American Comics: I Am Thor, And My Partner Is Phoenix!

Chapter 17 Bullets Can't Penetrate

Pierce remained silent.

"Forty seconds."

Liu Hao reminded: "The technology is very advanced now. The speed of text message transmission should be faster than the speed of your escape from S.H.I.E.L.D., right?"

"Twenty seconds." Liu Hao's tone became fierce.


"Stop." A low voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Although I really don't know what you are talking about."

But I heard you are talking about Laura Kinney. I checked the information and found that she has been transferred from the ECU Chemical Plant in New York to an abandoned building outside the city.

Where is the location? Liu Hao asked,

A corner of South Texas...

Liu Hao immediately drove straight to the destination. When the phone was hung up, he left a warning: If I arrive and find that the person is missing, you will know what a raging storm is.


Before Liu Hao found the ECU Chemical Plant in northern New York, the little wolf girl Laura had been transferred to a new secret base by Baron Strucker who received the news. At first, Strucker did not take Liu Hao seriously, but the warning from his boss Pierce made him unable to ignore it. Pierce warned Strucker not to take risks with Laura Kinney, a precious experimental subject, and to avoid a direct confrontation with Liu Hao.

So Strucker had to do as he was told and transferred X23, that is, Laura Kinney. However, deep down, he still looked down on Liu Hao, a small figure. This time the base was no longer located in New York, but in a corner of Texas.

For Strucker, transferring Laura was just a small matter. HYDRA's bases were spread all over the United States and even abroad. They were well organized and the transfer was easy. This was the safe haven selected by Pierce himself. It looked like an ordinary abandoned building on the outside, but it was actually a fortress armed to the teeth.

In terms of attack, bombs and penetrations, and automatic machine guns on the walls were ready; in terms of defense, the door was made of titanium alloy, the base was surrounded by mines, and the tunnel leading to the base was equipped with venomous laser infrared rays. Not to mention people, even birds would die instantly if they strayed in. Even if Liu Hao could find this place, he couldn't step through the door, let alone rescue the hostages among HYDRA's top agents.

In Baron Strucker's eyes, this place is an impregnable castle. Liu Hao is just an ordinary policeman with outstanding shooting skills. Even if he finds this place, it is a daydream to break through this absolute defense line!

Weapon upgrade completed, ready for use at any time... an agent reported, as if adding strength to Strucker's wings.

Strucker nodded: put it into use.

HYDRA members were busy, and Strucker watched Laura Kinney being sent to a new titanium alloy cage equipped with a gravity system. No matter how strong the body is, people imprisoned here will be exhausted and unable to resist.

But this Liu Hao actually tracked down our base for X23.

It seems that you are of great value. Strucker stood outside the cage and whispered to Laura.

Although it is a pity to lose the base, with Laura Kinney, the new Wolverine, in hand, we can achieve more scientific research results...

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, the base shook violently, and then a huge sound like a sonic boom came from outside, and everyone in the base fell into panic.

What made them panic was not the loudness of the sound, but that they could not tell what it was! It was neither a missile nor a tank, but it brought a strong tremor.

Stark's heart moved. At the moment there was trouble. Could it really be Liu Hao?

Regardless of whether it was him or not, the intruder must not return!

Strucker grabbed a fully armed member and said in a deep voice: Take someone to check the situation. If you encounter an intruder, kill him without mercy.

Yes, Baron Strucker. The agent agreed, and then called the others to go outside the base together.

The team consisted of more than a dozen agents. The entrance to the base was a dark tunnel. They held submachine guns and wore night vision goggles and kept moving forward. Even though the tunnel was dark, the agents had night vision equipment and should have an advantage, while the enemy was in the dark.

However, during the march, all the agents felt fear at the same time, like moths to a flame, knowing the danger, but getting closer and closer. This is a powerful biological field, called the absolute field, which gave the agents' bodies a strong warning: Don't move forward, otherwise, your life will end here!

But when they realized all this, it was too late.

Boom! One side of the tunnel exploded instantly, rubble splashed, and a tall and mighty figure appeared in the dark tunnel!

The agents looked at him together.

In night vision mode, they saw the man clearly.


The agents were confused, but what they saw was not a superhero cosplay! Because he was floating in the air, his muscular body outlined by the tights looked like a real Superman, like a god!

Shoot... Shoot! Shoot quickly!

An agent first realized the seriousness of the situation and hurriedly ordered everyone to shoot, but he did not fully realize the seriousness.

Bang, bang, bang!

Countless bullets were fired at the god in mid-air, but the terrifying thing was that every bullet that touched his body, including the red and blue battle suit, was instantly crushed to the ground!

The bullets could not penetrate him!

Really... really indestructible Superman? ! How is this possible? ! The agents could not accept the facts in front of them, because this was beyond their cognition!

The superhero in the comics was floating in front of them alive at this moment, and this kind of impact was unbearable for anyone!

The agents' thoughts stopped instantly, and the only thing they could do was to pour bullets at the man frantically, as if doing so could exchange for a glimmer of hope for survival. However, everything was in vain.

Once Liu Hao used his secret weapon, put on the Superman battle robe, and turned on the super ability mode, the result was self-evident-he became an invincible existence!

In the dense rain of bullets, Liu Hao moved slowly in the air with a mighty figure, gradually approaching the terrified agents. He let them use all their strength, not caring at all, just quietly approaching, feeling the extreme panic of the enemy in front of him!

Just like a leisurely lion king slowly walking towards the helpless flock of sheep, although the flock of sheep struggled to resist, what threat did the sheep's horns pose to the lion?


An agent collapsed as Liu Hao expected, dropped his weapon, and fled without hesitation. This was the wisest choice in his life.

The other agents who reacted a little slower followed suit. Everyone understood that facing an impenetrable shield, no matter how fierce the attack was, it would be futile. Liu Hao witnessed their embarrassed escape, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He leaned slightly, and then, he suddenly accelerated while suspended in the air, instantly surpassing the speed of sound, and rushed straight to the fleeing soldiers! The sense of oppression was like a super bomb falling from the sky!

The sonic boom sounded again, and a series of loud noises shocked people.

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