"The man chasing Grant?" Natasha Romanoff repeated.

Nick answered: "The man with anger like a volcano will make him suffer."



The shrill screams echoed in the forests of suburban Florida.

That was the scream of Grant Ward, and it was Liu Hao who made all this.

He saved Grant, but not out of kindness, but to make this beast reveal the information he wanted to know.

After Liu Hao dealt with the black-clad men who were chasing Grant, he shot Grant's leg with a pistol and began to ask: "Where is Laura Kinney?"

Grant screamed a few times, and replied with pain: "I don't know what you are talking about..."

Bang bang bang!

Three more shots were shot into his other leg. Grant was in great pain, but still unwilling to speak.

Liu Hao definitely would not give up.

He squatted down, pulled out a dagger from his tactical boots, and pointed it at Grant's hand.

Before Grant could react, the dagger had pierced deeply!

At this moment, Grant's palm was pierced and his hand was disabled.

Heart-wrenching pain pierced through his brain.

"Where is Laura Kinney, the woman who was taken away six days ago?"

Liu Hao held Grant's palm with one hand, held the dagger with the other hand, and pulled it hard towards his wrist.

Grant's palm was pulled into two bloody halves separated by the middle finger.

"I'll tell you! Stop... Stop!" In the end, the pain overcame reason, and Grant compromised.

Liu Hao loosened the handle of the knife, did not help him pull out the dagger, and said coldly: "Speak."

Grant Ward gritted his teeth and endured the pain: "I... I don't know where Laura Kinney was held by our people, but I remember where they asked me to send her!"

"They asked me to take her to the ECU Chemical Plant! It's an abandoned old factory located in northern New York. I swear in the name of God that I didn't lie!"

His oath had no effect on Liu Hao, who looked at him expressionlessly.

While Grant was talking, Liu Hao activated the super ability he won in the lottery, including a perspective eye skill. Through this ability, he could see Grant's heartbeat, which usually beats faster than usual when people lie to survive in life-or-death situations. However, Grant Ward's heartbeat remained stable, confirming his honesty and the information was beyond doubt.

"I told you everything!" Grant pleaded anxiously, "Please take me to the doctor! I'm dying! You're a policeman, you won't let me die, right?"

"I've already said that." Liu Hao raised his pistol and aimed at the stunned Grant, "I'll make you pay."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Hao pulled the trigger without hesitation. With a bang, Grant's life ended without even leaving a last word.

"ECU Chemical Plant." Liu Hao repeated the place revealed by Grant, the place where Laura was sent. Then, he left the woods, drove fast, started, shifted gears, and sped at the vehicle's maximum speed.

No ordinary person dared to drive like this, but Liu Hao, who had Superman's vision and hearing, was different. He is like a professional racing driver, with his brain and body integrated into one, able to control the direction and accurately judge the road conditions.

Nevertheless, Liu Hao's current Ability still cannot reach the level of time-transcending metamorphosis of Superman in the Silver Age. He has limitations and can only maximize human potential, but cannot change his fate.

After arriving at the ECU chemical plant, Liu Hao used his perspective eyes to scan the area and found that there was no one there. Grant was not lying, which meant that the person was not gone, but had escaped.

Liu Hao was always a step slower at every critical moment, and this time he was really angry. He had experienced countless battles, and no matter how strong or weak the enemy was, he could always make them embarrassed. Unexpectedly, the opponent this time was just a waste who could only run away!

"They dare not confront head-on, and they are usually cowards who run away after getting the news." Liu Hao clenched his fists, and Superman's thermal vision seemed to be able to spray lasers at any time, "HYDRA, you really pissed me off this time!"

That's right, Liu Hao, who knew the Marvel universe well, naturally knew that the enemy was the HYDRA organization. He knew that most of the HYDRA members were lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., and he also knew that they were evil villains and enemies of superheroes. In the past, their actions had nothing to do with Liu Hao, and they did not interfere with each other. Liu Hao was too lazy to pay attention to such organizations.

However, this time, HYDRA challenged Liu Hao's bottom line again and again. They are playing their own games, but they are playing tricks on Liu Hao?

Arresting people in front of him, always giving him a heavy blow before approaching the target?

Like to manipulate behind the scenes? Good at preemptive strikes?

Liu Hao will let you know who you have offended!

Anger has reached its peak, this is the most terrible state Liu Hao has ever been in.

"HYDRA, everyone will pay the price!" Liu Hao took out his mobile phone and entered Director Arthur's number.

A few seconds later, Arthur answered the call: "Liu Hao? Calling at this time, haven't you solved your problem yet? What help do you need from me? Equipment or manpower?"

"No need." Liu Hao lowered his voice, "I just want to talk to one person."

Arthur asked: "Who do you want me to transfer? What is his identity and name?"

"Former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Alexander Pierce."

In Pierce's office at the S.H.I.E.L.D base.

An hour ago, Pierce had just called Strucker and asked him to move the base immediately. Now he was rubbing his temples, thinking about how to deal with the stupid Strucker. At this time, the phone on the desk rang. Pierce saw the unfamiliar number and thought it was someone from HYDRA, so he answered it.

"Who is this?" Pierce asked tentatively.

"HYDRA Hail, leader Pierce." The mocking tone on the other end of the phone hit Pierce hard.

Pierce's face sank and he whispered, "Who are you?"

"You know who I am."

"Don't you think you have control over me?"

Liu Hao on the phone spoke in a contemptuous and condescending tone.

Pierce immediately understood that the caller was Liu Hao, known as the Light of New York. But he still played dumb: "I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe you dialed the wrong number or there was some misunderstanding."

"I don't have time to play dumb with you. I only have one question. Where is my person Laura Kinney? You only have two minutes to answer me." Liu Hao asked.

"Sorry, this is not a missing persons agency. If you want to find someone, I suggest you call 119 for help." Pierce continued to play dumb.

"Don't tell me? Nick Fury is having a headache finding the traitor right now, right?" Liu Hao said coldly.

"Do you think I can peel off the disguise of you and the other snakeheads?" Liu Hao asked coldly.

Pierce on the other end of the phone fell silent.

"One minute left." Liu Hao started the countdown.


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