American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 389: The ability of the hive

The Inhumans did not expect the Hive to be able to persuade Jiaying and Gordon to surrender in an instant. Now these two Inhumans have become Hive's licking dogs as if they had been brainwashed, and obey him.

The aliens looked at each other, panic flashing on their faces.

"What method did this strange guy use to brainwash Jiaying and Gordon?"

"We must save them!"

"Barry, you go deal with him! Quick!"

Different people expressed their opinions and discussed in a low voice.

At this time, a tall Inhuman stepped forward and opened his mouth to shoot flames towards the hive.

"Damn Hydra, go to hell! Let Jiaying and Gordon go!"

The fire swept towards the hive, and he was instantly immersed in the sea of ​​fire!

"Nice job, Barry! Burn him! That's it!"

But after a few seconds, Hive calmly walked out of the fire and he was unharmed, and the fire did not cause any substantial damage to him.

"Can you unleash flames? Very well, I need this ability," Hive nodded and waved to Barry.

Barry's eyes were always and immediately captured.

"Dear Chief, please forgive my rudeness," he submissively apologized to Hive.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to see your strength." Hive said calmly.

At this time, a young boy with electricity surging all over his body appeared again.

"Hydra! Try this trick!"

He raised his hand and released a very strong current, which quickly penetrated the body of the hive.

"Nice job! Lincoln!"

"Lincoln! Great!"

The aliens shouted and cheered.

But Honeycomb's body just trembled slightly and then returned to normal. It was obvious that he was not injured because of it. The strong current also couldn't defeat him, or even hurt him.

"You can discharge? This is also a good skill." Hive looked at Lincoln approvingly, and then waved to him.

"Pikachu" Lincoln failed to escape the control of the hive, and he also became the hive's licking dog.

"Oh, my esteemed leader, I was so obsessed just now that I dared to attack you, please forgive my disrespectful behavior," Lincoln said in panic.

Honeycomb smiled: "It's okay, my child, everyone makes absurd mistakes when they grow up, I forgive you."

Seeing that Honeycomb has persuaded the four powerful Inhumans to surrender with a thunderous momentum, the other Inhumans are panicking, can this guy turn all Inhumans into his licking dogs?

Steve outside the laboratory had a solemn expression and asked Gao Fei in a low voice: "Goofy, how many aliens can the beehive control? Why can he make the aliens obey him with a single wave of his hand?"

"This is his power, Steve," Goofy said helplessly, "that's why he just said he was the destined leader of the Inhumans."

"When the Kree created the aliens, the first thing they transformed was the hive. In order to make the aliens their weapons and completely obey their commands, the Kree wrote a paragraph of absolute loyalty in the genes of all aliens. The code, and only the first alien in history, the hive has the authority to control this code"

"This also means that the Hive can control all Inhumans, so the Inhumans will be absolutely loyal to the Hive. Only a very small number of Inhumans who have mutated and lost this code can escape the control of the Hive."

"The parasite like the hive can not only devour living things and absorb energy, but he can also operate other aliens like puppets."

"It is for this reason that Hydra will do whatever it takes to complete the Far Star project and bring the hive from the planet Maveth. For this reason, Whitehall doesn't care whether the Inhumans will obey him, he is only responsible for doing It may be enough to create as many aliens, because as long as the hive appears, no matter what aliens it is, it will become his puppet and diehard.”

Steve's face turned pale after listening to Gao Fei's explanation.

"That is to say, all the aliens present will become the puppets of the hive?"

"Theoretically, it is like this." Goofy nodded, "unless there is a lucky genetic mutation of an Inhuman to get rid of the loyalty gene written in their bones by the Kree."

Before he finished speaking, the beehive in the laboratory had already zoomed in.

"My believers, don't be confused anymore, your life needs guidance, let me be your beacon!"

Speaking of this, Honeycomb opened his arms high, and those disgusting little flying insects drilled out of his eyes, nostrils, and mouth, and filled the entire laboratory space with a "humming" sound.

"It's over, the hive has completely controlled all the aliens," Gao Fei whispered, "Now our enemies have become these aliens."

"So what? How can we get these Inhumans out of the hive?" Steve asked.

"It's hard to say, maybe we need to kill the hive, after all, he is the source of confusing the aliens." Goofy speculated.

Steve nodded, then suddenly looked behind Goofy.

"Wait, if the hive can control all the Inhumans, does that mean Skye?"

Goofy suddenly realized, and hurriedly turned her head. At this time, Skye's expression had changed, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she raised her hand and released a shock wave towards Goofy and Steve.

"Almost forgot her." Gao Fei shrugged and raised his fist without hesitation.

"Sorry, girl, there's always a price to pay for growing up."

Gao Fei raised his hand to punch.

booom! !

Skye flew upside down and slammed into the wall. The "all-out punch" had an 80% chance of being triggered successfully, causing Skye to faint on the spot.

But after the punch, Goofy realized that there seemed to be a way to rescue Skye's Instructor Template's whispers that might be able to wake the hive-controlled ones.

"Ah, it seems a little impatient." Gao Fei scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, so he had to experiment on other aliens.

Jiaying, he didn't plan to save him at all, this woman's rescue is also a scourge.

Gordon is Jiaying's loyal lackey, and it's not a good thing.

Among the strangers in "The Other Side", "Pikachu" Lincoln is a good guy. This guy has a very positive outlook and good abilities. The key is that he looks handsome, a bit like Manchester United goalkeeper De Gea

Gao Fei thought about it, um, let's save him first.

So Goofy turned to Lincoln and used the whispering skills of the Instructor Template.

"Lincoln, wake up"

"Lincoln, calm down"

"You are being controlled now, your current behavior is not your original intention, don't sink in like this, you have to wake up a little bit"

"Before the big mistake is made, stop your wrong actions. It's still too late. Hurry up and save it."

After chanting a few times, Lincoln really showed signs of returning to normal. He pinched his forehead in confusion and said to himself, "What happened? Why did I do this?"

But he only has this sign, the hive's control over him is too strong.

It didn't take long before Lincoln was under the control of the hive again.

Gao Fei shook his head: "No, the hive's control over the aliens is continuous, and the aliens must be defeated before the aliens can be awakened."

Steve waved his shield: "Then go **** him!"

The two looked at each other, broke into the laboratory side by side, and rushed straight to the hive.

When Whitehall saw these two people, his face changed greatly.

"Oops! It's Goofy! It's Goofy who pierced the alien battleship! Dear Lord Hydra, I suggest we leave here quickly, be sure to hurry!"

"Leave?" Hive didn't take Goofy seriously at all. He didn't watch the live broadcast of Goofy vs. Dark Elves Don't worry, an ordinary earthling can't kill me. "Hive said confidently.

"Respected Lord Hydra, he is not an ordinary earthman," Whitehall explained nervously to the hive, "he is the strongest warrior on earth, a high-flying man with immortality and unfathomable energy. When the celestial bodies converged, the dark elves brought ether particles to destroy the earth, but Goofy easily defeated them, and he penetrated a space battleship of the dark elves with his flesh and blood!!"

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