American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 566: Locate Eagle Coordinates

The content of the next nightmare became a little monotonous, nothing more than that Egg was chased by the mysterious silver surfer and his master running around the universe.

But there is no doubt that Egg escaped in the end, otherwise he would not have had a chance to sleep and dream in bed in this cozy and modest hotel in Missouri, and would have long been the food for the endless darkness.

When Charles recounted Egg's nightmare, both Star-Lord and Wanda were dumbfounded.

Star Lord frowned: "So, there is still a creature in the universe that can devour planets, and almost devoured the living planet Egg?"

"God, what kind of creature can devour an entire planet..." Wanda said in shock.

Goofy was not surprised by Egg's nightmare. In fact, he had already guessed that he was the only one who could threaten Egg.

Egg's ability is likely to have reached the single-universe level, even if it is not completely up to the standard, it is almost the same, and what can make him fear, only gods more powerful than him can do it...

At this time, Charles Xavier suddenly said: "I found it, I think I have found the information I need..."

Gao Fei quickly got up and asked in a low voice, "You mean..."

"The coordinates of Egg's body. When he was extremely frightened, he couldn't help but go back to the body to check the situation, and this behavior unconsciously exposed his coordinates."

Charles Road,

"Principal Gao Fei, I can tell you the location of the coordinates now."

"very good."

Gao Fei said with satisfaction, and at the same time contacted Ultron who had arrived in New York,

"Ultron, we have obtained Egg's coordinates, let the little raccoon rocket go to the target location as soon as possible..."

At this time, Star-Lord asked worriedly: "Wait, Goofy, let the rocket go to Egg's body alone? Charles also saw it just now that ordinary alien spaceships are close to Egg's body planet. He devoured it directly... until we find a way to defeat Egg, it's not appropriate to let the Rockets go directly, right?"

"Rest assured, Quill, I have found a way to defeat Egg." Goofy patted his shoulder with a smile, Goofy knew Quill was worried about his teammates.

After that, he turned to Ultron and said, "Don't forget to bring his passengers before you set off. I said hello yesterday."

"Understood." Ultron agreed immediately.

And half an hour later.

The parking lot of the Guardians of the Galaxy spacecraft in suburban New York.

The rocket that was debugging the spacecraft suddenly heard footsteps behind it, apparently a passenger had boarded the ship.

"Oh, let me see which poor **** got on the boat! I don't know what Goofy thinks, but let us both deal with Egg!"

"Please! That's Egg! A monster that kills a space fleet with a wave of his hand! And what we have to deal with is Egg's body. In theory, the body must be more powerful than the body, right?"

"And... I really don't understand. This morning, Egg was still Quil's kind and gentle father. How did he suddenly become the villain trying to destroy the earth at night?"

"Oh... my little head can't take it anymore... The pace of the plot has been too fast recently..."

While shuffling, the raccoon turned around, and after he turned, the passenger in front of him shocked him.

"you you you…"

The raccoon said three "you" in one breath.

And a youthful voice responded: "What are you? When can we take off?"

"Big big... Big sister's head?"

Rocket Raccoon stared at the little girl in front of him and asked tentatively.

He vaguely recalled that this beautiful little girl should be Goofy's daughter, Carrie who directly smashed through the Kree battleship last time, but the Carrie in front of her was much taller than when she met a few months ago, her face The baby fat has basically disappeared.

The little loli is about to grow into a big girl, and after a year or two of her birth, she will become a slim beauty!

"What? Don't know?"

Carrie tilted her head to look at Rocket and asked with a smile.

At the same time, I made a secret decision in my heart - if you dare to say that you don't know me, I will punch you when you go up!

"Knowing is, of course, knowing..." Luckily, Rocket answered the question correctly, "But... you are growing so fast!"

"Is there?" Carrie teased her long black hair with a smile and said, "Maybe it's because I take in more nutrients every day..."

Then he pointed to the starry sky in the night sky, and said impatiently, "Let's go! Let's go to the mission!"


America on the other side.


Goofy is still exploring Egg's consciousness with his students.

Although the coordinates of Egg's body have been found, Charles still has a task, that is, he has to figure out what the purpose of Egg's coming to earth this time.

"Charles, how's it going?"

Wanda asked nervously, she couldn't be as calm as Gao Fei.

"I'm watching..." Charles whispered, "It seems that when Egg came to the earth, he planted a special plant on the earth. This plant keeps taking root and sprouts, lurking in the soil of the earth. Go has control over his son, Quill, so that he can draw the life force of the earth through Quill and this plant..."

"So that's how it is..." Star-Lord frowned, and was furious because he was deceived by his father.

At this time, Charles continued: "In addition, I found one more thing, but I don't know if I should say..."

"What?" Star-Lord, who was already a little angry, couldn't help but ask, "What else has he done?"

Charles hesitated for a moment, but finally told the truth.

"Quil, that tumor in your mother's body... was put in by Egg."


Hearing this, Quill's emotions were completely out of control, and he roared loudly: "Egg, this beast!"

Wanda quickly reminded: "Shh... Quill! Calm down, don't make a loud noise, you will startle the snake and wake up Egg! Once he finds out our plan, he will change the position of the main body, so that the rocket I can't find him..."

It's a pity that Quill's emotions have gotten out of control. As a man who punched the Avengers IV with one punch, Quill never knew what calm was.

"I'm going to kill him!"

Quill suddenly pulled out the gun from his waist and rushed towards Egg's room.

Charles, on the other hand, regrets it—I should have told him the truth if I knew this dude was so bad at managing his emotions.

But before Star-Lord rushed out of the room, Charles had already sensed the change in Egg.

As Wanda, who also has mental abilities, he also felt this, and said solemnly: "Oops! Egg is awake!"

Immediately afterwards, Egg's voice came from the corridor.

"Oh, my innocent child, you must have been deceived... Don't listen to the bewitching words of outsiders. Only you and I can rely on each other in this universe."

Star-Lord didn't care about Egg's and cursed loudly: "Go to hell! You vicious monster! You killed my mother! You sent someone to take me away from Earth! "

Egg is still explaining: "Calm down, child, you don't understand my life form... I haven't had time to explain all this to you, give me a chance, okay?"

"When you know how powerful our creatures are, I trust you, you will understand all the choices I make..."

"And trust me, as a member of this race, you'll make the same choices I did..."

"But before that, I have to get rid of the other guys who get in the way. Join me, okay? My most admired son!"

Star-Lord was too lazy to pay attention to him at all, and he was extremely angry at this time.

And Gao Fei turned back and told Charles: "Leave here with Wanda first, and remember to evacuate the residents of the town... There will be a war here soon, don't let the innocent residents get hurt."

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