After Liu Feng finished speaking, he was about to hang up the phone when he heard Ross on the other end of the phone say:”Wait a minute, Mr. Liu Feng”

“explain.”Liu Feng was already a little impatient.

“us……”General Ross on the other end of the phone paused for a moment,”There is currently no way to deal with the rioting Hulk.”

“You happen to know Superman. Would your super friend be willing to help solve this problem?”

“Superman? Liu Feng sneered and said,”What does the trap you are trying to poke at have anything to do with Superman?” Find a way to solve it yourself”

“Are you willing to watch the Hulk wreak havoc on your city?”Ross tried to persuade Liu Feng

“You pay compensation for Hulk’s destruction. If you plan to watch the city be destroyed, then I hope you have enough money to compensate the entire New York.”After saying that, Liu Feng hung up the phone directly.

On Liu Feng’s side, he turned to look at the battle situation. People within a ten-mile radius had fled to safe places, and the surrounding areas were blocked by the police who came to support. At this moment, the entire area was like… The Hulk’s playground was left to be destroyed at will.

Police officer Chen Long came to Liu Feng and said:”Brother Feng, the situation is under control.

Liu Feng nodded,”Well done, everyone is on standby and just wait for my next instruction.””

“One more thing, Brother Feng, the destruction of this green monster has attracted several TV reporters, who insist on coming in for interviews. How should we deal with them?”Chen Long asked

“reporter? Liu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, thought for a while, and then replied:”Let them come in and interview them.””

“What? Let them interview?”Chen Long was confused. He didn’t expect that Liu Feng would agree to be interviewed.

But he still obeyed the arrangement and asked:”Which TV stations are you going to interview? Or should we ask them to send a representative?”

“No need to send representatives.

Liu Feng raised the corners of his mouth and said,”Convene a press conference in the name of the police.” Let as many reporters come as you can open, the more TV stations the better.”

Chen Long couldn’t understand what Liu Feng was thinking, but he went back obediently and arranged a press conference as Liu Feng said.

After a while, Liu Feng stood in front of a dozen people holding cameras or microphones.

Liu Feng adjusted He touched the microphone on the podium and said:”Okay, now you can ask questions one by one.”

Looking at the raised hands, Liu Feng randomly ordered a few as if picking fruits, so the reporter asked:

“I would like to ask Officer Liu Feng, what kind of creature is the giant green monster currently wreaking havoc in New York City Plaza, and where did it come from?”

Liu Feng cleared his throat and said:

“The monster was created by the military’s human experiments. Now it has become something neither human nor ghost, and it is difficult for modern weapons to harm it.”

Liu Feng named another reporter, and that one asked:

“What is our current casualty situation? Will casualties increase in the future?

Liu Feng replied:”Under the control of the police, there are no more than ten injured people, but there is no death toll. We will try our best to prevent the number of casualties in the future.”

Another reporter asked:”Then how should we deal with this monster now?” Liu Feng showed a helpless expression and replied:

“The police have tried their best to control the monster, but they are still indifferent. Perhaps only the military that created this monster can solve it.”

On the military side, General Ross looked at the press conference on TV, his face livid.

His right-hand man asked:”What should we do now, General? Liu Feng refused to let Superman come forward at all, and even held a press conference to blame us.”

Just when Ross was in trouble, the phone in his hand rang. He picked it up, and a deep voice came from the other end of the phone:”Ross, solve this problem.”

At the end of the press conference, Liu Feng informed the police in a few words that after expanding the scope of crowd movement in Hulk’s area, he drove directly back to his home.

Hulk let him wreak havoc like a child, as long as If the scope and personnel flow are controlled, there will be no casualties.

As for transforming into Superman to solve the problem, Liu Feng is too lazy to care about it.

The military will pay huge compensation for the damage caused to New York. All the expenses would be borne by the military. If they were willing to spend it, Liu Feng would spend it with them.

Liu Feng didn’t believe that the military didn’t have weapons to deal with the Hulk. After all, Liu Feng had already seen this in his previous life. There is no Superman in the movie”The Incredible Hulk”.

Liu Feng felt that the military urgently needed Superman to come forward. Perhaps he thought Superman could not defeat the Hulk, or he wanted to see where Superman’s limits were.

“With this little thought, you don’t even have to guess. If you like to make trouble, I will make trouble with you. Just see who can’t hold it any longer first.”Liu Feng returned home and turned on the TV to watch the TV station’s live broadcast of Hulk.

The TV station was narrating the incident from a tragic perspective, and also enhanced the audience’s sympathy and understanding of the creation through interviews with the injured people. The accusations and abuse from this monster’s military.

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