American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 180: Battle Armor Goofy

The fake Iron Man soared from south of Flushing, toward the middle of Queens, where there was a modest physical therapy clinic where Richard Duke's widow, Jennifer, worked.

There is no doubt that the target of "Iron Man" this time is the poor woman who just slammed him in the interview. As long as Jennifer is brutally killed, the public's resentment against Iron Man will be pushed to an unprecedented peak. , the judiciary will come forward to sanction Tony Stark.

After the "Iron Man" set off, a private car in the south of Flushing also started following his steps.

Goofy and Steve have been here for a long time, but fortunately the fake Iron Man didn't let them down. The fishing plan is going well, and it's time to bring the murderer to justice.

In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun shrouded the streets of Queens, and Jennifer Duke got off work from the clinic and crossed the crowded street to the subway station opposite as usual.

However, just after she took a few steps, passers-by around her exclaimed.

"It's Iron Man!"

"Tony Stark!"

"Iron Man is here again!"

"It's really Iron Man!"

Hearing the words "Iron Man", Jennifer's face was as pale as paper. She knew what Iron Man's arrival meant, and she understood who Iron Man was for.

If his husband was brutally murdered by Tony Stark just by attacking the stocks of Stark Industries, then his interview on TV a few days ago is even less likely to be tolerated by Tony Stark.

Thinking that she was about to die under Iron Man's gun, Jennifer felt sad in her heart.

She was angry, but more fearful.

She even regrets her drastic remarks in the interview, regretting that she angered Iron Man - because Richard is already dead, and if she dies again, the three children in the family will be orphans.

She is not afraid of death, she even has a little desire to die, because her reliance on Richard has left, and she is eager to accompany her beloved husband.

But she couldn't worry about her children and didn't want them to be orphaned. Jennifer's tears flowed down when she thought of those three innocent faces.

Looking up, "Iron Man" has come to her.

"Stupid woman, pay for your own childish remarks!"

"Iron Man" raised his hand, extended the barrel from his forearm and fired.

Bang bang bang!

"Iron Man" fired three shots in a row.

Jennifer closed her eyes.

She knew it was too late.

However, at this moment, she vaguely felt that the wind was blowing around her, and at the same time, there seemed to be light shining, as if a bright light was suddenly lit in front of her.

There was no pain in her body, and the bullet didn't seem to hit her.

Jennifer opened her eyes in shock, and suddenly found a burly man standing in front of her.

A man who glows all over!

NYPD's black uniform, Asian with yellow skin and black hair.

Brooklyn's hero police officer - Goofy!

Goofy blocked the three bullets of "Iron Man" with his chest, and properly protected Jennifer's safety.

Jennifer was shaking all over.

"Goofy... Officer!"

Gao Fei smiled slightly, his mouth full of blood and turned his head.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe."

Blood sprayed Jennifer's face when she spoke.

Jennifer quickly stretched out her hand to try to block the wound on Goofy's chest, but when she looked down, she found that Goofy's wound had already healed.

The nervous Jennifer had forgotten that Goofy was immortal.

But despite this, Gao Fei's sacrifice made Jennifer grateful, and when she thought of her previous condemnation of him, Jennifer felt ashamed.

"Officer Goofy, I said that to you in the interview...why did you save me?"

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "Because this is my duty."


[Worship from Jennifer Duke +5]

However, despite Goofy's heroic blocking of "Iron Man"'s bullet, the citizens still suspected that there was an unspeakable PY transaction between Goofy and "Iron Man".

"Will Officer Goofy arrest Iron Man?"

"Of course not! Stark is Goofy's best friend!"

"He will definitely let Iron Man leave as he did last time."

"It must be the case, let alone flying high, even the entire NYPD dare not offend Stark."

"Iron Man can fly! Goofy can't fly, of course it's impossible to catch Iron Man!"

"I think Goofy is just trying to save the victim for a show, he won't really arrest Iron Man."

Listening to the discussions of the onlookers, Gao Fei couldn't help laughing.

I won't catch "Iron Man"?

I'm just saving someone for a show?

I can't fly?

You are so naive.

Just as the fake Iron Man in mid-air turned around and was about to escape, Goofy snapped his fingers at Steve who was standing not far away. Steve immediately threw a black suitcase over and threw it firmly to Goofy. hands.

Goofy pressed the switch of the suitcase, and a strange light suddenly lit up in the suitcase. Then the suitcase disintegrated and deformed, and the box was extended into a simple mechanical suit that was worn on Goofy's body.

At the same time, the Ark reactor in the suitcase flashed, and it was embedded in Goofy's chest to provide energy for the suit.

Three seconds later, Gao Fei was already wearing a steel battle suit!

Jarvis' voice sounded inside the helmet.

"Hello, Officer Goofy, it's an honor to fight alongside you."

"First question - do you need some music?"

Gao Fei had a black line on his face: "No need."


"Second question - who do you think is more handsome, you and Mr. Stark?"

Gao Fei's face was black again: "I'm more handsome! Don't ask me any more questions, Jarvis, don't disturb my work."

"Okay, sir."

Jarvis shut up obediently, and Goofy soared into the sky.

"Yo hoo!"

This battle suit, which is broken down from a suitcase, is already the fifth generation of the Mark series, and the color matching has also changed accordingly. In addition to the classic red, the chest and back of this battle suit are Metal primary color.

A few days ago, considering that he was going to lend this suit to Goofy, Stark removed all the most attractive designs. After all, he hadn't had time to wear this brand-new Mark V suit. Can't let Gao Fei steal the limelight first.

The fake Iron Man in mid-air originally thought that he could successfully escape from Gao Fei's hands this time. He never expected that Gao Fei actually borrowed a genuine Iron Man suit from Stark. This guy was dumbfounded on the spot. To give up resistance.

The crowd at the scene was also stupid, and no one expected that Gao Fei would have such a killer move.

And they couldn't figure out the logic at all - why did Tony Stark let Goofy beat himself in his suit?

Could it be that... This Iron Man who has repeatedly committed murder is not Iron Man at all?

Everyone looked up at the and paid close attention to the battle situation.

And Gao Fei's actions were not sloppy at all, and the Mark Ⅴ battle suit roared directly on the fake Iron Man.

The genuine Iron Man is made of gold-titanium alloy, which is unparalleled in strength. The material of the fake Iron Man is a bit difficult to describe. As Stark said, it is a pile of "broken copper and iron"...

So the result is obvious, under the collision of the two, the fake Iron Man crashed.

What's more nonsense is that the "Ark Reactor" on the chest of the fake Iron Man was knocked off by Gao Fei.

The onlookers rushed over excitedly to pick up the treasure.

"Ark Reactor! Ark Reactor!"

As a result, I picked it up and looked at it, shit... What kind of Ark reactor is it, it's just an LED round headlight...

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