Chapter 954

The more thoroughly the guy who does everything and does not leak, the more afraid that things will make mistakes due to their own faults, and thus bear the unbearable responsibility…

Therefore, the alarmist remarks of Sōgo Doma really touched the heart of Headmaster Yamamoto. He wiped his head like a strong man: “Master Doma said that, yes, it is indeed possible. Sex, after all, Shiina has been summoned by the Queen of the Sun never set. If the Queen knew that Shiina needed a make-up exam, the other party would definitely think…

Ah~! This kind of thing can even turn into a diplomatic dispute…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The intimidation seems to have an unexpected effect, should you say that the other party is too worried? Or should I say that the other party is too cooperative? but……

“Huh, it seems that Principal Yamamoto has already realized the seriousness of the matter. In case Shiina makes another mistake when making up the exam… I am afraid that the queen of the sun will mistakenly think that Toyonosaki deliberately hit her in the face. The genius she has met is not only I need a make-up test, and I haven’t even passed the make-up test, haha…” Tuma Zou Wu raised his head, slowly puffing up smoke rings.

“Diplomatic dispute! Damn it, Shiina has just come here to exchange and study for less than a month, and she hasn’t entered the learning state at all. No, she probably hasn’t even adapted to the changes in the learning environment. In this case There is absolutely a problem with letting her take the test!” Yamamoto refused to take the responsibility, and the principal echoed.

“Since you have found the problem, let’s solve the problem, Principal Yamamoto.” Sougo Tama also lowered his upturned head when he heard this, and looked at the other side.

“But, however, the list of make-up exams has been notified. If it is changed temporarily, it is likely to cause the school’s credibility to decline…” Principal Yamamoto hesitated.

“Then cancel this make-up exam!” Sougo Doma stretched out his index finger.

“Cancel the make-up exam!?” Principal Yamamoto was taken aback.

“Yes, in the past, only those who failed the half-term or final exams needed to take the make-up exam. Although this time the prestigious school joint exam is so popular, the method of receiving the make-up exam for the unqualified is indeed no problem, but in fact, it is not in school teaching. In the plan, that is to say, even if it is treated as an in-class test, there is no problem at all.” Sougo Tama began to bewitched.

“Test in class?” Principal Yamamoto jumped his eyes. Which school needs to exchange teachers to supervise each other in the test in class? Even most students have to go to other schools to participate in the assessment…

“Yes, as long as this prestigious school entrance exam is regarded as an in-class test, there is no consideration of making up the exam. How can I say that no school will let students make up the exam because the in-class exam fails?” Tu Jian Zongwu continued to encourage.

“That’s true…” Headmaster Yamamoto thought thoughtfully.

“Since I feel right, what are you waiting for?” Sougo Tama looked at each other with a smile: “As long as you treat this joint exam as a classroom test, cancel this make-up exam…”

“Kang Dang!” He was talking, but the door of the principal’s office was suddenly pushed open with brute force, and there was a loud noise.

Hearing the sound, Tama Sougo glanced at the owner, Principal Yamamoto. The sign of the opponent’s strong man has already bulged up the muscles: “Asshole, didn’t I say that you have to knock on the door before you come in?”

“I don’t have the time to talk to you now, Doma Sougou, you only said yesterday that you would help Zhenbai them with tuition, and today you come to the principal’s room to talk nonsense…” Hiratsuka quietly stared at someone angrily.

“Teacher Hiratsuka, you are too rude, even if you serve as the teacher of Tuma few and Tuma classmates, you can’t talk to students like that!” Doma Sougo hasn’t spoken yet, Yamamoto, flattering master, principal He scolded.

“Hey many, Xiao Jingjing, I didn’t expect you to come back…” As soon as Principal Yamamoto’s words fell, Sougo Doma turned his head with a cigar in his mouth and said, “What do you want me to spy on you next?”

Hiratsuka Shizu: #^_^

“Then you can spy on the fat words of what color I am wearing today! I was thinking about it…” She first laughed angrily, but then suddenly put on a poker face.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This guy found out so soon? She shouldn’t be that smart…

“Teacher Hiratsuka, you are in front of the earth, cough cough, what nonsense the students are talking about!” While he was puzzled, Headmaster Yamamoto stood up again.

“Principal Yamamoto, is it an education to let students smoke cigars in your office?” Hiratsuka first glanced at his boss blankly, and then moved his gaze back to Tama Sougo: “Also With you, didn’t you just complain about me smoking outside? What right do you have to say me when smoking a cigar? You a minor…”

“Xiao Jingjing, although it says that smoking is forbidden for minors on cigarettes, it is not written on imported cigars. It is forbidden for minors to smoke cigars. You wouldn’t equate cigars with cigarettes, do you? It’s an insult! But…” Mujian, righteously speaking, Sou Wu said with a chuckle: “Xiao Jingjing is really bold. You dare to let me spy on the color of your fat words…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka’s face remained unchanged when he heard this, as if he were still poker: “Indeed, cigars are more powerful than cigarettes, am I bold? What is the guy who uses micro-expression reading and deliberate guidance to disguise mind reading?”

This guy really knows! Although the other party saw through the details, the expression on Zou Wu Tuma’s face did not change. He still squinted his eyes and smiled shallowly: “What more Xiao Jingjing said, I don’t understand at all, but wait for me to see through. What fat words Xiao Jingjing wears, then will you blush and be so cute that it explodes? Quiet and cute…”


After hearing this, Shizuka also lit a cigarette, and continued to say without expression: “Huh, then I will wait for you to see through. Micro-expression reading and psychological guidance can be used by you to this effect. Above, he is a well-deserved genius, but unfortunately, it is useless after all…”

“Teacher Hiratsuka!” Although he didn’t know what happened, when Principal Yamamoto realized that the other party wanted to teach Sougo Doma, he couldn’t help but shout again: “You just need to do well. Just your own duty, other things that have nothing to do with you…”

“Huh~!” Before finishing the words, Tama Sougou was already exhaling the smoke ring, and at the same time he waved his hand to stop Principal Yamamoto from speaking, and took the stubbornly said: “Hey, it seems that Ohira guy is revealing me again. At the end of the day, I really shouldn’t let you two meet each other, and make a mistake…”

“That guy named Daping is your Nissan, if he sees you now smoking a cigar…”

Principal Yamamoto: “…”

Earth, the Nissan of the Earth Master? Isn’t that from the Tujian family…

“Ahem, eh, a lot, Mr. Hiratsuka, it’s a little bit of the earth, ah, is that Mr. Ohira who asked you to look after the classmates of the earth?”

“Um…” Hiratsuka nodded blankly: “You can say so.”

“Ahem, what I just wanted to say is that if you look at something irrelevant and want to manage, just say it, the school is your backing!” Yamamoto, Dayi Mingran, the principal.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This guy really meets the windshield rudder, but this is not in line with his dripping style…

While he was thinking about it, Principal Yamamoto had already said:

“Oh, oh!”

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