Liu Feng took his hand off the handle of the knife and did not help him pull out the dagger. He said coldly:”Tell me.”

Grant Ward endured the pain and said:”I…I didn’t know that Laura Kinney was imprisoned by our people. Where, but I still remember where they asked me to send him!”

“They took me to the ecu chemical plant! It’s an old abandoned factory in upstate New York. I swear in the name of God, I’m not lying!”

His oath was of no use to Liu Feng. Liu Feng looked at him expressionlessly.

But when Grant was talking, Liu Feng activated the super vision brought by the superhuman physique reward obtained in the lottery. One of them The skill is clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance allows Liu Feng to see Grant’s heartbeat. When a person is lying to survive, his heartbeat will beat faster than normal.

But nothing happened to Grant Ward’s heartbeat just now. Change, this proves that he is indeed not lying and the information is absolutely true.

Grant hurriedly requested:”I told you everything! Please���, take me to treatment! I’m about to die! You’re a police officer, right? You won’t leave it alone, right?”

“I already said that.

Liu Feng raised his pistol and pointed it at Grant, whose pupils were widened:”I want you to pay the price.””

After saying that, Liu Feng pulled the trigger without looking.

With a bang, Grant was shot in the head without even leaving any last words.

“ecu chemical plant. Liu Feng kept reciting what Grant said about the destination where he sent Laura.

Then he left the woods, got in the car, ignited the ignition, started in fifth gear, and once again drove at the limit of the vehicle.

No human being would dare to drive like this. , but Liu Feng, who has the super vision and hearing brought by Superman, is different.

It is like a professional in a racing rally.

Because the human brain cannot divide the work, it requires both a driver to control the car and a navigator by his side.

To control the distance between the car and the track, it is equivalent to one being the limbs and the other being the brain.

The two are combined into one.

Liu Feng is both the brain and the limbs, but no matter how powerful he is, he has a superhuman physique at this moment.

Liu Feng’s abilities still cannot surpass the perverted level of Superman in the Silver Age who was racing against time.

He still has limitations. He can only perform to the best state that humans can achieve, and cannot make changes to his destiny. So

, when Liu Feng came to the ECU chemical plant that Grant had mentioned before he died, he scanned it with super vision and found that no one was there, but Grant didn’t lie. Not here, but running away.

He was always one step behind at the critical moment. This time, Liu Feng was really angry.

He had fought countless battles in his life

, but Liu Feng could always defeat the opponent. I was beaten to pieces, but I didn’t expect that this time the enemy was a loser who could only run away!

“Those who don’t dare to confront someone head-on are often the ones who run away after receiving information in advance.”

Liu Feng clenched his fists. With superhuman heat vision, he seemed to be about to erupt lasers from his eyes at any time:”Hydra, you really pissed me off this time!”

Yes, Liu Feng, who knows the Marvel Universe well, certainly knows that the enemy is the Hydra organization.

He also knows that most of Hydra are undercover in SHIELD, and he also understands that they are evil villains and enemies of superheroes. , I have always known it.

But all the time, what they did has nothing to do with Liu Feng, and it is a state of affairs. Of course, Liu Feng himself is too lazy to eradicate such an organization.

But this time, Hydra. That group of people challenged Liu Feng’s bottom line again and again.

What they did to them had nothing to do with Liu Feng. How could they arrest people in front of Liu Feng


Hit Liu Feng in the head before approaching the target? You like to strategize, right?

I ‘ll let you know who I provoked. This is the most terrifying state in his life.

“Everyone in the Hydra organization must pay the price!”

Liu Feng took out his mobile phone and entered Director Arthur’s number.

After a few seconds, Arthur answered and asked,”Liu Feng?” You will call me at this time. Could it be that your matter has not been resolved? What do you need from me? Equipment or manpower?”

“Neither is needed. Liu Feng lowered his voice:”I only want to talk to one person.”

Arthur asked:”Who needs me to transfer?” What is your identity and what is your name?”

“Former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Alexander Pierce.”

S.H.I.E.L.D. base, in Pierce’s office.

Pierce had just called Straker an hour ago and asked him to move the base immediately. He was rubbing his temples, thinking about how to wipe that idiot Straker’s butt.

At this time, the office The phone rang. Pierce glanced at the number and found it was an unfamiliar number. He subconsciously thought it was someone from Hydra and answered the call.

“Which one?”Pierce asked tentatively.

“Long live Hydra, Chief Pierce.”

Unexpectedly, the words spoken in a joking tone on the other end of the phone directly gave Pierce a big blow.

Pierce’s face darkened, and he lowered his voice and asked:”Who are you?”

“you know who i am”

“Don’t you think you have me under your control?”

Liu Feng on the other end of the phone had a disdainful tone, as if he was condescending.

Pierce immediately understood that the person calling was the guy called the Light of New York, Liu Feng.

But he still said Looking silly in costume:”I don’t know what you are talking about. You may have dialed the wrong number or misunderstood something.””

“I don’t have time to play dumb with you. I just want to ask, where is my person, Laura Kinney? You only have two minutes to answer me. Liu Feng asked

“Sorry, I am not an agency looking for people. If you are looking for someone, I suggest you call 119 for help. It would be better.”Pierce still pretends to be stupid.

“Did not say? Nick Fury is still worried about finding a mole at this moment, right?”

“Do you believe that I can kill you and several other smugglers naked? Liu Feng said coldly.

Pierce on the other end of the phone fell silent.

“One minute left.”Liu Feng started timing.


Pierce remains silent

“Forty seconds.

Liu Feng reminded aloud:”Today’s technology is very advanced. The speed of sending text messages should be faster than the speed of you escaping from SHIELD, right?””

“Twenty seconds.”Liu Feng’s tone changed, with a fierce tone.


“stop.”A deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Although I really don’t know what you are talking about”

“But I heard what you just said was Laura Kinney. I happened to look through the records and found that Laura Kinney was transferred from the ECU chemical plant to an abandoned building outside New York.”

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