“I can’t stand loneliness. I really can’t stay for twenty years!”

“You might as well let me be a target for a few months, and I can still make you laugh, why not?”Deadpool looked at Liu Feng pitifully.

“It must be closed for twenty years. Liu Feng changed the topic again,”However, if you serve me occasionally, I can’t help you reduce your sentence.””


Deadpool immediately cheered up:”No problem, I’m the best at this!” Whether it’s mouth or py, I can serve you!”

“Not this kind of service. Liu Feng gave Deadpool a middle finger,”I want to use your killing ability.” Maybe, sometimes, you can really come in handy.”

Deadpool still wanted to bargain, but when he saw Liu Feng’s serious expression, he could only sigh and said in defeat:”I understand.”

“You irrational guy is indeed weird and difficult to deal with.”

In this way, Deadpool was handcuffed by Liu Feng and taken to the New York Police Department.

During the detention, Liu Feng also made two demands for Deadpool.

The first is that Deadpool is not allowed to leave the prison. After all, this guy’s ability is not Not bad, it only takes a minute for a mutant to escape from the prison, so Liu Feng reminded Deadpool that if he escapes from the prison and is discovered by Liu Feng, he will have Superman personally capture him and freeze him into a human ice sculpture.

The requirement is that Deadpool is not allowed to reveal his identity as a mutant and can only act as an ordinary person.

However, as long as this guy doesn’t talk too much, no one can find him. Being a mutant adds another layer of superpower to the prison. As a major character in Marvel, Jin Bin also owed Liu Feng a favor, and the matter came to an end.

It was leisure time again, the family and career were happy, and the two beauties Wanda and Michaela also played tricks for Liu Feng every day. , very happy.


Nick Fury stood in front of the office window, looking at the agents in SHIELD through the huge floor-to-ceiling window.

He held several printed documents in his hand. On one piece of paper was a mean guy wearing a red hood.

One was a profile of Deadpool, and the other was the work he had been doing, whether in the X-Men. , it was still the daily life of a mercenary after the X-Men disappeared.

Natasha, the black widow with a perfect figure, slowly walked up to Nick Fury, who was looking out the window, and said softly:”That matter has been taken care of, it’s just that……”

“Liu Feng will not find out. Nick Fury said calmly:”Don’t be afraid if you find him. I have plenty of means to guard against him.” Anyway, Wade Wilson, we must take him away”

“Deadpool’s self-healing ability is similar to that of Wolverine, and is even stronger than that of Wolverine. His combat ability is also considered superior among the X-Men, and he is indeed useful to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Natasha nodded and replied:”You just have to decide.””

Then he stood with his hands behind his back and said:”Now Deadpool has been transferred to the prison at the Washington General Bureau through our transfer order. We can take him out at any time.”

“Get it out tonight, the sooner the better, to avoid a long night of dreams.”Nick gave the order to Natasha.

Natasha nodded, said hello and left the office.

Inside the New York Police Department.

Liu Feng was drawing a lottery. He had not drawn a lottery for several days because the African Because of my physical condition, I thought if I could get something better after a few more days, the result was that I got something useless today.

I tried it again and again but couldn’t get it. With such a rare physique, Liu Feng thought he could play with Thor’s hammer.

With a wave of his hand, Liu Feng turned off the lottery system in his mind and focused his attention on reality again.

At this time, the police officer. Chen Long walked in and said to Liu Feng:”Brother Feng, I just came back from prison, but… something happened about Wade Wilson’s imprisonment.”

“Oolong? Liu Feng asked:”Did he escape from prison?””

More than a month has passed since Deadpool was imprisoned.

Liu Feng originally thought that even if Deadpool promised that he would go to prison, when he actually went in, he would definitely cause trouble or ask him some weird questions. request.

But it didn’t happen. Deadpool was a little weird. Liu Feng didn’t hear any problems, which made Liu Feng a little suspicious.

But he wouldn’t go to the prison to see Deadpool because of this. He took his little brother Chen Long and went to the prison to check on Deadpool.

But now, he heard Chen Long tell him the problem:”No, Wade Wilson did not escape from prison, but he is not here either. in jail.”

Chen Long shook his head and said:”When I went to the prison, I found out that Wade Wilson had been transferred to the prison over there by the Washington General Administration.”

“The Washington General Bureau transferred the people I arrested? Why didn’t you notify me? Liu Feng asked.

Chen Long shook his head again:”I don’t know about that. You have to ask the people at the General Administration in Washington for the details.””

Liu Feng nodded and waved him out. In order to confirm whether Deadpool was really transferred to the Washington General Bureau, Liu Feng personally retrieved the surveillance video.

It can be seen from the video that the visitor was indeed wearing a uniform from the Washington General Bureau. The police uniform can’t be that of Hydra. It’s too ostentatious.

Could it be that this time it’s really from the Washington Bureau?

Deadpool is both a mercenary and a former member of the X-Men, and he has decent self-healing abilities. Scientific research is of great use and will indeed be subject to critical review.

But if Arthur really felt that Deadpool needed critical review and brought him to the Washington Bureau, based on the relationship between the two, he would definitely notify Liu Feng in advance. It didn’t work, so Liu Feng called Arthur directly and asked him to meet at a restaurant in Washington in two minutes. The other party agreed without asking any questions.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Liu Feng first met Arthur, a tall man. The white man reminisced and exchanged pleasantries for a while:”It’s time for you to change cars, Arthur, your speed is very slow.”

“In fact, it’s not the car’s problem.

Arthur shrugged and replied:”Being late is an old problem of mine. It might make me even slower after buying a new car, just like the Flash in superhero comics is always late.””

“No, I suspect you were late for my appointment. Liu Feng smiled.

Arthur also smiled and admitted:”You are right to think so.” You guy keeps asking me to help you, and it gives you such a headache. Why don’t you let me ask you to wait a little longer now?

Liu Feng shrugged:”It’s not unreasonable.””

“Okay, no need for small talk. You probably don’t want to simply reminisce with me. Arthur sat down and asked,”Tell me, is there anything you want to talk to me about that can’t be said on the phone?” Seeing this

, Liu Feng said:”I came to you to talk about Wade Wilson.””

He imagined many expressions of Arthur when he heard this sentence.

But he didn’t expect it. Arthur showed a puzzled expression and said:”Who is Wade Wilson?”

“Wade Wilson, Deadpool, you really don’t know this guy?”Liu Feng also mentioned Deadpool’s nickname.

“do not know. Arthur shook his head and said,”Is he famous? I should know him?””

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