Chapter 971 Crisis!

The secret room, the boss chair with the back facing the visitor, plus the “terminator” general little brother, and the title of BOSS, ah, there is a feeling, the extreme feeling is completely coming out…

Unexpectedly, under the pressure of the Kondo team, there are still active members in this area, and Tama Sougo is happily looking forward to the performance of the other party.

In response to this expectation, the boss chair slowly turned around, and the short fat man wiping cold sweat: “Hasegawa, I won’t talk about wearing a suit. Why do you still wear sunglasses when you are indoors?”

“BOSS, only the sunglasses are my last insistence…” Ending, coughing cough, it should be said that the black suit named Hasegawa refused to give in.

“Asshole, this is indoors!”

“Even if they are indoors, men have reasons to wear sunglasses…” Hasegawa whispered.

“So, what reason is that!?” The chunky BOSS roared.

“This, please forgive me for not being able to express, but, BOSS, this is a man’s bottom line, please understand…” Hasegawa bowed his head.

“How do you make me understand why sunglasses are a man’s bottom line!” The chunky BOSS put his head in his hands.

“…” Hasegawa turned his head silently.

Sougo Doma who was ignored by the two: “…”

Are these two products really great? How about he try?

“Woo…” Thinking of this, Sougo Tama pinched his chin and interjected: “Perhaps for Mr. Hasegawa, the sunglasses are the main body. As for the body wrapped in a black suit, it’s probably a sunglasses shelf or something… …”

Hearing this, the chunky BOSS seemed to realize something, and he said with a look of horror: “Naga, Hasegawa, you, you are not really sunglasses, are you? Is it really like this gentleman said, sunglasses are you? The body of…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Hey a lot, why would someone believe his nonsense?

The black suit named Hasegawa turned his head when he heard the words: “Why, how can it be possible, ink, sunglasses roots, it is impossible to talk, yes, sunglasses can not talk, BO, BOSS really love to talk and laugh …”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Give him a straightforward denial. Why is it that after being said that the sunglasses are the main body, it looks like a secret has been discovered? What a joke! Isn’t this guy really an unknown creature? This kind of hesitation has been exposed…

“Hasegawa…” Sure enough, not to mention Tuma always realized, even the short and fat BOSS became serious: “You…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Look, it’s because of the hesitation that the BOSS found something wrong…

and many more!

This is the FLAG, this is the death FLAG. When ignorant humans realize that the unknown is right by their side, they not only do not pretend that nothing is happening, but also find opportunities to hide. They also provoke the other party to death, and directly point out the other party’s true body. This is how the scenes in third-rate movies are played! Damn it…

Can he harden this kind of sunglasses life body? There is not enough data to analyze at all!

Just when he was very nervous, the stern-faced chubby BOSS suddenly smiled: “You said that earlier, haha…How could there be humans with sunglasses as the main body in this world…”

Toma Zou Wu heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing this: “…”

Hidden away, this death FLAG escaped, and the chunky BOSS seems to realize that he can’t say it straightforwardly. The evidence is that he said-how could there be humans with sunglasses as the main body in this world? Pay attention, the focus is on humans. It didn’t include other creatures, just didn’t know if the sunglasses were aware of this. Thinking of this, he subconsciously looked over…

“Huh…” Hasegawa’s sunglasses exhaled in relief. Then, after wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he followed: “Ha, ha, that’s right, how could the sunglasses be? Ben, the ontology…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Why should you feel relieved? Why is there so much cold sweat? Sure enough, sunglasses are the main body! Don’t hesitate if you don’t want to be found out! No, since the chunky BOSS has realized the existence of FLAG, he won’t say it in person. The crisis should be resolved, right?

When you go back, you have to arrange someone to stare at the sunglasses, and after collecting the data, you can analyze whether you can fight the other party!

Tuma Sougou is so prudent. Fortunately, he encountered the same prudent chunky BOSS. There are not many people who can have this crisis awareness in this era. This chunky BOSS is not easy. Thinking of this, he subconsciously Looked at the other party…

“Cough cough…” The short and fat BOSS clenched his fist to his mouth, coughed slightly, and suddenly said: “Hasegawa sunglasses, since you said that the sunglasses are not the main body, then take them off for me!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

God’s sense of crisis, why provoke the opponent? In other words, doesn’t the name Hasegawa’s sunglasses violate peace? It’s completely exposed!

Hasegawa Sunglasses: “BOSS, I am not called Hasegawa Sunglasses, it is Hasegawa Taizo…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Uh, that’s it, just say how could someone call sunglasses, huh, huh…

No, it’s not the time to laugh at all. That short and fat BOSS is using sunglasses as the opponent’s body. Is this really okay? Hello! and many more……

Where did he hear the name Hasegawa Taizo? Where is it?

“I don’t care if you are Hasegawa Taizo or Hasegawa sunglasses. They are indoors. Indoors. Even an extreme person can’t wear sunglasses all day long, bastard…” I haven’t waited for Tama to remember anything. , The chunky boss had already pointed at Hasegawa again and roared.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Is it true? The sunglasses body was reduced to the Mixed Realm, and people were still screaming, this unknown life form seemed not as strong as he thought…

Before he can measure the gap between the enemy and us, the short and fat BOSS has continued: “What’s more, you are not the ultimate, you are just a salesperson! But the problem is, which salesperson is like you, not only does not wear a uniform uniform. , And learn to wear suits and sunglasses, if not, if not…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Isn’t it even Jidao? How did this guy mess up? No, this is even more difficult to judge! Although he has learned through online investigations that this is a daily world with no supernatural powers, what happened to the bunny Mai Sakurajima…

After all, the Internet is not omnipotent. If there are real supernatural powers, maybe those guys will have a way to hide themselves. Of course, it may also be mentioned on the Internet, but he will be regarded as Urban legends or S2 speeches are like adolescent syndrome. Didn’t he take it seriously at the beginning?

If supernatural powers really exist in this world, then the pair of sunglasses in front of me…

Although the aura on the opponent is too weak, the relevant data is still too little to support him in analyzing the reality of the opponent. If he is alone, he may be able to fight it out. However, today he is carrying a small burial. Going out!

Damn it, it’s okay to say that the other party is Hunji Dao, but the salesperson…

It is said that the devil may work in a fast food restaurant. It is even more interesting to be a salesperson with unknown sunglasses. Who knows what these supernatural creatures think!

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