American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 565: dream space

After telling the true face of Egg to Star-Lord, Star-Lord finally woke up from his sweet dream. He finally realized that his father was not a kind old man, but a complex, dangerous, and terrifying ancient creature.

"So what do we do next?" Star-Lord asked, "Of course I don't want to die at the hands of Egg, and more importantly, we must protect Earth and the thousands of others who have been infiltrated by Egg. Planet, isn't it?"

Goofy did not hide Star-Lord, but revealed the plans of Wanda and Charles.

He told Star-Lord that they were going to infiltrate Egg's nightmare and steal relevant information from it.

"Ok, I see…"

Star-Lord nodded lightly after listening, and gave an important piece of information,

"Ego's sleep has always been very bad. He needs the help of Mantis sister to fall asleep peacefully. Mantis sister's ability is to calm people's spirits, and Egg is very dependent on her."

"Then after Sister Mantis comforts Egg tonight, I will let Wanda and Charles act." Gao Fei whispered.

"Okay." Star-Lord nodded.

After the two discussed the whole matter, they went to lunch together. Egg, who was wandering in the cemetery, did not return until the afternoon.

Throughout the day, Star-Lord showed no abnormality in front of Egg, at least not superficially.

It seems that Star-Lord's acting skills are also good, which is likely to inherit the excellent genes of the old drama bone Egg.

Night is coming soon.

After exploring the endless fields of Missouri, everyone returned to the small hotel in town to rest.

Star-Lord's information is really good. Before going to bed, Egg will specially let Mantis sister enter his room, and only under the comfort of Mantis sister can he fall asleep smoothly.

"It stands to reason that Mantis Sister's mental ability is not too strong... She is probably at the same level as Charles and Wanda's ability."

Gao Fei pondered in his heart,

"Since Mantis Sister's psychic abilities can work on Egg, then Wanda's and Charles' psychic abilities should also work."

About half an hour later, Sister Mantis slowly exited Yigo's room. She carefully closed the door for Yigo, for fear of waking up the old man who had finally been coaxed to sleep.

"Igo fell asleep?"

At this time, Star-Lord's voice suddenly sounded from behind Mantis Sister, making her almost scream.

"Oh... Quill, you scared me to death." Mantis Sister patted her chest and said, "Yes, Egg has fallen asleep, he is very tired today, maybe visiting his deceased love made him too sad, so he entered I'm falling asleep faster than usual..."

"Did he sleep peacefully? Won't he wake up in the middle of the night?" Star-Lord asked again, this question had already revealed his intentions.

Fortunately, Sister Mantis didn't think much about it, she was a simple girl.

"Oh, don't worry, under normal circumstances he won't wake up suddenly. Although he is old, he can sleep until dawn every time..."

"That's good." Star-Lord nodded contentedly, and then quickly turned around to tip off Gao Fei.

In fact, Gao Fei didn't need Star-Lord to repeat what he said just now. With his hearing far beyond ordinary people, he already knew everything.

Therefore, just before Star-Lord entered the room and was about to speak, Gao Fei waved his hand to interrupt him and nodded with a smile: "Ego has fallen asleep under the comfort of Mantis Sister, and will not wake up in a short time. "

Star-Lord nodded: "That's right, so we'd better act now..."

Goofy said: "Yes, Wanda and Charles will join forces to obtain Egg's consciousness and find the coordinates of Egg's body in a while, and if we want to stop Egg, we must need an excellent astronaut who can find Iraq according to the coordinates. Ge's body will do..."

Hearing this, Star-Lord immediately volunteered to point to himself and said with a smile, "Excellent astronaut? This is simply my synonym, don't worry, Goofy, as long as you find the exact coordinates of Egg's body, I will be very fast. to reach his body..."

But Gao Fei shook his head and said, "No, Quill, you can't leave Egg without permission. Once you leave here, Egg will definitely be suspicious."

Hearing this, Star-Lord shook his head dejectedly and said, "Oh, well, if I can't carry out this mission, then I can only introduce you to the second-ranked spaceship pilot among us—Hello Rocket. already."

Goofy nodded with a smile, and instructed Ultron to contact Reed first, and use the teleport machine to send the rocket back to New York, ready to act at any time.

But in fact, he knew clearly that in terms of spaceship driving skills, the level of rockets was no worse than that of Quill.

While Goofy and Quill were discussing how to find Egg's body, Wanda and Charles had joined forces to try to enter Egg's dream space.

The two people do not need on-site operations, and their abilities can already be remotely controlled.

After all, Egg's room is not far from here, and one or two ordinary partition walls are even less likely to hinder the mental abilities of the two.

The crimson witch Wanda raised her hand and pointed to the room where Igo was, and a crimson mist-shaped energy beam swam towards Igo's room like a snake.

After about half a minute, Wanda whispered: "Now, Egg should have started to have nightmares... The content of this nightmare is the picture he is most afraid of, and his attention will be attracted by the content of the nightmare, his The defense will become the weakest..."

Charles Xavier looked at Egg's room and said in a low voice, "Then it's time for me to appear, it's time to go and see in Egg's brain."

Goofy and Star-Lord waited nervously, and they didn't say anything to disturb them.

And Charles' pupils suddenly began to shrink, and he instantly entered Egg's dream space.

"I'm in..."

Charles said cautiously, while exploring the mysteries in Egg's consciousness, he recounted Egg's nightmares.

In the dream, Egg's form is not like a human on Earth, he is a huge planet floating in the universe, showing a huge spherical state.

He floats unrestrainedly in the universe, and has not fallen into the gravitational orbit of any planet for the time being.

He cautiously bypassed the vast galaxies, occasionally crashing into the asteroid belt, and some ignorant space explorers landed spaceships on him, which directly turned into his snacks...

But Charles knew that Egg was having nightmares now, so the next story must be thrilling enough, and even he couldn't help but wonder what kind of nightmares could frighten the living planet...

Suddenly, a bright spot appeared in the distant universe.

The spot was barely visible at first, but it didn't take long for it to expand rapidly.

Charles could obviously feel Egg's nervousness, this little spot of light awakened the fear in his heart, and then he could clearly see the light released by the spot - it was cold, icy, but soothing. Very bright silver glow.

The spot has grown so large that it looks like a comet streaking across the sky.

But Charles knew very well that an ordinary comet would never make the living star Egg so frightened.

In a blink of an eye, this guy galloping in the universe like a comet approached Egg. The light spot was not very large, and it was completely incomparable with the huge Egg, but Egg was afraid that he would die, and even turned around immediately. Escape in the opposite direction.

"Don't come! Don't come!"

Egg roared loudly, and the roar from the entire planet made the universe tremble.

But the silver light was unrelenting, and he chased after Egg at a speed close to the speed of light.


A shocking thing happened, this silver light passed directly through Egg's body, and he directly penetrated the huge living planet.

This silver light punched a hole directly through Egg and came out from the other side of Egg.


Egg screamed in pain, and the entire planet was shaking.

Although the damage this silver light caused him was not fatal, it made him feel endless pain and fear.

At this moment, Charles finally saw the silver spot clearly.

It was a silver-colored humanoid creature standing on a surfboard. His form was somewhat like the male version of Ultron, except that he was covered in silver.

"Stop, you can't run away."

At this time, the silver humanoid opened his mouth to Egg, his voice was cold and without any emotion,

"You have been chosen by my master, you are the most suitable food for him..."

"Don't think about it!"

Egg growled I will never be swallowed by him! ! "

"It's up to you..." The silver surfer shook his head and sighed. He seemed to be mourning the living planet Egg.

Immediately after, he penetrated Egg's body in the same way.


A silver light pierced Egg, and there was another tunnel through the planet...

At the same time, a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the distant universe. This shadow gave people a chilling feeling. It was like a huge black hole, swallowing and absorbing all the surrounding matter into its invisible mouth. .

The silver surfer whispered: "My master has arrived..."

The living planet Egg trembled and let out a desperate scream.

"Do not!!"

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