But what Liu Feng was watching at the moment made the judge who was disgusted with love between men and women frown. Yes, Liu Feng was watching a love action movie and was watching it with gusto.

Liu Feng turned to look at the judge, and looked her up and down with the corners of his mouth raised. It made the judge feel uncomfortable all over, as if he was the prey targeted by a hunter.

The judge had no choice but to take the lead and say:”Mr. Liu Feng, I am a subordinate of the Continental Hotel Golf Club. I am here to apologize to you on behalf of the Continental Hotel. It is 50 million. I hope you will accept it.””

“Go around in a circle.”Liu Feng said suddenly.

The judge was stunned. He looked at Liu Feng in disbelief and asked,”What did you say?

Liu Feng repeated impatiently:”Turn around and show me.””

The inexplicable reason made the judge confused, but he still turned around in a circle obediently. Although he didn’t know the reason, he felt vaguely ashamed.

Later, he found that Liu Feng nodded with the corners of his mouth raised, and said:”You have a good figure..

The judge blushed and said hurriedly:”Mr. Liu Feng, I hope we can do it as soon as possible.”……”

Before she finished speaking, Liu Feng suddenly left his seat and came to the judge in two or three steps. The judge subconsciously pushed back and hit the door panel with a bang.

Liu Feng slowly approached the judge’s face and said,”I almost died in the hands of the killers sent by your Continental Hotel. Fifty million is not enough to apologize.”

The judge kept leaning his head back and responded. :”I have no say in the amount of compensation, but I can help you apply with my boss.”

“No need.”Liu Feng’s hand touched the judge’s waist and abdomen. This woman’s abdomen was as slender as a willow branch, which made people want to release brute force on her.

“Fifty million US dollars, plus you, is just right.”

Two hours later.

The judge didn’t know when she started looking at the ceiling and rolling her eyes. It wasn’t until Liu Feng patted her face to signify the end that she came back to her senses and hugged her clothes.

Liu Feng was like a League of Legends player at the moment. Yasuo sat in the same place, lit up a post-event cigarette, turned to look at the inquisitor:”What? not enough? Stay and finish dinner before continuing?”

The judge didn’t reply to Liu Feng. He simply put on his clothes, kneaded them into a ball and put them inside the coat, and left without looking back.

Only when he got out of the door did the judge find that his cell phone displayed,”Many She received a missed call from the same person, so she called back.

It was Dracula on the other end of the phone, and he asked:”Why did it take so long? How is the result?”

“Liu Feng accepted the apology, and I spent some time helping him… with things.”The judge replied, naturally she would not mention her sexual intercourse with Liu Feng to Winston.

Dracula also only asked her to come back quickly without saying anything else.

The judge grabbed his body, obviously he had some unfinished thoughts..

She fell into a daze for no reason, and after a while she came back to her senses, and then hurriedly left Liu Feng’s house. Maybe she would open the door to a new world after being led by Liu Feng. After the judge left, she took a few puffs of cigarettes. Liu Feng put the cigarette butt into the ashtray and extinguished it, then murmured to himself:”Boyd Houbru, a military officer who specializes in hunting down mutants.”

Liu Feng has long understood who put the reward on the Continental Hotel, and his principle of dealing with things is revenge and complaint:”Since you dare to put a reward on me, you have to pay the price.”

Inside the Hydra organization base.

A scene like a science fiction movie is playing on a big screen. A Superman-like man wearing a blue suit with a huge S painted on his chest is killing countless people. Bullets burst into his body, and without exception, the bullets were all flattened and fell to the ground. Superman flew at the speed of sound and punched the enemy into a pulp.

This was not over yet. Some of the enemies tried to escape, but Superman still refused to let go. After that, he directly demolished a wall to block the door, and then stepped forward one by one to penetrate the enemy’s flesh with his fists.

Seeing this scene, the senior officials present couldn’t help but take a breath. They had never seen bloody scenes before. , but the contrast between what this Superman did and what he did in the comics was too great.

The scene continued to play until Superman was bombarded by six rockets from Winston. Of course, the Hydra members present knew that this was nothing to Superman. It was useless.

But they didn’t expect that Superman, who was swallowed by the flames, did not continue to kill the enemy with his fists, but began to use freezing breath to freeze the entire lobby and everyone inside into ice sculptures.

The video was frozen at this scene! A typing-like sound came from the screen, each word forming a sentence:”The cold air will erode the surveillance system, and I will have no way of knowing any further information.”

After watching the video, Pierce held his chin with both hands and was silent for a while.

One of the senior officials of the Hydra organization beside him said:”Look, this Superman’s abilities are exactly the same as those in the comics. We can’t mess with them at all. Object!

Another senior executive said with disdain:”What’s the comic book Superman? We are no longer children, and we still believe in things in comics?” Let me tell you, this is a mutant”

“I would rather believe that it exists than believe that it doesn’t exist!”

The former senior executive stood up and confronted the latter one:”Even if he is a mutant, he is still a being with super strength, super speed, super defense, and can freeze people into ice cubes by breathing!”

“He is an out-and-out Omega mutant!”

The quarrel between the two became more and more intense, and other senior officials also chose which team to stand on.

“enough. Pierce stopped him in a deep voice,”Zola, what do you think?””

Dr. Zola is the AI who has transferred his consciousness into the computer. His analytical ability is the strongest among all the people present. Zola can easily analyze the pros and cons of something.

After hearing this, Dr. Zola began to analyze , countless data were presented on the big screen.

Everyone could not understand the arrangement of the data, but they could understand individual words, such as strength, battle damage, etc.

Finally, a sentence appeared on the screen:”The odds of winning or losing are half and half, but. Too much wear and tear.”

After Dr. Zola’s analysis, everyone wanted to argue again, but Pierce scolded them to quiet down.

Finally, as the leader, Pierce stood up and made the final decision:”Since we will never have any interaction with this guy again, let’s not provoke him again. Him”

“But the leader……!”

One of the senior executives wanted to say more, but Pierce reached out to reject him and adjourned the meeting. Before the meeting ended, Pierce wanted to add one more sentence:

“Not only this Superman, but also Liu Feng and the New York Police Department. No one of you is allowed to provoke them, otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences, and the Hydra organization will not help you.”

In a military base outside New York.

General Boyd is reading the latest American news, which can help him understand current events. He has not had free time to read newspapers for a long time, so he has been quiet these days. More than ten days There was a guy named Liu Feng in front of them. When they were about to capture New Mutant X23, he rushed out and killed all his elite troops.

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