Chapter 978

“Oh, O’Neill, Xiao Mu can only accompany you here, you, you must take the part of Xiao Mu, live, live, cough cough…” The eldest lady said in a breathless voice. Before she finished speaking, she fell down with a cough.

“Ha…” Sougo Tama also stared at the front with his eyes: “Xiaobui, you can go with peace of mind, Ernie Chan swears that he will live to the end…”

“Oh, O’Neill…” The fallen lady stretched out her hand.

“Xiaobui, close your eyes with peace of mind…” Doma Sougo turned his face away.

“…” After hearing the words, the eldest lady turned her head slowly. First, she looked at Tuma Zouwu with her eyes blankly, and then followed the other side’s line of sight to look ahead. then……

“Ouni-chan, I just wanted to ask when I was buried. Obviously, you only have this life left in the first level, and there is still blood. Why is it still like this when you see the last BOSS right away!” The eldest lady couldn’t help but said his blood strip.

“Xiaobui, don’t you know? Human DNA is engraved with the truth that there is no residual blood and can’t play…” To this, Doma Zougou explained while manipulating the joystick.

“Then why are Xiao Bui rushing in front after the first level…” Miss Bui’s soul asked.

“I’m stupid. At that time, you had the innate advantage of life and blood, and the flesh shield was not in the front. Wouldn’t it be possible for me, an assassin who fell to pieces at the touch of a touch, to take the lead in the charge?” Explained.

“Where are the assassins and meat shields in the game with similar character attributes? This is not an online game, it is an arcade…” In the video game center on the top floor of Super Commercial, the lady shook the joystick in her hand.

“Xiao Bui, you care too much about attributes. As long as you play as an assassin, even a civilian can become an assassin. Think about it, whether the kills of the bosses in the previous levels are all done by O’Neill… ”

“That’s grabbing heads!”

“Xiao, Xiaobui, how can you say that, O’Neill just doesn’t want blood to stain your hands…” After being “misunderstood” by a lot of “misunderstandings”, Tuma Zougou is so “heartbroken”…

“Why didn’t you make the last cut?” The eldest lady said with a sullen expression on her face.

“The eagle will also push the chicks down the cliff, and O’Neill is also to make…”

“I have said so much, in fact, because I don’t have any extra experience after killing the soldiers, right?” Before finishing speaking, the eldest lady interrupted with a black face.

“Experience value, experience value, when did Ernie care about the level when playing games…” Sougo Tama retorted.

“Don’t mind? Then why is O’Neill close to the full level in the middle of the game, but Xiao Bui has reached the last level, but it is still a few levels away to reach the full level? If the level was just a little higher, Xiao Mu will never leave the field early…”

“…” After hearing this for a while, Sou Wu Tama said faintly: “This is the cruel side of the game. When you think that your enemy is only a computer, you are already close to defeat. In fact, teammates are only It is the real enemy, whether it is to grab resources or deliberately frame up, as long as it is for the ultimate victory…”

This extremely realistic speech did not attract the eldest lady’s homage. She still had a remnant expression on her face: “It’s just the right to manipulate the TV show at dinner time today. Isn’t Ernie Chan as good as it?”

“Tsk tusk…” Sougo Morama sneered, shaking his fingers: “Xiaobui, you are too superficial. What Ernie is fighting for is not as simple as switching TV programs. Have you never heard such a sentence? Dinner time controls the TV. The person who is the real head of the family-I didn’t say before, it was because you have the control, but today, hum…”

“Boom!” Before he could finish speaking, Miss Mui slapped her hands with a boxing: “Hey, it turns out that Xiao Mu is the head of the family after moving out!”

“Ahem…” To this, Sougo Tama quickly coughed twice: “Of course, this statement is limited to today, and we are all equal at other times. The statement of the head of the family has long been outdated…”

“Well, that means that Ernie Chan wants to be the head of the family for a day?”

“That’s right…” Doma Sougo nodded: “Xiaobui, this is my real ambition, tremble…”

“Ouni-chan, interrupt your S2 time for a moment, Xiao Qian doesn’t ask why the person who controls the TV at dinner time is the head of the family…”

“Tsk tusk…” Sougo Morama sneered: “This is not easy, of course, because everyone must use their hands during dinner, and the only entertainment that can pass the time without using hands is watching TV…”

“You can still watch IPXD!” The eldest lady shook her fingers.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The development of science and technology has turned custom into an elegy. He must do something:

“IOXD is not allowed at dinner time today, nor is MPN…”

“Well, anyway, Xiao Mu didn’t want to play those today…” Miss Mu was very well-behaved.

“So obedient?”

“After all, we are going to have a barbecue party in the yard. It is dangerous for the electronic equipment to be too close to the fire source…” The lady smiled.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Wait, if he is holding a barbecue party in the yard, why is he fighting for the TV remote? MDZZ! Who can watch TV while having a barbecue! ? But if you don’t do it-I have promised this dumpling just now! Compared with unbelievable words, other things have to go backwards, which is strange, thinking that he can’t help it? Think too…


Just when someone was thinking too much, on the screen, while the character was stunned, the soldier with residual blood shot a left uppercut and slammed out coldly, blocking the hero who was about to approach the boss’s lair outside the Demon King’s city. At that moment, the soldier had him Not alone, chestnut, tortoise, ninja, cannon fodder, mass production soldiers are attached to him, he is not alone, not…


Looking at the English letters that appeared on the screen, the eldest lady crooked her head and said, “Ah~! O’Neill is dead…”

“Um…” Sougo Tama lowered his head: “There is no longer a reason to fight…”

“Eunni sauce, the drama…”

The old face of someone called the actor blushed: “Who started it first? Ahem, it’s almost half past five o’clock. If you don’t go back to the barbecue party, you have to cancel it…”

“But there are still a few game coins in Xiaomai’s hand. By the way, isn’t O’Neill going to buy sauce? How can he get back so many game coin vouchers?” Missy was puzzled.

“Well, I happened to meet an acquaintance…” Sougo Doma chuckled and stood up, stretching his waist.

“Are you friends with O’Neill? Do you know Xiao Mai?” Miss Mai also followed up.

“Does Xiao Jian know a middle-aged man with sunglasses and waste material?” Tsuchima turned his head.

“Hey, is there a MADAO among the acquaintances of O’Neill?” The eldest lady said in horror.

“After all, there is more than one piece of waste material in the house. Observing the lessons of the past can be regarded as a precaution…” Sou Wu Tama said in a low voice as he walked.

“Euny sauce!” Miss Yi Xiao ran forward and protested: “It is impossible for Xiao Yi to become MADAO. The genders are different. If you want to become a candidate for MADAO, Ou Ni sauce is more likely to be right. Anyway, Is the guy who can take out so many vouchers really MADAO?”

“It should be said that the guy who can take out so many game currency vouchers is the true MADAO, right?” Sougo Tama retorted.

Seeing the two brothers and sisters leaving behind, the store manager of the video game center silently shed tears: “Devil, the devil is finally gone. Almost all the machines in the store that can get prizes are emptied by these two devil, but the money is still used. Voucher, who gave them the voucher! Ohhhhhh…”

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