camera. There are Wayne Enterprise cameras everywhere in Gotham City. He can see every corner of Gotham City at any time.

The ability of carnivorous vines reminded him of his old rival Poison Ivy, who was also a plant enemy. No one knew better than him how big a threat it was.

"How is that possible? How long has it been?"

When Bruce Wayne glanced at the screen, his expression turned extremely ugly.

How long had it passed? This terrifying plant had already taken over most of the town.

A population of tens of thousands is almost turning into a dead city!

There are many people on the screen trying to resist.

Various herbicides were used, chainsaws were used to chop, and guns were fired. Some people even threw gasoline bottles and set fire to them, creating explosions in an attempt to destroy the ivy.

However, these various methods of restraining the plants had no effect on the carnivorous vines. Instead, they seemed to anger the carnivorous vines, forcing them to reproduce even more vigorously.

In less than five minutes, the entire town turned into an ivy jungle.

Not just on the surface, but even in the sewers, rats and workers alike cannot escape.

Now the ivy seems to be unable to find food and has temporarily stopped reproducing. When a creature, even a bird, passes by, it will immediately grow a vine again.

This terrifying plant makes it difficult for those who still despised it at first to say anything.

The Marvel Universe, S.H.I.E.L.D.

"My Fuck! Shit what the hell!"

Nick Fury had to scream in shock when he saw that this plant was not afraid of flames and explosions.

There was a big explosion at a gas station on the screen just now. The explosion power of a gas station was very terrifying, but it was unable to have any effect on the carnivorous vines. Instead, it was extinguished!

Doesn't this mean that even if we send out tanks, even if we use missiles, it will be useless!

"Who said this is easier to deal with than the crying woodcarving!"

Nick Fury's face turned dark, and his facial features were once again unclear.

The Crying Face Woodcarving can also be dealt with through visual contact, but this carnivorous vine has no such weakness and is not afraid of fire. How to deal with it!

This would be even better if it were placed in a more densely populated big city!

Nick Fury couldn't help but tremble at the thought of carnivorous vines multiplying everywhere in the United States.

The town on the screen seems to be a town in the United States. Just now, a wooden sculpture with a crying face appeared here. Isn't it possible that they will be here next?

"Immediately mobilize all satellite inspections, even if it violates certain permissions!"

The more Nick Fury thought about it, the more panicked he became, and he gave instructions to Hill without hesitation.

Kama Taj.

"Master Ancient One, how to deal with this kind of creature?"

Strange's face was full of shock, and his lips were trembling.

It seems that this kind of creature that is beyond the common sense of biology is not something that humans can fight against!

"Don't worry, no matter how powerful I am, I'm just a plant. After all, I have some weaknesses that I can't get rid of."

However, Gu Yi didn't take it seriously. As the Supreme Mage who protects the world, she has dealt with many monsters, including plants.

I know exactly how to deal with it.

I just don’t know how to fight against the world on the screen.


"Brother, do you think you can deal with this bunch of plants?"

Loki suddenly asked with a wicked smile.

"Of course! I am Thor, the God of Thunder!"

After Thor heard this, he immediately raised Mjolnir with an invincible look.

"In front of my lightning, this thing will only be blown to pieces by me!"

After hearing this, Loki just clapped and turned his head with a sneer.

He actually really wanted to see what his stupid big brother would do against this plant. It would be best if he died along with it!

"Thor, stop messing around!"

Odin shouted dissatisfied, and then looked at the huge carnivorous vines.

He has been in the nine realms for many years and has seen many strange plants, but none of them are as good as carnivorous vines. Why can such a monster appear in a mere atrium?

But Odin didn't care. He was holding the most powerful weapon in the Nine Realms, Odin's Spear. One shot could definitely destroy the carnivorous vines.

Even if he doesn't take action, he can still do it if he uses the power of the Rainbow Bridge.

Leo's world.

Fengyuan looked at the terrifying carnivorous vines in shock. How to deal with such a monster that reproduces so quickly and is so tenacious?

If it were placed in our own world, I'm afraid it could cover Japan in one day!

Even monsters will be used as nutrients!

How should I eliminate it myself? Leo's flying kick can't spread on such a large scale!

Wouldn't it be necessary to use L77 light in that case, but in that case the earth would also be destroyed!

The more Fengyuan thought about it, the more anxious he became. He had no idea how to deal with this plant.

"Don't worry, this is a plant after all."

At this time, Zhu Xingtuan spoke to comfort him.

He has been traveling in the universe for many years, has seen plant-type enemies, and knows how to deal with them.

Now that I have thought of it, I should also add the topic of training Fengyuan!

Dragon Ball World.

On the snake path.

"Hey, is it such a powerful life force? I wonder if I can't destroy it with the Turtle Style Qi Function?"

Sun Wukong looked at the carnivorous vines curiously. The horror of the carnivorous vines did not scare him, but instead raised a sense of fighting.

No matter who his opponent was, if he felt strong, he would have thought of a few moves.

in the universe.

Vegeta snorted disdainfully.

"What the hell? Broken plants don't matter. As long as I destroy the earth, it will cease to exist."

At this time, many armed helicopters and transport planes appeared on the screen thousands of meters above the carnivorous vines.

Written on their surface are the words Contained Object Containment Society!

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw this.

Everyone already knew that this screen was created by the so-called containment committee, but they didn't expect them to show up.

What kind of strength do these beings have who can publish videos and make predictions across the universe?

The answer will be revealed at this moment!

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