Chapter 970 Why is this?

“In fact, for a chef, most of the real high-quality and fresh ingredients come from freshly obtained. If you want beef, you can transport the live cattle from the place of production, and then use the method of on-site slaughter to extract the fresh beef. The reason why cooking skills such as slashing the bull and the dragon, pulling the claws of the arhat and pulling the claws of the tiger, and Paiding the scalp were born…” In the supermarket, Sougo Doma explained while selecting the sirloin.

Miss Bui seemed to be listening very seriously. She barely made any sound, and followed behind silently recording. This attitude of learning made Tuma quite gratified, and he worked harder:

“Of course, considering that you are only attending an ordinary gathering, Xiaomai, the method of using on-site slaughter is too unreasonable, so I won’t explain it in detail here. Once they are used, they are extremely cool skills. They are completely home travel and the best choice for people to pretend to be…”

Ahem, with Sougo Tama’s knowledge of her own family, it is not enough to have confidence in order to make her interested in cooking. At the very least, she must realize that cooking can also be used to be handsome! After all, it doesn’t matter whether it’s practical or not, it’s a lifetime thing to be handsome!

Although it’s a bit of an uncompromising method to use handsomely to guide my own waste material and a touch of interest in cooking, the uncompromising method is more decisive than the increase in salted fish time and the ability to taste more carefully prepared dishes. He chose the uncompromising method, but when he named his own cooking skills in the second grade, while looking back, something outside of the situation happened…

People! ? How about many people in that waste material? No wonder he just felt too quiet behind him. Originally, he thought that he was so quiet only because he was studying hard, but he didn’t expect that she was not there at all! Who told him yesterday that as long as she keeps her secret next weekend, he can do anything?

This is just a blink of an eye…

Tuma Sougou showed a nuclear smile, he was stupid, if he left without any reason, he…

Just as Doma Sougo was thinking this way, a crowd of onlookers gathered not far behind him suddenly heard a lot of waste materials: “Euny-chan, Oni-chan, where are you, Xiaobui…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The missing people returned so fast, wrong!

Why is she in the middle of the crowd, listening to the voice, she is the object of the crowd to watch, the waste material is a beautiful girl in front of outsiders, but it will not cause so many people to watch Bar? What did she do, or…

Doma Sougo who was thinking this way rushed into the crowd, and then he saw…

As we all know, people in this country are quite fond of claw machines. Not only video game centers, but also many shopping malls have all kinds of claw machines, and the prizes are also strange. And this supermarket meat market , There are also several claw machines with prizes of various meats, and there are even Kobe 5A grade beef that is replaced every day as the treasure of the machine——

Of course, although the 5A grade Kobe beef is being replaced every day, no one can really take it from the claw machine. This situation has continued to this day, and finally won the end…

I have to ask why Doma Sougo knows so clearly, because-the shocked people around are already amazed:

“Si, Si Guoyi, unexpectedly, someone can catch Kobe beef, too, too strong…”

“No, not only Kobe beef, but also Matsusaka beef, Omi beef…”

“The three wagyu cows that claim to be absolutely impossible to escape from the claw machine, this, this…”

“This girl must be, she must be the goddess of the claw machine…”

“That kind of beef that is falling down like a waterfall, you can only see this kind of sight for a while in your lifetime, right? Crane machine goddess…”

Listening to these collective illness speeches, Sougo Doma glanced at the neat and towering beef platter around his house. Then, he glanced at the prizes in the claw machine, which was almost completely swept away. The tragic situation really left Tujian speechless: “…”

Ha, ha ha… It’s no wonder there are so many people around here. This one-touch approach is too much. He has never seen such an arrogant guy when he grows up. In this way, he still teaches the other party to choose a fart. Beef brisket!

However, those onlookers did not feel that it was fun enough, and they shouted:

“Where’s the salesperson? Where’s the boss? Why don’t you add any prizes in the claw machine? We have to look at the skills of Lord Goddess…”

“Hurry up and add the prizes. I spent 5000 yen on this machine yesterday, and I didn’t get anything. Now, someone can finally stop it!”

“Quick replenishment, quick replenishment!” This is a shout.

“Let her catch, let her catch…” This also shouted together.

Listening to the shouts of the crowd, after the corners of Tujian’s mouth twitched, he hurriedly stepped forward: “Xiaobui, these…”

“Let’s have a barbecue dinner today!” Before he could finish his words, the eldest lady who had found him happily suggested.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Does this guy still learn to cook?

At the same time as he was spitting out in his heart, a strong man in a black suit and sunglasses in the shop “quietly” walked to the side of Sougo Tama, and whispered:

“Sir, do you know the lady who is playing the claw machine?”

“Yeah.” Although Sougo Tama had already noticed that the other party was quite unkind when the other party moved something, it was really beyond his expectation to say it so straightforwardly, even though the other party spoke in a very small voice. , But such a big shopping mall will find customers because of the action of the claw machine. It is really mismanagement! What do these people want to do? Thinking this way, he also whispered softly:

“Of course I do, is there a problem?”

“Could you please ask your husband to come next to me?” Although the other party was dressed as a Terminator, he was surprisingly polite.

Of course, if it is an ordinary person facing this kind of invitation, he will not look at the question of politeness at all. Just the terminator attire of the other party can scare people down. As for Tama Sougou, his heart is laughing wildly. At the same time, his face is full of joy: “Of course…”

“Thank you for your understanding!” Sougo Tama’s cooperation made the “Terminator” thank you again, and then he continued: “Sir, please…”

Sougo Doma nodded to indicate that he understood, then turned to look at the waste material and said, “Xiaobui, if you want to eat a barbecue, you have to continue to cheer, I will go to the side to get some ingredients, and then grab some more wagyu. Come up…”

Why bother? Obviously he already wanted to take that waste material and leave more people, but these little guys have to find them, hey…

After receiving a lot of replies, Doma Sougou, who was sighing in his heart, followed the “Terminator” to an office-like room. He couldn’t wait for a long time, and he smiled happily, so hurry up and do it. , He can not only move his muscles and bones, but also mock the earthwork to his heart’s content!

While thinking about it in his mind, the black suit on the side also bowed to their boss chair: “Boss, the man has brought it, this gentleman knows the witch of the claw machine…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The witch of the claw machine?

In other words, the title with a lot of waste material is so many, from the claw machine goddess to the claw machine witch, when you go back, do you want to laugh at her?

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