Chapter 977 Worries Probably Not Applicable To…

Doma Sougou has always been stable. Although some of his death-like behaviors seem to be compelling, they are all based on the premise that he knows the foundation, that is to say, he will be able to solve the problem with complete confidence. And move forward with the wind, no need to pay attention to the waves…

If you don’t know the foundation, like facing this supernatural creature with sunglasses as its main body, although the breath of the opponent is not much different from that of ordinary people, he will not choose it when he is not sure about the other party’s methods. There was a conflict-at least let him figure out the situation.

However, the fatal provocative speech of the short and fat BOSS, coupled with the obvious sadness of the sunglasses, this is that the heavens do not want to give him a chance to find out the situation!

Damn it’s short and fat BOSS, even if you die by yourself, why should you bring him? Obviously he has promised to take away the scraps, why don’t you believe him! ? How terrible is your smile? Come to think about why other merchants complained!

More importantly, why do you want to step on the thunder crazy to mention the sunglasses? He also said that sunglasses do not have eyesight to see, and eyesight sees something, but the other party has eyes!

Don’t talk about anything else, if you want to replace him with this pair of sunglasses with supernatural powers, he must not be able to bear it, he has to…

Just when the soil was condensed and concentrating, while vomiting in his heart, the dark glasses suddenly raised his head and said seriously: “Boss, don’t confuse sunglasses with Jidao! Sunglasses are not for Jidao. Health, ordinary people will also have the need to wear sunglasses!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Is the point of concern still in the sunglasses? Sure enough, the sunglasses are the main body…

He was sighing in his heart, but the chunky BOSS in front of him had already pointed at Hasegawa again and said, “Ordinary people wear sunglasses indoors, because you wear sunglasses all day, so you won’t be able to attract many guests. , Speaking of intimidation, obviously your dress is more like a threat!”

“Well, BOSS, I actually found it strange when I first came to work. It stands to reason that the traffic in the meat market should not be so small. Moreover, the gradual recovery of customers proves this point. I was curious before. , But after listening to BOSS today…”

“Hasegawa…” Chunky BOSS gritted his teeth: “What do you want to say!? Are you trying to say that the shortage of customers is all because of me? Is it all because of me?”

“I didn’t say that, but even if I was dressed like this, I didn’t scare the guests to approach. On the contrary, because wearing sunglasses and playing with a claw machine looks like a professional, some guests even ask me for advice before putting in coins. Consumption is coming…” Hasegawa said without looking away.

Toma Sougo took a subconscious look at the sunglasses after hearing this. Indeed, although the other party’s sunglasses shelf was dressed like a Terminator, but the breath that radiated from his body was nothing to do all day long, only knowing that he was playing a small steel ball to catch a claw machine. The vagrant is almost the same. If you change your outfit, you are basically a middle-aged man, called M for short…

and many more!

Sougo Doma, who looks at the image of sunglasses, evokes his memory because of the name Uncle Scrap…

Uncle waste, it turned out to be uncle waste!

No wonder he thinks the name Hasegawa Taizo is familiar…

If it weren’t for this name, he wouldn’t have been so worried. After all, he would be familiar with someone who had never seen each other in this world and had a slight impression. It’s very likely that he would be some kind of The creature called the protagonist, although the protagonist is not unfamiliar, but…

That’s just the protagonist of the daily story. Dressed like this terminator, even the body is suspected of being a supernatural existence with sunglasses. The protagonist of this kind of super story and the protagonist of the daily story are completely two concepts, what kind of explosion kills the enemy, what? Residual blood counter-kill, what the protagonist’s halo, these are all BUFFs that the super protagonist comes with.

If you are tough with these guys without knowing the details, it will be no different from the big boss who is destined to be gray. No, it should be said that there is not necessarily the treatment of the big boss. After all, the big boss is usually not to destroy the world. , Is to conquer the world. Although it is not very difficult to destroy the world, he never thought about it.

Well, even if the idea of ​​destroying everything comes up occasionally, he can restrain himself. Is the game not fun? Is the movie still bad? What’s more, it’s much more interesting to gradually cultivate a lot of waste than to destroy the world!

All things considered, he is inconsistent with the person setting of the big boss. It should be useless to get the treatment of the big boss, at most it is a cannon fodder…

Based on these considerations, the soil total comprehension will endure it.

But Uncle Scrap, ha, ha ha…

Although it is not wrong to say that the sunglasses are the main body, this pair of sunglasses cannot move away from the sunglasses shelf! And the sunglasses shelf is almost equivalent to waste materials, so the man with sunglasses dressed as Terminator Hasegawa is just a waste material uncle at all!

No wonder, it’s no wonder that the breath of the other person is similar to that of ordinary people, he was just a waste uncle!

He was worried because of a waste material uncle. Fortunately, no one knew his speculations and concerns. Otherwise, he would have to find a hole to bury himself. No, it should be to get rid of all the insiders!

Sougo Doma, who was thinking this way, smiled like a sign again, but before he could say anything, the chunky boss on the side said loudly, “Hasegawa, you are too smug. You have only a few guests in your mouth. Some people…

At the beginning, I made every crane machine unable to stop as soon as it was started. Customers had to wait in a long line to get on the machine. If you can do this, I won’t be anxious because of the prize being caught empty. After all, Or you didn’t work hard at all…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

If the sunglasses are a waste material uncle, then this short and fat BOSS is probably a real idiot, or is it natural? In the end, what kind of situation will happen to make a long line in front of the claw machine? This kind of outrageous thing at first glance is to think about it!

While he was spitting out in his heart, hesitated, coughing cough, Hasegawa couldn’t help but said: “BOSS, you have been banned from approaching the meat market!”

“If it weren’t for this, why should I spend money to buy you this sunglasses waste material!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

After relaxing, I always feel that these two guys have the ability to act in a monkey show! Then again, why does he have to watch Uncle Scrap and the fool perform a monkey show here?

“Excuse me for a moment. After talking for so long, Mr. Plump should have realized that his expression is terrifying? Isn’t it reasonable for me to subconsciously turn off my face?”

Chunky BOSS: “…”

After all, he lowered his head: “Hug, I’m sorry, I, I always thought I had a good smile, yes, if I hadn’t listened to the guest today…”

“Actually, from a certain point of view, your smile is really good…” Before the other party could finish speaking, Sougo Tama accepted the stubbornness.

“In what way?” The chunky BOSS said hastily.

“The scary side!” Sougo Tama affirmed the other party: “To be honest, you have scary talent…”

Chunky BOSS: “…”

“What’s the use of being scared, is it going to open a haunted house? Wait, it’s also good to get a haunted house…” The loss of the chunky boss only lasted for a second, and he fell into a maze again: “Not only can it be legal? It scares the guests to death, and can collect the entrance fee, and the investment is not too big. Maybe I have more talent to open haunted houses than the claw machine!”

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