American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 390: Strongest Inhuman vs Strongest Human

The hive has just returned to the earth from aliens. He is not familiar with the situation of the earth. During the more than 3,000 years that he was exiled, he could only obtain the information of the earth by devouring the sacrifices.

Every once in a while, Hydra will use a stone left by the Kree on Earth to deliver an offering to the hive, a living young man.

The Kree "stones" operate according to certain rules, and each time they are activated, they can transport lifeforms near it to the planet Maveth.

Hydra used this stone to offer sacrifices to beehives on distant planets to ensure that the hives could obtain food sources on the desolate alien planet and not starve to death.

After the hive devoured these sacrifices, it not only gained their vitality, but also their memory and knowledge.

Everything the hive knows about the modern earth is obtained from these sacrifices.

The last sacrifice he devoured was a NASA astronaut, which happened ten years ago, so the hive's understanding of the earth is still ten years ago, and the information is slightly behind.

At that time, there were no superpowers on Earth, and Gao Fei was still an ordinary elementary school student, so Hive was not aware of the horror of Gao Fei at all. He still believed that humans were just a low-level, weak chicken race lacking combat effectiveness.

Seeing Gao Fei rushing towards the meteor with strides in front of him, Hive didn't care.

"You're just a fresh and tasty food..."

The hive opened his arms, and countless flying insects flew out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. These flying insects swept away towards Gao Fei, trying to devour Gao Fei like a Hydra agent.


Gao Fei sneered, the desperate virus in his body triggered an explosion.

Inhuman Gordon saw Gao Fei's intention, and quickly shouted: "Everyone, get out of the way!"

Steve rolled back and retreated with the vibration gold shield in hand, while Gordon hurriedly took Jiaying and another alien beside him.

There is a girl in the Inhumans whose ability is to build an energy barrier, and she rushes out in time to block the impact of the high-flying explosion.

But Hive was too close to Goofy, and he couldn't dodge Goofy's face-to-face explosion.

booooom! !

The desperate virus exploded on the spot, and the hive's shell shattered in an instant!

Seeing this scene, Steve Rogers' heart flashed with joy, but soon he realized that he was too happy, because Goofy once said that the defense of the hive is very terrible, and he will hardly be bombed hurt.

Sure enough, although the body of the hive was destroyed by Goofy's Extremis Virus, the flying insects surrounding Goofy still existed.

The sound of the hive came from these flying insects, and his pitch went up and down.

"You are not a simple human, and your body has also been transformed..."

"Yes, Hive, you are right."

Goofy smiled lightly, and his body quickly recovered from the explosion. At the same time, Tony Stark successfully activated the blood-side suit that Goofy had injected into his bones, penetrated from Goofy's skin and covered his body.

Witnessing Gao Fei's unique technique of resurrecting from the dead, Hive said he was very surprised. He understood that he had underestimated Gao Fei's strength. The guy in front of him was no longer just a human being in the traditional sense.

"Oh, interesting, it seems that I am ignorant..."

Hive is very calm, and does not want to rashly continue to fight with Goofy. He is a very rational creature, and he will not act impulsive because of a whim.

"I think before I fight you, I have to know you more in detail. If I don't know you well enough, then I can't beat you..." Hive whispered.

After that, he turned to Whitehall and asked in a deep voice, "Whitehall, do you know this guy?"

Whitehall nodded quickly: "Of course, my respected Lord Hydra, this guy is Gao Fei, the strongest warrior of mankind. His body has been transformed many times. So far, the ability he has is..."

"Okay, needless to say, I don't have time to listen to your rambling explanation, this form of information transmission is too inefficient..."

The parasites floating in the air spoke in a low voice.

Whitehall's expression changed suddenly after hearing this, and he guessed the intention of the hive.

"Oh, my honorable Lord Hydra, do you want to...?"

"Yes, I need your body!" Honeycomb said coldly.

Goofy and Steve felt chills after hearing this, and Hive was about to start attacking their own people again.

However, there was no fear or resistance on Whitehall's face. Instead, he knelt down on his knees and slumped forward as if he had been blessed by God.

"This is my honor, esteemed Lord Hydra, let me be your habitat!"

"I will share with you everything I know! I will be a part of you!"

"Come on! Lord Hydra, grant me the gift!"

"I've waited too long for this moment!"

Before he finished speaking, these parasites of the hive buzzed and flew towards Whitehall's body. They madly drilled into Whitehall's eyes, ears, nose, and nose, eating up Whitehall's internal organs and brain in an instant. .

The next second, a brand new hive, or a brand new Whitehall stood up, his eyes twinkling with cruelty and cunning.

"Goofy, right?" The new hive finally understood Goofy's power after devouring Whitehall's memory, and he also knew about Goofy's supernatural performance in the battle between Goofy and the dark elves yesterday.

"You are indeed a powerful warrior. Maybe even the best of our Inhumans don't have your strength... But I don't plan to compete with you head-on, we might as well wait and see!"

Having said that, Hive snapped his fingers towards Gordon.

This guy is ready to run away!

He realized that he was not Gao Fei's opponent, and was ready to retreat with the Inhumans first!

Steve hurriedly shouted, "Oops, Goofy, this guy wants to run!"

Of course Goofy saw through his intentions, he wanted to use Gordon's teleportation to get out of here.

As Gordon prepares for action, Goofy turns and pounces on Gordon.

He has been played by Gordon several times, and this time he will never fall in the same place.

To play a team with the Inhumans, you must first kill Gordon. Once Gordon is eliminated, the Inhumans will lose their vital displacement skills, so the battle situation will be much simpler.

Gordon was fast, but Goofy was quicker.

Before he could use his ability, Goofy's fist was already in front of him.

"Success or failure is here!"

Gao Fei roared: "Show your skills!!"


The all-out punch slammed into Gordon's face, and Gordon only felt a rush in his head.

At the same time, his ability came to an abrupt end—the teleportation failed to be used, and Gordon fainted on the spot.

"Success!" Gao Fei waved his fist with a smile, and the "all-out punch" was indeed much more powerful.

The 80% chance is not a blow, so far Goofy's two shots are one-hit kills.

Looking back at Hive, Gao Fei smiled lightly: "Sorry, Hive, you can't escape if you want to."

Hive's expression became a little nervous, and he who had just swallowed Whitehall knew that he was not Goofy's opponent.

But he still chose to resist and instruct his fans: "Protect me, don't let this human policeman get close to me."

"Pikachu" Lincoln rushed up first, and he released a strong current towards Goofy.

The current swept across Gao Fei's body, but was blocked by Stark's **** suit.

This suit is not only designed to hide Goofy's ugliness. Although this suit is not as good as Tony Stark's own Bloodside Battle Armor, it still has various functions such as insulation, heat insulation, bulletproof and so on. .

Goofy took advantage of the situation to rush up to grab Lincoln, and use the Whisper skill to wake Lincoln again.

"Wake up, Lincoln, wake up..."

"Don't be fooled by the hive, you're making a mistake now!"

Lincoln's eyes flickered, and his consciousness gradually became clear.

"Officer Gao, Gao Fei?" He looked at Gao Fei in pain and said in a low voice, "Save me, I'm completely under control, I'm so uncomfortable, it's like I've lost my soul... Help me, please help me I…"

But then Hive waved at him, and Lincoln lost consciousness again.


He released a strong current towards Gao Fei, and the whole person turned into a ball of lightning!

Goofy hurriedly threw Lincoln out, then turned to the hive.

"Honeycomb, even if you can control all Inhumans, you are not my opponent. If you are caught now, I can consider giving you a light sentence."

Hive heard the words and smiled: "Don't be too confident, Goofy, I know I can't beat you, but you can't kill me either, because I... have no weaknesses."

"I'm not afraid of high temperatures, extreme cold, or any form of energy radiation..."

"Bombs can't kill me, fire can't kill me, low-temperature freezing can't kill me... What can you do with me?"

Seeing Hive's arrogant appearance, Gao Fei couldn't help laughing.

"Honeycomb, it should be you who is too confident? Do you have any weaknesses, only you know." Gao Fei said with a smile.

Hearing Gao Fei's words, Hive was stunned for a while, but soon he regained his confidence, he never believed that Gao Fei knew his weakness.

He has only one weakness - the vacuum.

If he was exposed to a vacuum for more than five minutes, all the parasites would be But even Whitehall didn't know about this weakness, so how could Goofy know?

Therefore, the hive was still stubborn, and said a shameless lie: "I'm sorry, I have no weakness at all."


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