Chapter 991 Don’t interrupt the critical moment!

Research shows that after humans have experienced extremely significant stimuli, they will quickly undergo transformations-Xuexia Yangna glanced at her once so simple and simple, this transformation has become too fast, right? Wait, isn’t Yukino hypnotizing herself…

“Isn’t it the elder sister?” The same goes for Yukino under Xuexia. What happened to the elder sister who likes to tease her, but who has always been perfect outside today? Why does it keep getting gaffes? First, I got an inexplicable look, and then I ignored the true white. Now even the basic rewards and punishments have to be questioned.

“…” Xuexia Yangna, who was interrupted as soon as she said the words, couldn’t help saying: “Xuno, are you awake? Sister knows what happened today for you for a while. There will be no way to accept it, but you can’t give up on yourself because of it…”

“Destroy yourself?” Xuexiaxue was puzzled.

“Yes, in the eyes of my sister, Xiaoxue is deceiving herself with self-defeating and self-defeating. Now that something that shouldn’t have happened has happened, don’t think about deceiving yourself, but face up to that bad experience…”

“Aren’t all the things happening because of my sister?” Although the eldest lady was pouring chicken soup, the second lady didn’t like it very much: “And, did I say it? I don’t care about those things anymore!”

“Can’t Koyuki be frank? How could it be possible to say that you don’t care or don’t care…” Don’t care? If you don’t care, would you treat the model similar to YJ as a reward?

“I’m very frank! I really don’t mind those things!” Yukoshita Yukino emphasized.

“Really?” Although she said so, Yukoshita’s face was full of unbelief. How could she be so strong? She usually blushes when she is teased, not to mention being put into an eighteen-like posture?

“Huh…” To this, Xuexiaxuenai sighed deeply, then couldn’t help saying: “I shouldn’t have the need to lie to you, right?”

“Xiaoxue is happy!”

“My elder sister thinks I’m lying, right?” Yukoshita Yukino, who said this, had the word # on her forehead unknowingly.

“My elder sister also hopes that Xiaoxuno is telling the truth, and she really doesn’t mind the bad experience, but…” Yukino sighed in her heart, let alone Xiaoxuno, even if she encounters such a thing, I am afraid Will you doubt life?

“It’s just…” Xuexiaxue wanted to help her forehead, didn’t she just observe the total enlightenment of the earth, plus wrote an observation report? Isn’t this black history at best? There is still a black history that no one knows except for my sister and Hiratsuka teacher. As long as she destroys the observation report after she returns, the black history will not exist!

After all, what’s the matter of this kind of thing? In comparison, my sister has a problem, right?

“Xiaoyuna, when you say only this, my sister already knows that you are just trying to do it…”

“Huh?” Xuexiaxue has a confused face, is it just that there is a problem with this statement? Sister, what is she thinking?

“After all, even if that kind of thing happened to me, it would be hard for me to let go. Of course, no matter how hard it is to let go, my sister will stand up again…” Yukoshita Yonoi appeared to say

“How bad does sister think of that kind of thing?”

“This…” Xuexiayangna hesitated: “That kind of thing is a matter of opinion. For some girls, it is possible to dedicate themselves on impulse. For them, it may be capital to show off. But for some girls…”

Impulse? Dedication? Show off capital? Wait, no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t match her observing Doma Sougou’s behavior, right? Wait a minute, what sister she said is…

“Let me just ask, what does the kind of thing my sister said?”

“Yes, do you want to say it here?”

“…” The performance of Xuexia Yangna has already made the second lady guess something, she doesn’t know when the black line hangs on her face: “Of course!”

On the other side, the soil house, -2 storey.

“O’uni sauce, Xiao Mai can no longer feel your trust…” Tuan Zi said with a look of disappointment.

“What!?” Tuma always felt puzzled.

“Oni sauce didn’t tell Xiaomai at all, you have made a sauce in advance…” Seeing the container filled with sauce that Sougo Doma took out from the fresh-keeping cabinet, the dumplings patted the table. Said: “You clearly don’t believe that Xiao Qian can make the sauce! This is your distrust of me…”

“Then have you done it?” Sougo Tama glanced at him.

“Xiao Mu refuses to answer this question!” Tuanzi said with his hands buried in his arms.

“Does Xiao Mai think this question needs to be answered?”

“O’uni sauce, Xiao Mai seriously suspects that your distrust is affecting Xiao Mai’s performance. It is precisely because of the existence of spare parts that Xiao Mai will release himself…”

“But Xiao Mu didn’t even know that there was a spare sauce, right?”

“Well, that should be the influence of the law of causality!” Tuanzi said solemnly, hugging his hands.

“Don’t be mean, take the sauce up and say that there are none…”

“But there are more than a dozen pages of Xiaomai’s comics that I haven’t finished reading. People obviously want to finish reading the comics while O’Neill prepares the sauce. However, O’Neill has lived up to Xiaomai’s trust, and he even said in advance. The sauce is ready!” Dumpling pouted.

“This is just in case!”

“There is not so much in case!” Tuanzi protested.

“What about now?” Doma Sougo wanted to roll his eyes.

“This is an inevitable situation, it’s not an accident! O’Neill let Xiaomai, a novice cooking chef, handle such complicated tasks alone…” Tuanzima will always be confident.

“Complex?” Sougo Morama covered his face: “I just asked you to mix the sauce well, is it complicated? Don’t make this situation inevitable!”

“But if it’s just a simple mix, isn’t it less challenging?”

“You should do the simple work well before you say such things!”

“That’s what I said, but if you think about it, if it’s too simple at the beginning, wouldn’t it mean that Xiaobui’s talent can’t be fully reflected?”

“No…” Sougo Tama thought that this scrap dumpling underestimated herself: “The talent for dark cooking has been fully manifested!”

“That’s all because the work arranged by O’Neill is too simple, which inspires Xiao Mu’s creative desire. As a creator, how can Xiao Mu accept such ordinary and ordinary development, and he must have the spirit of innovation… …” Danzimu said as he flipped through the comic book in his hand.

“After talking so much, you actually just want to finish reading the manga, right?” Sougo Tama saw the truth clearly.

“Huh hey?” Tuanzi buried his eyes and stared at the comic book: “It was discovered by O’Neill…”

“If you don’t want to be discovered, you must be concealed…” Tama Sougo said while looking at the tuanzi intently.

“Euny sauce!” But he was only halfway through vomiting, but the dumpling was buried but suddenly said solemnly.

“what happened again?”

“Speak down, the story of the comics has reached a critical moment!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

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