Two days later, Iron Man's murder of Richard has caused a lot of trouble in New York City.

The NYPD headquarters frequently put pressure on the 109th Bureau to urge Hank to start an investigation of Tony Stark as soon as possible. If it wasn't for Goofy's face and Superintendent Schneider's mediation, the case might have been handed over by the NYPD to the FBI processed.

This morning, as soon as Gao Fei came to the precinct, Roger walked over with a frown.

"Officer Gao Fei, something happened..."

"What happened? Why do you look like you are dying?" Gao Fei teased with a smile, "Don't panic, Roger, haven't we seen any big storms?"

Roger sighed deeply: "Hey... Officer Goofy, the credibility you've worked so hard to get for NYPD is likely to be exhausted soon... Come and watch this video."

Having said that, Roger brought Gao Fei to his workstation and played an interview video on the computer.

Interviewed in the video is Richard Duke's widow, Jennifer Duke, who is screaming at Tony Stark and the NYPD.

"I don't understand why the NYPD claims there is insufficient evidence? Hundreds of eyes have seen Tony Stark's crimes, and everyone has witnessed the so-called Iron Man shoot my poor husband, and all this is only because My husband was on the show for that trivial critique of Stark Industries... God! Just a few critiques at the cost of his life?"

"I know that Tony Stark is an outstanding entrepreneur. He pays hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes for the country every year, but is this his talisman? Can you do whatever you want with money?"

"The thing that disappoints me the most is the NYPD, justice is not done, and the law is a piece of paper! They make me feel ridiculous! They make me feel sick!"

"And the so-called New York hero Goofy, yes, Goofy, I just want to condemn you by name! I know Stark is your friend, and I heard that he also gave you an armored fighting vehicle, So that's why you shield and condone him, right? If you can't get justice for my poor husband, how can you be considered a hero by us?"

"I promise! If you don't bring Tony Stark to justice, then he'll get even worse in his Iron Man suit! I promise!"

After playing the video, Roger quickly patted Goofi on the shoulder comfortingly.

"Officer Gao Fei, don't be angry, this widow is just too sad, please forgive her for criticizing you..."

Gao Fei smiled: "Why should I be angry? She behaved very well. I like her assumptions, because they are logical. I especially like her last sentence - Iron Man will continue to do evil things. ."

Because of this sentence, there is a high probability that the culprit behind the scenes will commit murder again.

Roger was stunned on the spot.

She scolded you for a long time, but you still said she was doing well?

"Officer Gao Fei, aren't you confused?"

Gao Fei laughed: "Do you think I'm confused?"

The two were talking when Steve Rogers hurried in from the door.

Gao Fei quickly greeted him.

"How is it, Steve, has the task given to you come to fruition?"

"It's almost there." Steve replied, "According to the investigation in the past few days, I have found three witnesses who saw the fake Iron Man on the day of the crime, and they claimed that Iron Man flew from south of Flushing, Queens. Brooklyn, so this guy's base is in Queens..."

"The battery life of the fake Iron Man is only ten to fifteen minutes, so he should be in this area." Goofy said, "By the way, I remember this area is George Stacy's jurisdiction."

"It's him." Steve nodded. "Don't worry, I've already greeted him. He led people to locate several suspicious locations in the area. The most suspicious one was a mechanical repair shop. I think if you want to produce, Repairing the fake Iron Man suit will definitely require a lot of professional tools, and a mechanical repair shop is the most suitable location."

Gao Fei nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, pay extra attention these days, I think the fake Iron Man will commit crimes again soon."


After arranging things in Queens, Goofy went to Stark Building again.

Tony Stark is embarrassed when he sees Goofy now, because he still can't figure out why Goofy's voice suddenly came to his mind that night.

"Could it be that there is some kind of weird bond between us?"

Stark really couldn't figure it out.

"Have you seen the interview with Jennifer Duke?" Goofy asked with a smile as soon as he entered the door.

"Of course I saw it." Stark said angrily, "Please, Goofy, you can still laugh when this woman condemns us so much in the interview?"

"After all, she just died of her husband, Stark, you should be considerate of her." Gao Fei shrugged, "Not to mention she gave us a divine assist."

"You mean the last sentence she said in the interview, right?" Stark said. "She asserts that Iron Man will do evil again."

"Yes." Goofy said, "So next, you need to make up your mind, pretend to be bedridden, and then pretend to spread this news accidentally..."

Stark laughed: "If I'm bedridden, then it will be difficult to create an alibi, and the fake Iron Man will definitely be unable to resist shooting again."

Goofy nodded: "Yes, Stark, the bait has been thrown out, just waiting for the fish to take the bait."

Stark couldn't help clenching his fists: "Come on, Hammer, show your sinister true face."

Having said that, Stark walked to the desk and took out a black suitcase from under the desk.

"By the way, Gao Fei, this is the gift I prepared for you."

Goofy took the black suitcase.


Stark patted Goofy on the shoulder and asked worriedly: "By the way, do you want to do a simple training first? Although this thing is very smart, it is really not easy to use at first."

Gao Fei was very confident: "Don't worry, I can handle it myself."


A day later, the news that Tony Stark was seriously ill gradually spread in the Stark Building.

At first, Pepper mentioned it in a low voice when he was on the phone in the bathroom, and was heard by a colleague next door. Later, the news spread and more people knew about it.

Tony Stark is said to have shut himself up at home, even Pepper didn't want to see him, and it's not just the flu that's crushing him, but the media bashing of him these days.

Later that evening, Sheriff George Stacy of Queens called Goofy.

"Officer Goofy, the fake Iron Man is dispatched..."

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