The stripper was anxious and wanted to call security to handle it. At this time, Deadpool suddenly put his finger in front of his mask and made a shushing motion.

He looked at the stripper. Because he was wearing a mask, he didn’t know what the look in her eyes meant.

I only heard him say:”From the moment I saw you, I was sure that you will be my partner in this life, so don’t be shy, let’s collide with the spark of love!”

“This, sir……”The stripper looked a little embarrassed

“Are you more passive? It doesn’t matter, I like taking the initiative and being dominant the most, whether on the floor or in bed, you know that, right?”Deadpool said in a mean tone.

The stripper wanted to refuse, but she touched Deadpool’s muscles hidden under his combat uniform.

Apart from anything else, in terms of appearance, although Deadpool was disfigured, his figure was very strong. He wore the mask After getting married, he also added a sense of mystery that women love most.

Moreover, he is very mean. This may be in line with what China often says, men are not bad and women are not.���

This is why Deadpool can play almost all female characters in comics, and he also has a gay relationship with the popular Spider-Man.

As for the stripper in front of him, Deadpool has been exploring it for a full week. Since that time in New York, he has visited this stripper every day.

The atmosphere and everything were well rendered, and Deadpool almost took off the lower half of his mask to have a passionate kiss with this sexy stripper!

“It seems that I came at the wrong time?”At this time, a figure slowly walked from the door of the bar.

Deadpool turned his head and saw that it was Liu Feng.

Deadpool hunched over, expressing his helplessness with very exaggerated movements, and then patted the stripper’s butt. , said:”Sorry, baby, please wait a moment.”

Liu Feng knew very well that Deadpool’s character was like this, so he crossed his arms and said,”I don’t like her. What I’m looking for is you.”

“No way? Instead of messing with my baby, you fall in love with me?”

Twenty minutes later.

Liu Feng, who was holding time in mid-air, possessed himself slightly, and fell from the sky at the speed of sound. He slowed down when he was about to step onto the ice, and finally fell slowly.

The corners of his mouth raised, and he looked at the person who was holding his feet. Deadpool had been in this position for more than ten minutes.

At this moment, Deadpool’s body had been shaking slightly, and the sound of teeth chattering could be heard through the mask. During this period, he could still vaguely hear the vulgar words coming out of Deadpool’s mouth.

Liu Feng crossed his arms and asked,”Mr. Deadpool, how are you thinking?”

“you are vicious……”

Deadpool, who was trembling all over, reluctantly spat out this response from his mouth:”I…promise you…to…surrender………”

Liu Feng squinted his eyes and asked as if he was stalling for time:”Really?”


Deadpool couldn’t help but said:”Brother…if you don’t…take me away…my dick will turn into a popsicle.”……!”

After making sure that Deadpool wasn’t playing any more tricks, Superman Liu Feng took two steps forward and picked him up.

It took off on the spot, and the sonic boom cracked the ice.

Deadpool, who was taken to fly in the sky by Superman Liu Feng, was the same as before.

Feel the climate slowly transition from extremely cold to hot summer.

When he regained consciousness, he had arrived at a bar in New York City.

Sitting on the chair, it seemed as if I had just had a weird dream.

But sitting opposite him was a familiar person.

Taking a closer look, the person in front of him was actually the ordinary police officer Liu Feng who had changed into a bat at some point.

As mentioned before, Liu Feng wears glasses every time he switches into Superman form.

The characteristic of his Superman glasses is that they can be perfectly switched to another appearance.

So Deadpool doesn’t know that Liu Feng and Superman are the same person.

But he knew this guy had also told him that he was guilty.

The words of the two people are almost the same, and you can tell with your toes that they know each other.

“Has your body healed itself? drink wine?”

Liu Feng didn’t look at Deadpool. He picked up the wine glass unhurriedly, drank the beer, and then pushed it to the other glass next to Deadpool.

Deadpool half-closed his eyes and didn’t care.

He just picked up the beer and took a big sip. Then he said:”You are so cruel, you actually know such a guy!”

Don’t forget to open Huang Xun:”Although I like hard ones, I don’t like ones that are so hard that bullets can’t penetrate them! You fucked my Deadpool so embarrassingly! I have the S attribute!”

“When he hits you, it’s not me who hits you. I’m still very civilized. Liu Feng said with a smile

“Then you must have called him over to beat me!”Deadpool rolled his eyes at Liu Feng.

Liu Feng shrugged and replied:”You are too arrogant, I should teach you a lesson.”

Deadpool wanted to refute, but couldn’t find any reason.

Yes, he himself knew this very well.

Deadpool gave up the explanation of this sentence and found the next topic:”I just returned to normal, you If you invite me to drink at this time, you are not afraid that I will just run away?”

Deadpool looked left and right, like looking at a ghost, trying to find the figure of Superman.

Liu Feng looked at Deadpool with the corners of his mouth raised, and said:”My super friend can cross the entire Pacific Ocean in just two minutes, and you two Where can I run in minutes? Outside New York City?”

“Okay, okay, I lost completely.”The Deadpool slumped on the chair helplessly, like a dried salted fish.

“If you surrender, you surrender. Anyway, I can’t die. If you shoot me, it will be a waste of bullets. The most you can do is fine me some money or something, right?”he asks

“No fines. Liu Feng took a sip of wine and shook his head,”I want to lock you up.””

Hearing this, Deadpool ejected and cursed:”Damn, you are so disgusting!”

“You know I can’t die, so you want to lock me up!”Deadpool was helpless and furious, and could only try to ask:”How long will he be imprisoned? Half a month? One year? Two years? Five years?!”

Liu Feng raised two fingers and replied:”Twenty years”

“Twenty years? ? ? Deadpool slapped the table directly:”You must have had mercury poured into your fucking brain!””

“I am only in my thirties this year. After being in prison for twenty years, even if I don’t age much, my mind will become that of an old man!

Liu Feng shook his wine glass and explained:”Originally, as for your murder, I only sentenced you to ten years, but if you disrespect me, I will add ten years to it.”

He looked at Deadpool with the corners of his mouth raised, and said,”I’m warning you, you don’t respect me very much now either.””

“Brother!”The unscrupulous Deadpool simply lay down and hugged Liu Feng’s thigh, tears seeming to overflow his mask.

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