Chapter 990 Xue Na, something is wrong with you!

“Sorry, really white, my sister is a little rude, sister, this is Shiina really white…” Faced with Yukoshita Yono who was slightly gaffey and not cheating, the second lady was a little surprised that her always perfect sister would ignore others and say nothing. Afterwards, he didn’t use subtle words to deal with it. Instead, like a stunned green, he asked her who the other party was—

Isn’t this just plain telling Zhenbai that she hadn’t been noticed just now? This kind of performance is not to be said to be perfect, even the basic social etiquette is not satisfied, if the mother sees the other party’s performance, then…

What’s wrong with her sister?

However, Yukoshita Yono did not realize this. Her attention was completely attracted by Zhenbai’s name. If her memory is correct, then this is Shiina’s room, and she even speculated that Shiina is really white. The relationship with the bastard in the soil, obviously, her guess just now was wrong, the girl in front of her was not separated from the bastard in the soil, but…

That doesn’t mean there’s no problem. Just a strange and beautiful girl appeared in the house of the bastard in the earth, no, it should be said that the other party has a big problem in the bastard’s house, and the last name is different. Under the circumstances, this girl is not always the same as that bastard in the soil, right? After excluding the blood relationship, isn’t this a cohabitation in the sense of a man and a woman?

Cohabitation? As a quasi-social person who has never eaten pork and has seen countless pig runs, Xuexiayang is thinking about it again and again, but can’t help asking again:

“Eh, a lot, were you all together just now?”

“Of course…” Xuexiaxue Nai was a little puzzled. Her sister’s performance today was too unsatisfactory. She had already expressed her rude behavior, but the other party didn’t rush over to talk about it, and asked some inexplicable questions. Wonderful thing, this…

Xuexiayangna: “…”

She really crossed the universe, Koyuki~!

“Xue, Xue Na, have you accepted?”

“Hmm…” Yukino Yukino nodded, but she was also a little dissatisfied. Did Hiratsuka-sensei tell her sister even this kind of thing? Although Tama Sougou was introduced by her as a client, she is not a child, so can she tell her family about everything?

“Take it, accept it? Xiaoxuno, you, did you accept it like that?” A certain sister almost collapsed, but that was beyond the level of Dengtian!

“This has nothing to do with my sister?” Xuexia Xuena was puzzled and a little embarrassed at the same time. Does my sister even intervene in her club activities now?

“Xuno, I am your elder sister!” Xue Xia Yangna wanted to cry, although no one but himself was qualified to say anything about stepping onto the adult ladder, but…

“Even my sister can’t interfere with my personal wishes, right?” Xuexiaxuno gritted her teeth.

“Hey, personal wishes…” Xuexiayangna took two steps back after hearing this, how could it be possible, how could she accept three people together with a simple touch? She didn’t believe it, she would never believe it and couldn’t believe it: “Yuki, Koyuki, did that bastard in the dirt force you?”

“No!” Although I felt like I was being tricked by the other party, since the commission had been accepted, Yukino Yukoshita would not deny: “Student Tuma just asked me.”

“That bastard is just asking, so you accepted it? With this girl…” As soon as the voice fell, Yukoshita Yono couldn’t help but point Shiina to Shiina.

“Is there any problem?” Xuexia Xuenao frowned.

“Xuno, what are you thinking? Although this kind of thing is really nothing to high school students, but you can’t just casually…” Then he handed over himself, even with others, Xuexiayang Hold your head.

“Whatever you want?” Xuexia Xuenai’s dissatisfaction grew stronger, isn’t it just to help others with tuition? Is it possible to even ask her: “Sister, what is not to be casual, do you want to report to you in advance?”

“If you can, I don’t mind…” As a HENTAI-level sister control, Xuexiayang took it for granted: “Before that, it’s best to let the sister check…”

“Enough!” Yukino couldn’t help it anymore: “Sister, don’t you think you control too much?” What the hell is the gatekeeper? Did she even interfere with the freedom of tutoring?

“Xiaoyuna, sister is also thinking about you…”

“Sister, shouldn’t I be a kid?” Xuexia Xuenai said coldly.

No, not a kid? Yukino won’t she be brainwashed by that bastard in the soil, right? Why are the rhetoric the same? Yonoyuki Yukino thought so, while pointing to Shiina Shiro:

“But Xuenai is not mature at all, so I told her for the first time…”

“Sister!” Xuexia Xuena’s voice became colder, and Tama Sougo ridiculed her the first time she went to a classmate’s house, even if her sister came? Why did she help Zhenbai the first time she helped someone with tuition?

“What’s the matter?” Shiina was also puzzled by being pointed at.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Why can these two guys be like okay people? She’s just a simple touch. What about this girl called Zhenbai?

“This little sister, why would you agree to this kind of thing!?”

“Baumkuchen, although it is very troublesome, but Sougo agreed and will make many Baumkuchens later…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

What the hell is Baumkuchen? Why would anyone agree to three people together because of the Baumkuchen! ?

Just as the eldest lady was about to doubt her life, the second lady frowned and said: “It’s really white, you can ignore my sister!” Don’t tell me the reason for tutoring. It would appear that she doesn’t have a Baumkuchen yet. Important…

“Xue, Xue Na, what does it mean to ignore me? This girl was obviously seduced by that bastard in the soil, you actually…” Xue Xia Yang Nao said after hearing this.

“Isn’t this the most basic incentive measure? Now even kindergartens give children some rewards…” Yukino Yukino felt that her sister had a problem, although she had considered this when she told her about the Baumkuchen. Point, but even overtime is paid for overtime, so what is it to get some Baumkuchen after studying for nothing?

“Can it be the same?” Xuexia Yangna couldn’t hold back again. The reward for the children was to improve the children’s learning initiative, but for this girl, it was obviously…the starting point was different, how could it be the same!

“Why is it different?” Xuexia Xuena asked rhetorically. After getting in touch, the second lady has already discovered that Zhenbai is no different from children in some aspects. In this case, reasonable use of incentives to improve Zhenbai’s learning motivation, to Nor can it be said that Soma Sougo did something wrong.

“Why is it different? Xueno, do you have to tell me?”

“I’m quite curious about the difference.” Xuexia Xuenai also said.

“If you replace the Baumkuchen with Fukuzawa Yukichi, what do you think your behavior has become?” Yukoshita Yono snarled, isn’t this similar to YJ?

“There is no difference. Many parents will give some material rewards to children who behave well?”

Table, good performance? Xuexiayang is shocked, she feels more and more unfamiliar, can she behave well in such a thing as good as usual?

“Xiaoyuna, something is wrong with you! Is it because of…”

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