[Note: I originally just wanted to quietly create and tell a story that everyone is familiar with, but there are always people who keep questioning why the protagonist wants to be a policeman and why he wants to hide his identity? What's wrong, can't you just enjoy crushing directly?

Can't you just be an ordinary person to conquer your lover? Do you have to be a Superman and let people throw themselves into your arms?

Do you understand the pleasure of conquering... I'll give you the pen, you try to write it? I'm almost confused by you. Besides, do you like to expose your identity to attract enemies, then kill everyone with cheats, and finally the plot collapses?

Personally, I don't like the invincible flow, and the protagonist just yearns for a peaceful life and creates conditions for his own romance, that's all. ]

Before he had time to find out the source of the alarm, Black widow Natasha Romanoff had rushed into his office and reported urgently.

"One of our bases... was completely destroyed!"

"What did you say?!"

Nick frowned when he heard this, and almost lost control.

"Every S.H.I.E.L.D base is equipped with the world's top security system and armed forces. Who is it that attacked us?" Natasha Romanoff heard this, and after a brief silence, she looked directly at Nick. "It's not a force, and it can't even be called a team... It's a person." Nick pondered for a moment, combined with the information, and came up with an absurd guess. "Is it him, Liu Hao?" Black widow Natasha Romanoff shook her head gently. However, her answer did not make Nick relieved, but deepened his confusion and shock. "The one who attacked our base was Superman." "Superman???" Nick thought he had heard it wrong, and asked Natasha Romanoff again. "You mean, the Superman in those children's superhero comics?" Natasha Romanoff looked directly at Nick, indicating that she would never joke at such a critical moment. "Yes, it's the Superman in the children's comics." As she said that, she handed Nick a tablet. "If you think I'm talking nonsense or hallucinating, then take a look at the surveillance video in the computer." Nick took the computer and played the video. The scene on the screen made him unbelievable. First, Superman Liu Hao outside the base slaughtered people around him at lightning speed.

Then, with a sonic boom, he smashed the titanium alloy door that was said to be the strongest.

Then, he came to the inner layer of the base and started killing people.

All this took no more than ten minutes.

In the last few seconds of the surveillance, Liu Hao looked at the camera and smiled arrogantly.

Then, the screen showed him smashing the second giant door with super speed and critical hit.

The surveillance stopped abruptly, but at this moment, the killer who was no different from Superman was still wreaking havoc!

"Liu Hao!" The name came out of Nick's mouth.

He just offended Liu Hao, and then, a monster wearing a red cape and tights rushed straight to the S.H.I.E.L.D base.

Connecting these two things, even a fool knows that this Superman must be related to Liu Hao!

Nick knows something about super abilities such as X-Men, and has seen many Beta-level and even Omega-level Mutants.

But now, a fictional character that should only exist in comics has appeared!

And he is the superhero with the most super ability——Superman.

What Nick didn't expect was that

Liu Hao, who was unknown in the New York Police Department, actually knew such a person.

And their relationship was so close that the other party was willing to stand up for him!

At the moment, he really realized that Liu Hao was not a good person!

After two minutes of contemplation, Nick reached out and said to Natasha Romanoff: "Mobile phone, call Liu Hao for me."

But Natasha Romanoff shook her head and looked at Nick helplessly: "I have tried, and now, I can't get through to Liu Hao's phone at all."

"What did you say?!"

At this moment, Nick was in a real dilemma, because Liu Hao had cut off his retreat and didn't even leave him a chance to reconcile.

It seemed to tell Nick clearly that once he angered Liu Hao, he would pay a bloody price!

The screen switched, and Liu Hao kicked the last agent deep in the S.H.I.E.L.D base in another area to end his life.

Looking around at the devastation and ruins, he muttered to himself: "The base in Florida, solved."

He recalled what Pierce told him about S.H.I.E.L.D bases across the United States, and then said to himself: "Next."

After that, Liu Hao stomped his feet and instantly rose into the air at the speed of sound, the air produced a sonic boom, and the surrounding debris was blown away by the airflow.

Liu Hao soared in the air, flying to the next S.H.I.E.L.D base with a clear goal.

After learning that Liu Hao could not be contacted, Nick Fury immediately conveyed the order of full alert to other bases and activated the highest level of defense.

Therefore, when Liu Hao arrived at the new base and prepared to kill, the outside was full of fully armed agents, who were waiting with guns.

As soon as Liu Hao appeared, a rocket was immediately fired, igniting his entire body like a firework.

When everyone saw this scene, they secretly rejoiced.

They thought that this guy was good at avoiding attacks, but the first rocket hit him.

This rocket launcher is the most powerful weapon upgraded by the S.H.I.E.L.D. Technology Department. It can easily destroy tanks!

However, they underestimated the defense of the guy floating in the air and surrounded by flames, which is far beyond the reach of tanks.

Soon, an agent noticed something was wrong.

"Why hasn't he fallen down after being hit?"

Then, a sharp-eyed agent noticed that the figure in the flames did not disappear, but was approaching them!

That guy is still alive? !

The commander of the intelligence department shouted in shock.

"Fire! All fire! Use any weapon, and pour it madly at the alien in the sky!"

Outside the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, as the order was issued, artillery fire and smoke filled the sky in an instant.

The agents did not dare to slack off, and they all aimed their firepower at the night sky, pouring out like a storm.

In the dark night, the roar and flash of artillery fire illuminated the sky, forming a spectacular barrage.

However, no matter how dense the ammunition was, how deafening the sound was, or how powerful it was, once it touched Liu Hao, it all turned into nothing.

It was as if they were not firing special guns and ammunition, but children's toy guns sold by street vendors.

The key point is that even if their attacks were ineffective, Liu Hao would not stop flying.

Faced with such an overwhelming force, anyone would understand that being approached by such a guy would only end in death!

But they miscalculated, underestimated Liu Hao's ability, and misunderstood his character.

Although Liu Hao was unscathed in the gunfire, he was still unhappy with the mist around him.

So, everyone saw Liu Hao flying in the air, reaching up to push up the sunglasses on his nose, so that the lenses were out of sight.

At the moment when he took off his glasses, two beams of crimson light lit up in the night sky, right in Liu Hao's eyes.

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