Public opinion has come to the side of the military, which is what Liu Feng wants to see. After all, this is how the real world is.

The pressure of public opinion is far more powerful and effective than Superman’s fist.

As for other TV stations saying that the police did nothing and did not do their best to protect citizens.

Liu Feng ignored it completely. The American people were like this, and such convulsions often occurred.

Just when Liu Feng wanted to continue watching.

When other TV stations were wondering what kind of public pressure they would put on the military, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Liu Feng was a little shocked subconsciously, not because he was afraid that someone would kill him.

I wanted to touch it in real life, but I was more curious as to why someone would knock on the door at this hour.

After all, Wanda has already gone on a business trip, and people with a strong sense of justice will not come here at this time.

Liu Feng opened the door out of curiosity.

What caught his eye unexpectedly was General Ross’s daughter Betty, who had a curvy figure and a pretty face.

Liu Feng asked:”Betty? Why are you here?”

“I’m so angry at my dad right now, so angry!”

Betty said while grabbing her hands in the air.

Then she walked around Liu Feng, as if she had returned to her own home.

She lay down on the sofa carelessly, her movements were very inelegant.

Liu Feng shrugged as usual. Shrugging, closing the door, he walked to the sofa next to Betty and sat down.

“It seems you should have guessed what your father did through the police press conference.”

“Press conference? No, when I saw news reports that a green monster appeared in Times Square, New York, I knew it was my father’s experiment.”

Betty became even more angry when she said this.

“I never thought that my father would make such a mistake and put that monster in New York! He is really a big idiot! me……”

As Betty spoke, her eyes suddenly glanced at the potato chips on the table.

Then without saying anything, he tore open the package and started eating.

Eating potato chips was not enough, so he opened another bottle of Coke, a handful of potato chips in his left hand and a sip of Coke in the right.

Crazy to vent his dissatisfaction through food.

Liu Feng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but he was already used to it.

This little girl has liked to eat to relieve her emotions since she was a child.

The fact that she can only eat without gaining weight has made girls her age envious for a long time. Some girls even thought that her cup size got bigger by eating potato chips.

“Liu Feng, you won’t understand how I feel. My father turned into a bad guy who created monsters to attack humans in one day. Even I hate him. Is there anything more upsetting than this?”

Liu Feng smiled.

“What’s this? You still don’t know that the green muscle monster reported on TV is actually your good friend, Bruce Banner.”

“What did you say? Bruce? Is he that monster?! No, it’s impossible!”

Betty put down the snacks in her hands and looked at Liu Feng with wide eyes. She didn’t believe everything Liu Feng said at all.

“Are you so sure? Have you seen it with your own eyes?”Liu Feng asked back.

Betty then replied decisively:”I have seen it! I once saw the Super Soldier Serum being carried out with my own eyes. My father was using Dr. James for the experiment!”

“And the experiment at that time was very successful. Dr. James said that he could control the super soldier serum and there was no sign of transforming into a green monster.……”

At this point, Betty stopped talking as if she understood something.

Liu Feng pointed at the TV

“If the Dr. James you are talking about had accepted the experiment and could control the super soldier serum, there would be no news about the green muscle monster destroying New York.”

“So you mean, father, he lied to me……?”

Betty covered her mouth with disbelief on her face.

Liu Feng nodded and said,”He must have lied to you. The military is so dark, Betty.””

“Not just anyone can be selected for such a human experiment. Perhaps your friend Bruce Banner was the one your father investigated.”

“The most suitable candidate to participate in the experiment, and he doesn’t want you to know, so he puts on a show in front of you.”

After Liu Feng finished speaking, he found that Betty buried her head and said aggrievedly.

“This is not the first time something like this has happened. My father has always been like this since he was a child. He says he deceives me for my own good and won’t let me do this or that.”

When Betty looked at Liu Feng again, her eyes were full of tears.

Then she gritted her teeth as if she didn’t know what she was thinking of. Then she leaned forward and gave Liu Feng a forced kiss, a French one.

Liu Feng She was a little caught off guard, but she still followed her will and was thrown onto the bed.

“My father did not allow me to participate in experiments and restricted all my choices since I was a child. I asked him to see what I could do!”

Betty, who was riding on Liu Feng, said, and then Betty slowly took off her coat.

The two of them stayed sleepless on the sofa all night…….

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