Unexpectedly, there was a huge amount of arena inside. Following Liu Hao's route, it happened to be the entrance of the arena, which was full of Ten Rings' senior executives.

"Please look, the one who didn't know he had fallen into our trap was Liu Hao, the inconspicuous policeman from the New York Police Department."

The host in the arena exaggeratedly introduced to the senior executives.

"His opponent is our strongest experimental result tonight, the ultimate fighting monster from the military!"

The senior executives followed the host's gaze and found that in the other corner of the arena, there was a five-meter-high monster bound by chains.

As soon as they saw the monster, they all cheered. Because at this moment, they were waiting to see Liu Hao and the character on the opposite side of the arena fight fiercely.

At the other end of the arena, Liu Hao's opponent was the third experimental product of Ross's military. Perhaps it was temporarily created to fight Liu Hao, the blue-skinned Hulk replica was full of various tubes, as if it was injected with drugs all the time.

In addition to the huge muscles, the blue Hulk drooled like a hungry Beast, and made a low roar from time to time. The more sick the Blue Hulk was, the more excited the high-ranking officials on the stage were. They were looking forward to the Blue Hulk tearing Liu Hao alive! Maybe if Liu Hao lived longer, the Blue Hulk would be able to play with him more happily, and the high-ranking officials would be more satisfied watching!

They dared to watch the live broadcast here because they had the Mutant who joined the Ten Rings as guards to protect them.

So the high-ranking officials cheered and were ready to watch Liu Hao being torn into pieces by the Blue Hulk.

However, the disdainful smile on Liu Hao's face surprised everyone. They thought Liu Hao was crazy, and the host immediately ordered to release the Blue Hulk.

The Blue Hulk, who was intubated, broke free from the restraints and rushed towards Liu Hao with a roar. Liu Hao did not move at all in the cheers of the crowd, and was indifferent even when the Blue Hulk approached him.

Finally, the Blue Hulk punched Liu Hao! Huge amounts of sound vibrations, and strong air waves erupted with the two as the core.

"He died so soon?"

"Tsk, I thought he was so powerful, but he turned out to be just an ordinary person?"

The high-ranking officials talked a lot, thinking that Liu Hao was useless.

Until someone noticed that there was not a drop of blood at the scene.

Then, someone exclaimed: "He...he's not dead??"

"Not only is he not dead, fuck, he's fine!"

Liu Hao easily caught the blue Hulk's fist with his palm. The monster didn't believe it and threw several punches in a row. Liu Hao let it hit him this time.

As the blue Hulk's physical strength gradually ran out, not only the blue Hulk, but also all the senior executives present were confused and panicked.

"It's my turn."

Liu Hao responded concisely, and then punched lightly.

The next second, the blue Hulk was directly knocked out! The blue monster's body was deeply embedded in the wall.

Just as it tried its best to get out of the wall.

On Liu Hao's side, two red lights quietly lit up.

The heat vision that followed swept over and swallowed the blue Hulk!

In less than two minutes, the blue Hulk turned into ashes.

"Oh my God! What's going on??"

"Run! Quick! Come and protect me!"

The senior executives finally panicked and fled in fear.

Liu Hao soared into the air, his red eyes flashing as he scanned the high-level officials in the arena, and he said coldly: "Don't even think about surviving." Liu Hao floated in the air like a demon, his eyes red, and his hot eyes swept the entire arena! Wherever his eyes went, no grass grew, and no creature could escape his power! The entire arena, whether it was Mutants or ordinary people, was bloodily cleansed! In the dungeon where the little wolf girl was, the two guards vaguely heard screams coming from above. This couldn't be the voice of Liu Hao alone, and Liu Hao's men couldn't have gotten here.

So there is only one answer, those voices all come from their own people!

Instantly, the two guards panicked, there are thousands of people outside holding high-tech weapons and Mutants!

Definitely, they can't panic for long.

The next moment, gunshots rang out, and two bullets that could turn accurately hit the foreheads of the two guards.

Then, Liu Hao, holding a gun, naked upper body, and covered in blood, came to the little wolf girl and smiled: "Superman is solved, we can go."

The little wolf girl nodded, not showing surprise, after all, she had expected everything.

At the S.H.I.E.L.D base.

Ross looked relaxed, imagining how tragic Liu Hao would scream before he died. Nick had a bad feeling and asked, "Are you sure your third test subject can solve all this?"

Ross said arrogantly, "Relax, what do you think of Liu Hao? He is just an ordinary person, not Superman!"

"We have deployed so many people together!"

"Ten Rings has it, Mutant has it, and the ace test subject has it too!"

"A little Liu Hao is enough for him to die tens of millions of times!"

Nick Fury retorted, "Liu Hao is not Superman, but he knows Superman! The forces we deployed are probably not enough to fill Superman's teeth."

"So haven't we been closely monitoring everything within a hundred miles around the Ten Rings prison?"

General Ross said, calling up hundreds of surveillance videos.

"With so many surveillances, there is no blind spot in all directions. Once Superman appears, the surveillance can capture him immediately!"

"Thank you S.H.I.E.L.D for your technical support." General Ross said with satisfaction.

Nick looked at the surveillance screen and nodded. Indeed, they had deployed surveillance in all directions leading to the Ten Rings prison.

But under the surveillance camera, Nick and Ross did not find any trace of Superman.

They only saw Deadpool who entered first, and Liu Hao who waited for Deadpool to deal with everything before entering.

At that time, they laughed at Liu Hao, a guy who didn't know what was waiting for him.

Hundreds of lurking Japanese ninjas, as well as the third experimental subject and Mutant, were waiting to tear him to pieces!

Seeing this scene, Ross began to celebrate.

"Now that so much time has passed, we should also collect intelligence, right?" Nick wanted to know the situation anxiously.

Ross nodded and called Ten Rings, but no one answered.

What happened? The people of Ten Rings disobeyed orders? This was Ross's first thought.

Then he called the army guarding the prison, but no one answered! The third and fourth calls, still no answer!

Ross was already a little panicked, and Nick saw this and quickly called the positioning device installed on Mutant.

Surprisingly, he found that all the positioning devices were damaged!

Under normal circumstances, even if a person dies, the positioning device should still be there.

And now this situation shows that - that group of people are not only dead, but also dead without a burial place!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Ross was completely stunned.

"The Ten Rings were completely wiped out..." Nick Fury said in disbelief.

"Deadpool doesn't have the ability to cause such casualties, and it's even more impossible for Liu Hao to be an ordinary person!"

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