Now, not only is General Boyd’s elite troops gone, but Liu Feng has bailed out X23, which he had been trying to capture for many days, giving Boyd a loud slap in the face.

Fortunately, he arranged for Major Wells to send Liu Feng’s name to the Continental Hotel’s reward order, so that a professional killer could help him solve this problem.

Now it seems that this guy Liu Feng may have died on the street, but he is still confused, why did the newspaper not report the news that he, the light of New York, was killed?

It stands to reason that since Liu Feng’s reputation is so great, his death should cause a stir.

At this time, General Boyd’s cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was the Continental Hotel.

Only then did he remember that when Major Wilson asked the Continental Hotel to arrange a killer, General Boyd’s phone number was filled in as the recipient.

This means that after the target sees Liu Feng being dealt with, the Continental Hotel will call him to notify him.

General Boyd suddenly realized that he was not dead before, so he must be dead now.

Boyd answered the phone, but before he spoke, the other end of the phone spoke first:”Is that General Boyd?”

“We are the reward processing office of the Continental Hotel. Regarding the reward for the Mr. Liu Feng that you posted more than ten days ago,……”

When the other party said this, Boyd was already secretly happy and ready to hear the next good news.

As a result, the other party unexpectedly said:”I’m sorry, we failed.”

Boyd frowned and asked,”What does it mean to fail?”

Boyd couldn’t figure out the logic. After the reward was accepted, If the killer who took the task failed, then wouldn’t it be enough to wait until someone completes it?

What does it mean that the reward failed?!

Boyd thought he could get an explanation from the Continental Hotel, but unexpectedly the woman on the other end of the phone did not answer her question:”We are extremely sorry for this reward.”

“Your reward amount has been returned to your account, please check it carefully.”

“Please reduce your cooperation with our mainland hotels in the future to avoid dissatisfaction. Thank you for your understanding, bye”

“Don’t you think you should explain to me?……”

Before Boyd could finish speaking, the phone was hung up.

Just when he was confused and wanted to call Major Wilson, who was handling the matter, to come over and ask questions, there was a bang, and his room was suddenly pushed open.

A group of soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms burst in with guns in hand.

Upon seeing this, Boyd raised his hands, but was tied up by the soldiers. He struggled and asked:”Who are you?!”

“General Boyd Houbulu, you have been convicted of endangering national security and we have been ordered to arrest you.”

One of the soldiers with a relatively senior rank stepped forward and answered General Boyd’s question.

“Arrest me?”

Boyd opened his eyes wide, obviously unable to accept this fact.

“let me go! You have no right to arrest me! Where is your boss? Call it out!”

The leader of the other military side shrugged and said:”Take it away.”

Boyd still wanted to resist, but was indifferent because the entire base was taken away.

A month later, the New York Police Department.

Liu Feng was sitting in the office with a proud face, listening to his boss Arthur telling him about the military The information being processed.

Liu Feng said that he would have to use all his strength to make them pay.

So, after getting out of the Continental Hotel, Liu Feng didn’t stop and made a phone call to report it. , combined with the power of his superior Arthur to get the other party.

As for Arthur, he originally did not want Liu Feng to conflict with the military because he was worried that the military would sanction Liu Feng first, but he did not expect it now. Liu Feng has already mastered the dirty information about the military, so he can accuse them all at once.

In fact, in addition to Arthur, Liu Feng also used another layer of his connections to suppress the military, attacking both sides. , the military must be in trouble

“We should have arrested almost a third of them now, and it won’t take long for us to kill them all.” Arthur said

“But I really didn’t expect you, a kid, to be able to take advantage of them.”

“There is an old saying in China that is to prepare for a rainy day. I can teach you another day.”Liu Feng responded with a smile.

At this time, Liu Feng’s exclusive little brother Chen Long came to the door.

He held a phone in one hand, knocked on the door panel with the other hand, raised Liu Feng’s attention, handed it to him, and said:”Feng Brother, someone is looking for you.

Liu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and after saying goodbye to Arthur on the other end of the phone, he took the mobile phone handed over by Chen Long.

Without speaking while holding the phone, Liu Feng glanced at it and saw that the numbers displayed on the phone were very familiar to Liu Feng, and he only remembered these numbers.

Liu Feng’s vigilant expression suddenly softened, and he answered,”Why did my naturally beautiful mother suddenly call your precious son?”

Hearing the conversation between Liu Feng and the woman on the other end of the phone, Chen Long immediately understood why Liu Feng expressed such a gentle tone during the conversation.

Who doesn’t know that Liu Feng, the famous New York light, is a perfect man who loves his wife and mother?

No matter how bad and manic his attitude and emotions are when dealing with prisoners, as long as these two women call, Liu Feng can immediately transform into the docile little sheep in the world.

On Liu Feng’s side, the mother on the other end of the phone heard Liu Feng’s words and said in a very gentle tone:”Is there anyone else around you? We need to talk alone.” When the adoptive mother said this, Liu Feng realized that Chen Long was there It is not suitable for me to have a private chat with my mother. So after waving his hand for Chen Long to leave, Liu Feng said:”There is no one left now.””

“What’s wrong, Mom? Did you encounter any difficulties in Washington? Someone is doing something under the Red Cross that you manage in front of you, Elena Sterk? Liu Feng asked with concern

“How is that possible? What kind of person am I, your mother?”

Elena, the adoptive mother on the other end of the phone, said in a joking tone:”Without me, the military wouldn’t have been suppressed so easily.”

“Yes, yes, thank you mom in advance. Liu Feng also responded jokingly

“But if you called me at this time, you must have something to do, right?”

It took Liu Feng a full month to get rid of the military. As soon as the front leg got rid of the person, the rear leg’s adoptive mother called.

As soon as the two contacted each other, the answer came out.

“The reason for the call was the military, right? Did they involve you and the Cross? Intimidation or destruction?”Having said this, Liu Feng’s eyes became more fierce.

If you dare to touch your adoptive mother, the military people don’t want to live anymore!

They all say that the disaster is not harmful to the family. This time they bullied Liu Feng’s adoptive mother. Liu Feng has already After he planned to hang up the phone, he turned into Superman and went to the military and started killing him.

However, his adoptive mother Elena said,”Who do you think I am, your mother?” Just them? Our relatives alone are enough for them to mess with me and the Cross Society.”

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