Ten Rings? Why would they arrest me? The little wolf girl was puzzled.

This gang had been rampant for many years in American history, and the little wolf girl had naturally heard of the name of Ten Rings.

The leader of Ten Rings is Chinese, who is said to have immortality and is the Mongolian emperor Genghis Khan.

But this is just a legend, and the little wolf girl doesn't know the actual situation.

She couldn't think of when she offended Ten Rings or hindered their plans.

Could it be Liu Hao?

But Ten Rings is not active in New York, so he shouldn't conflict with Liu Hao.

Perhaps the answer is not the relationship between Ten Rings and Liu Hao, but that Ten Rings was hired by other powerful people to threaten Liu Hao by kidnapping herself.

The little wolf girl thought about it and finally smiled.

The two guards were stunned when they saw this scene. One of them turned to his companion and asked:

"Is this woman crazy? The higher-ups said they wanted to capture her alive. Will we be scolded if we scare her silly?"

"Idiots, I think you are ridiculously stupid. Do you think your gang is so powerful that you are not afraid of any force?"

The little wolf girl shook her head gently and said, "You don't understand what kind of existence you are facing at all."

Outside the dungeon, in the area where the little wolf girl was, the members of the Ten Rings were densely packed, holding all kinds of weapons in their hands, surrounding the high walls, three layers outside three layers, with nearly 10,000 people. This is the defensive formation commonly used by the leader of the Ten Rings, usually used to imprison serious criminals, and in the history of the Ten Rings, there has never been a precedent of being broken.

"Hey, brother, today is the third day we have been guarding this guy, right?" On the outer high wall, a guard chatted with the person next to him.

The guard who didn't want to deal with it couldn't stand the loneliness and responded: "Well, it's been three days, and there's no movement. I don't know if the other party is timid or too stupid to find this place. I don't even have a chance to show my excellent shooting skills."

"How long does it take for someone to come to rescue in such a situation?" asked the first guard.

At this time, the third guard interrupted: "You guy, are you new here?"

"Yes, today is my first day on duty. I was sent to the outermost because of my outstanding performance." The first guard replied.

"For serious criminals like this, usually someone will come to try to break through the next day or even that night. The sooner they start, the sooner they will surrender. But why is your voice weird?" The second guard said, noticing something strange, "What are you talking with in your mouth?"

The first guard waved his hand and explained: "Nothing, maybe because I wear two masks, my speech is a bit strange."

"Two masks?" The other guards were surprised.

"That's right." The guard took off his mask, revealing the mask under the red tights: "This is it."

"You bastard!" The guard panicked and wanted to shoot, but he was a step slower than Deadpool and was suddenly attacked by him.

Then, three gunshots rang out, bullets flew, and all the guards around were killed.

Seeing this, the guards in the distance came to support with guns. Deadpool stretched his muscles, holding a Katana in one hand and a pistol in the other, and said excitedly: "Let's kill!" After that, he rushed into the crowd and started killing.

The three layers of guards, with knives up and down, killed countless Ten Rings members. Deadpool's killing game lasted for more than two hours.

Finally, the sniper shot him in the head from a distance. Having seen Deadpool's super recovery ability, the sniper fired a few more shots until Deadpool was beaten into a pulp.

"That guy should be dead, right?" The sniper breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he turned his eyes to the gate, he found that a figure was slowly stepping over the corpses and heading straight to the center of the prison.

The sniper just aimed at the burly figure and was ready to shoot, but was spotted by the other party first.

He saw his mouth curled up, then raised his pistol, and with a bang, the bullet hit the sniper's forehead. Damn... pistol bullet... How could it be! The sniper died with confusion.

Liu Hao walked to the center of the prison, and Deadpool only needed to leave him there for self-healing.

Liu Hao knew where the sniper's confusion came from before his death. After all, like gun fighting, you only need to accurately control the wrist skills to greatly increase the shooting distance and accuracy. There may be no second skill in the world.

So in theory, as long as there are enough pistols and bullets, Liu Hao can destroy any powerful team or force in the world.

Definitely, he could just shoot everything with hot weapons, but that would be too easy for them.

No matter who hired these people and how powerful their equipment is, Liu Hao must let them suffer the greatest pain if he wants them to die!

This is why Liu Hao agreed to let Deadpool go on a killing spree, because he himself also intends to do so!

Liu Hao stepped into the prison. As soon as he stepped in, more than 200 men in black holding various ninja tools suddenly emerged from the dark corner and surrounded him.

"You are finally here, prison escapee, our group of ninjas have been waiting here for a long time." The black-clad man who looked like the leader looked at Liu Hao and said with a mean smile: "You dare to come in with only a pistol, where do you get the courage? We have more than 200 ninjas, how can you fight us?"

Liu Hao showed his pistol and four-round magazine, and said disdainfully: "Just use this pistol, it is enough to blow up all of you ninjas who are living a comfortable life one by one."

The leader was furious: "Baga Yalu! Cut him!"

The ninjas immediately swarmed up.

In the darkness, the sound of gunfire was intertwined with the roars and screams of the islanders. Every time the sparks from the pistol illuminated the darkness, an islander fell at Liu Hao's feet.

Liu Hao was already bloodthirsty. The revengeful anger aroused by these guys, coupled with the Chinese blood in his bones, made him kill all these comfortable islanders!

One of the island ninjas panicked, crawled over the bodies of his brothers in a panic, and after escaping from Liu Hao's range, he frantically called for help on the radio: "Hey, hey?! We can't hold on! Quick, take out that secret weapon, without the support of that big guy, we will be wiped out immediately...Puff! Ah!"

Before the escaping ninja finished speaking, the leader stabbed him in the abdomen with a knife and cursed: "Baga Yalu! Japan does not allow deserters!" But glancing at the crazy killing Liu Hao, the leader wisely picked up the radio and continued to shout: "He is right, help, help! We need help! Release that monster!"

Not long after, the ninja leader was not spared and also died at the hands of Liu Hao, still using their knife to cut off his head.

After killing all the Japanese, Liu Hao still weighed the knives and commented softly: "Even the knives are not well imitated, they are so weird."

Throwing away the knife, Liu Hao continued to move forward.

At this time, Liu Hao's keen hearing caught the roar of the monster from the depths of the prison.

Liu Hao tidied his clothes without any care and continued to move forward.

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