Chapter 955 It’s all Hiratsuka’s blood at work!

Escape is shameful, but useful!

Principal Yamamoto carried out this conviction. He originally wanted to show something, he suddenly squatted down, clutching his stomach: “Oh, my old, old problem has committed again, Hiratsuka-teacher, Tama Shao, classmate, I, I may need to go to the hospital. This, I leave it to you, right…

The coffee beans are in the cabinet in the middle, and there are different types. Both the coffee machine and the hot water bottle are in the cabinet and one compartment to the left. There are also different models. I personally recommend a hand grinder. The mechanical grinder still lacks some For the charm, Tama and Hiratsuka teachers can use it by themselves if they need it;

There is also, the soda is in the refrigerator. Although the tea is a little bit, it is Chen tea, so I don’t take it out to show my ugliness. Oh, it hurts, hospitals, hospitals…” After the explanation, the yelling Principal Yamamoto Fleeing also rushed out of the principal’s room.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

It really doesn’t leak!

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Hehehehe, he is really a boss with a unique style. This can’t be explained by the open school spirit, right? Hey……

Principal Yamamoto, who escaped from the principal’s office, breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he wiped off the cold sweat that emerged from the symbol of the strong man. Too young. After being caught in the whirlpool, I’m afraid I’ll be crushed if I don’t know much. In other words, should I take a month’s sick leave…”

When Principal Yamamoto hesitated, the principal’s room.

“Huh~! Xiaojingjing, why bother, you see how you scared Headmaster Hito Yamamoto…” Tsuchima Sougou silently spit out smoke from his mouth before he leaned on the sofa again.

“Are you sure I was scared?” Shizuka said coldly as he stepped forward, “Young Master Tuma is really majestic. As a student, he can let the principal stand aside…”

“No way, others give face…” Sougo Tuma said with a chuckle.

“Young Master Tuma’s face is really great.” Hiratsuka Jing jokingly said.

“Of course, I’m a face person who has eaten the fruits of face!” Sougo Tsuchian said with the soot on his hand.

“The fruit of face?” Hiratsuka’s eyes twitched.

“That’s the real secret treasure in the ocean. It’s like a rubber fruit that can’t be compared…” Sougo Tama talked nonsense while thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

“So you can’t swim?” Hiratsuka Shizuka’s focus is also different.

“That’s just the setting of the comic…”

“Do you also know that it is a comic? Don’t think my old lady… ahem, don’t think I haven’t watched “The Pirate King”. If you want to use the other party’s settings, just give me a duck! Even committing a second grade is so serious… …” Hiratsuka growled quietly.

“The sea also gives me face, so I can swim, right?” Sougo Tama rolled his eyes and asked.

“…” A tic-tac-toe appeared on Hiratsuka’s poker face: “Speak to me, and, don’t you want to destroy the cigar in your hand?”

“Isn’t Xiao Jingjing still smoking?”

“How can I say that I am also an adult, how about you? If Dahei sees you like this…”

“Ah~! You said he smokes a cigar? It’s not like he’s never seen it before. He’s been a bit weird for a long time, but it’s a little bit strange for Xiao Jingjing. You obviously didn’t say anything when we were drinking together…” While speaking, he took the cigar in his hand again.

“Asshole, don’t call me Xiao Jingjing!”

“Jing and cute?”

“Call me Mr. Hiratsuka!” Shizuka’s poker face again added the word #.

“When Hiratsuka-sensei called out, Xiao Jingjing and Jing cutie are obviously much better, and they also seem…”

“Huh…” Before Doma Sougo could finish speaking, Hiratsuka took a deep breath and changed back to expressionless again: “Doma, I know you want to irritate you now. I, because anger is often confusing. Your brother said that you are good at using other people’s emotions…”

“Eh a lot, did I think so much?” Sougo Tama said with a “dilemma” expression.

“I heard that Xiaojian is not only excellent in character and academics, but also versatile in sports, and even his popularity and popularity are first-class excellent…” Hiratsuka Shizuo said suddenly.

“Of course, you don’t want to see who has a lot of it!” Sougou, smugly on his face.

“If the classmate who is excellent in both academic and academic performance knows that her own Ernie Sauce not only doesn’t speak much, but also threatens the principal and intimidates the teacher, guess what would she think?” Hiratsuka Jing sneered.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Damn Moroma Ohira, damn Hiratsuka, he must curse and kill these two guys!

“Who is not talking? Who threatened the principal and intimidated the teacher? Don’t swear, be careful I sue you for slander…”

“Who said yesterday to help Zhenbai and the others with tuition?” Hiratsuka said quietly.

“I didn’t say not to help Zhenbai them with tuition…” Tuma Sougo had no guilty conscience.

“Then who told the principal to cancel this make-up exam just now?” Shizuka Hiratsuka said again.

“Is there a connection between tutoring and tuition? Tuition is just for gaining knowledge. What is the purpose of supplementary exams? Does Mr. Hiratsuka think that people who usually run and exercise must participate in track and field activities?” Sougo Doma asked in return road.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

This, this guy made a lot of sense, she couldn’t refute it…


“If you cancel the make-up exam, how do you know if Zhen Bai has studied it?”

“Have you eaten up the half-term assessment and the final assessment?”

“The make-up test will also help them test their own level and increase their interest in learning…” Hiratsuka Shizuka also said.

“The premise is that it can pass…” Sougo Tama retorted.

“…” Hiratsuka was stunned for a while before he chuckled lightly: “Tsk tsk, after talking so much, in fact, you are not sure to let Zhenbai pass the make-up exam, right?”

“…” Oops, I accidentally told the truth, but…

Doma Sougo put out the cigar in his hand: “After all, it is the teacher’s responsibility to tutor students for this kind of thing?”

“Which kind of perplexity is this? My job responsibilities only include solving doubts in class. After school, it is time for students to study independently!” Shizuka rolled his eyes.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Uh, that’s it~! That guy Yamamoto is really right to say that the changes in the educational environment are difficult for many people to adapt to, but this doesn’t bother him…

“What about dedication? Hiratsuka-teacher, as an educator, how can you just think about fulfilling your responsibilities in class, so what is the difference between you and those teachers who are like salty fish?”

“Even educators need their own time. Besides, Zhen Bai, they are not alone, and you are the number one in Tokyo behind…”

“The question is here, even Hiratsuka-teacher needs his own time, so what about me?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically again.

“Abandoning my time and helping the lagging teammates, this sounds so passionate, this is youth…” Hiratsuka, the teacher of the blood possessed, Jing.

“Boom!” Too much blood, Sougo Tujian couldn’t hold back and gave a hand knife:

“Don’t move, just give me the blood on my head! You are really supporting me in action. It’s really white, but it’s a god-level existence with zero points in all subjects. If it’s normal, I recently… Forget it, I don’t bother to complain~ !”

“Indeed, it is a bit difficult for you to be responsible for all subjects alone, is it supportive in action? You should let me go! But…” Speaking of this, Shizuka Shizuka pointed his index finger up, “I knew there was a place. I can help you, but I don’t know if Master Tujian will be embarrassed…”

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