“address? Liu Feng asked

“southern part of texas……”

Upon hearing the name, Liu Feng immediately got in the car and headed to his destination.

Before hanging up the phone, he left one sentence:”If I don’t see anyone after I arrive, you will see what an angry monster is.”


Before Liu Feng found the ECU chemical plant in northern New York, the little wolf girl Laura was tied to the new base by Baron Strack, who had received new information.

Originally, Strack didn’t take Liu Feng seriously, but no matter how confident he was, he couldn’t be as stubborn as his boss, Pierce.

Pierce warned Strack.

Laura Kinney, a precious experimental subject, must not be risked, and there would be no conflict without a direct conflict with Liu Feng.

So Strack had no choice but to do as he was told and move x23, Laura Kinney, but in essence he still looked down on a little person like Liu Feng.

This time the base is not in New York, but in Texas.

Transferring is a very simple matter for Strucker. Their bases are all over the United States and even in countries outside the United States. The people of Hydra are very organized, so it is easy to transfer.

The choice of this place was also strongly requested by Pierce, who was asked to move to the safest base.

On the surface, it’s an ordinary abandoned building.

In fact, it is a fully armed ultimate barrier.

When it comes to attacking, rockets, armor-piercing projectiles, and automatic machine guns mounted on the walls are waiting.

In terms of defense, the door is made of titanium alloy, mines are regularly buried around the base, and the only tunnel that can enter the base is equipped with deadly infrared lasers.

Let alone a human being, even a bird would not be able to survive if it entered by mistake.

Even if Liu Feng could find him here, he would definitely not be able to get in.

Not to mention breaking out from Hydra’s top agents and rescuing people.

In the eyes of Baron Strucker, this is the most perfect barrier in the world.

Liu Feng is an ordinary police officer, but his marksmanship is at best a little bit good.

For a guy who has been overly deified, even if he finds this place, it is absolutely wishful thinking to break through this absolute barrier!

“The weapon has been successfully upgraded and can be used at any time……”As if adding more power to a tiger, an agent told Strack the good news that the equipment had been successfully upgraded.

Strucker nodded:”Put it all into use.”

The Hydra members were busy doing things, while Baron Strucker watched Laura Kinney, who had been comatose from excessive torture, being sent into the new cage box. inside.

This is a specially made closed space that Struck arranged for his men to make. It is also made of titanium alloy and is equipped with a gravity system.

The people imprisoned there, no matter how good their physical condition is, will become exhausted and lose their strength.

“But that guy named Liu Feng was able to chase him into our base for this x23”

“It seems that you are of great value.”Standing outside the box, Strack looked at Laura and murmured to himself

“Although it is a pity to lose the base, fortunately, with Laura Kinney, the new Wolverine, in hand, we can obtain more scientific research results.……”

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, the entire base shook violently.

Then there was a huge sound like a sonic boom from outside the base! Everyone in the base panicked.

It’s not the loudness that’s scary.

But they couldn’t tell what kind of sound it was! It is neither a missile nor a tank, but it brings a strong shock.

Straker’s heart moved a little.

If something goes wrong at this time, could it really be Liu Feng?

“Regardless of whether it is him or not, I will make it impossible for the intruder to come back!

Struck grabbed a heavily armed member and said in a deep voice:”Take a few people to see what’s going on and kill all the intruders.””

“Yes, Baron Strucker.”The agent nodded, and then summoned several other people to go outside the base with him.

The team of agents consisted of more than a dozen people.

The entrance to the base was a dark tunnel, and the agents held submachine guns and night vision goggles. Moving forward.

Even though the tunnel was originally dark, the agents had night vision glasses, so they were in the clear and the enemy was in the dark.

However, as they continued to move forward, all the agents invariably felt that it was very dark. Fear.

Like a moth that keeps approaching the flame, it is clearly thinking about something that is good for itself, but it feels the burning of the target as it gets closer.

This is also known as a powerful biological force field. It is an absolute realm, enough for the agents’ bodies to issue a strong warning:

Don’t go any further! Otherwise, their lives will end!

But when they realize this, it is already too late!

“”Boom”! The tunnel next to the agents exploded! The gravel flew, and a tall and mighty figure appeared in the dark tunnel!

The agents looked at each other.

In the night vision mode, you can clearly see the figure Man.

Superman? This is what the agents were confused about after seeing the figure, but what they saw was not a superhero role-playing!

His strong figure is like a real superman, like a god!

“Shoot… shoot! Shoot!”

One of the agents was the first to realize the seriousness of the matter and hurriedly directed everyone to pour out firepower, but obviously, he had not fully realized the seriousness.

Bang bang bang bang!

Countless bullets were flying on the human god floating in the air. But what was frightening was that the moment all the bullets touched the surface of his body, including the red and blue uniform, they were all clearly crushed and fell to the ground.

The bullets could not penetrate him!

“Really…really invulnerable Superman?! How the hell is this possible?!”The agents obviously cannot accept the fact before them.

Because this is completely beyond their worldview!

The superheroes in the comics are floating alive in front of their eyes at this moment. No one can accept the impact of this scene!

Agents! Their minds went crazy in an instant, and the only thing they could do was to keep pouring bullets at that person, as if this would increase their chances of survival, but they were still indifferent as long as Liu Feng used this trump card ability. , put on the Superman uniform, activated the Superman mode, it goes without saying that he is a god! In the hail of bullets, Liu Feng’s body with strong deterrent just moved slowly in mid-air, slowly approaching the agents.

No matter how hard the agents tried, they were indifferent and just slowly approached them, feeling the extreme fear of the enemy in front of the real him, like a hungry lion slowly approaching the sheep, and the sheep tried to resist, But what do ram’s horns mean to a lion?

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