"Isn't Nick Fury's business your business?" Liu Hao asked back.

"I know you must have advised him not to mess with me. After all, the ground that was razed to the ground last time is still not cold, right?" Liu Hao continued.

At this point, his tone was full of anger: "But your advice is ineffective, Nick Fury still challenges my bottom line, I'll give them a taste of color, is there a problem?"

Pierce sighed, it seems that this war is inevitable, he tried to compromise with Liu Hao: "How can I not be involved?"

"You are not the kind of person who calls the enemy to inform them before the war." Pierce pointed out: "What do you want by calling?"

"You are quite smart." Liu Hao said.

He made a request in an extremely arrogant tone: "I can give you a chance to live, on the condition that you tell me the detailed information of all S.H.I.E.L.D bases."

S.H.I.E.L.D has many bases in the United States, which Liu Hao knows, but the specific location, except for S.H.I.E.L.D agents, no one knows.

So he locked his target on HYDRA leader Pierce. He had enough bargaining chips to make this guy confess.

Pierce wanted to try to bargain again, but he thought of Superman behind Liu Hao, the man with the power to destroy the world.

Liu Hao had been angered by Nick, the idiot. Now he provoked him again. Liu Hao asked Superman to take action in anger... The consequences were simply unimaginable!

"Have you decided?"

Liu Hao on the other end of the phone was like a ghost: "I only have ten seconds of patience left. You don't want to know what will happen to me when I lose my patience."

The pressure was like a huge wave, hitting Pierce's soul hard.

Liu Hao's threat was like a shadow, always shrouding him, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Ten... nine... eight...

Liu Hao's voice counted down mercilessly, seven... six... five...

Pierce sighed helplessly and stopped.

On the other end of the phone, Liu Hao's mouth curled up a sneer.

He had completely controlled Pierce's psychology, making it impossible for Pierce to refuse to trade with him.

Pierce spoke up and revealed the locations of S.H.I.E.L.D. bases around the world. The population flow and prosperity of each place were different.

Liu Hao recorded them one by one, and then asked: Where is Nick Fury?

This sentence announced Liu Hao's intention. He wanted to settle accounts with Nick Fury directly and then destroy the base.

However, Pierce had no way out. Since becoming the leader of HYDRA, Liu Hao has become the most difficult negotiating opponent in his life.

Liu Hao's bargaining chips were too strong, and no one was willing to take the risk of confronting him head-on, otherwise only death would be waiting.

Pierce could only reveal Nick Fury's whereabouts again: he is now at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base in Washington.

Beep beep beep...

After Pierce told where Nick Fury was, Liu Hao decisively hung up the phone.

This was the first time that Pierce, the leader of HYDRA, had been treated like this.

More importantly, he couldn't be angry, because the person who hung up the phone was someone he absolutely couldn't provoke.

The situation is now clear. Knowing the location of the S.H.I.E.L.D base, the Superman behind Liu Hao can no longer sit idly by.

Pierce looks outside the office and vaguely senses the calm before the storm. His intuition is correct.

The scene switches to a S.H.I.E.L.D base.

The guard outside the base finds something unusual through the telescope and immediately communicates with his companions via radio:

There is a strange thing in the sky. Is the technology department testing new weapons?

Something in the sky? I haven't heard of it. As far as I know, the technology department hasn't made any new weapons recently. The companion responded in confusion.

Did you see it wrong? Is that a plane or a bird?

The guard held the radio and looked up at the sky: Plane? Bird? No... that's...

He watched the object get closer and closer.

Close enough to see clearly, the red and blue Superman with a huge S embroidered on his chest, descending like a meteorite, allowing him to see the other person's face clearly.

The sudden scene and sense of oppression made the guard forget to raise his gun, just widened his eyes and blurted out: Superman.


huge amounts of pressure fell from the sky, and dust flew.

The companion who was talking to the guard only heard the harsh noise coming from the radio.

The outermost guard stared at the radio in confusion, muttering to himself:

This is the latest radio of the Ministry of Science and Technology, how can it break so easily?

He looked up at the gate of the base and motioned several duty personnel to go over and check.

This titanium alloy gate is sturdy and soundproof. No matter what happens outside, it cannot be heard inside the base.

This is usually a good thing, which can isolate the inside and outside and prevent people inside the base from being disturbed.

But at this moment, the disadvantages are revealed. The guards know nothing about the outside world, and even the surveillance did not capture the abnormality just now.

Usually this is just a trivial matter.

But now, the guards looked at each other, and no one dared to step forward.

According to them, everyone felt a deep and inexplicable fear of this door.

Although they knew that the S.H.I.E.L.D base was one of the safest bases in the world, and the troops within ten miles of the periphery could easily resist an elite force!

But at this moment, fear permeated everyone's heart.

However, this is an order, and they must overcome their fear and obey.

At the firm request of the leader, several guards took guns and walked towards the titanium alloy gate step by step.

There is a surveillance in front of the gate, covering a wide range of two kilometers. They only need to approach the gate to check the situation.

However, standing in front of the indestructible door, his body suddenly trembled, which was an uncontrollable reaction.

It was as if their bodies collectively warned them at this moment! That was the biofield oppression from a powerful creature!

But the warning was too late. Outside the door, the air was instantly vibrated by the sonic boom generated by the high speed.

The guards looked at each other in panic and wanted to escape, but the moment they turned around...


huge amounts of impact instantly acted on the titanium alloy door!

The incredible force caused the titanium alloy door to instantly break apart, and fragments flew everywhere!

But this is not the most terrible thing.

What really chilled people was that the tall figure in a red cloak and a red and blue tights suddenly appeared at the door.

This damn... is... Superman? !

At the moment, the security captain who led the team finally understood the meaning of the last sentence of the guard outside.

However, he was worse than his colleagues outside. Before he could use the radio to notify the inside, he was crushed into a pulp by the door panel smashed by Liu Hao.

Definitely, Liu Hao, who turned into Superman, treated everyone fairly, and he wanted everyone present to pay the price!

Liu Hao, who turned into a slaughter mode, accelerated with a sonic boom, accompanied by a heavy punch, and instantly turned into a powerful human cannon, defeating the members of S.H.I.E.L.D one by one!

Boom boom boom! The outermost layer of the base was a river of blood.

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. center in Washington, Nick Fury was suddenly pierced by the red alert.

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