Chapter 951 So, isn’t it looking for abuse when it’s okay to jump in front of him?


In order to keep his eyes open, Tuma Sougo finally resorted to a hand knife to sanction it.

“Xiao Mu, actually you just want to see unreleased novels? Don’t think I don’t know…”

“Ouni sauce, it’s so rude, even Teacher Xia Shizi said that Xiao Mu’s opinions are very useful…” The lady buried her forehead and said.

“Xiaobui, you may have forgotten that starting from tomorrow, you won’t have much time until next weekend, right?” Sougo Tsuchima reminded.

Missy buried: “…”

“And Shiyu, the final volume of “The Metronome of Love” has caused such a stir, and you will be the judge of the essay that has a problem with this name…” Sougo Tama turned his gun.

“On this point, Yuanzi also mentioned…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said while looking for a place to sit down: “The reason why the final volume of “The Metronome of Love” caused such a big response is probably because of this type of novel on the market. Immature, most editors will kill it when they encounter this kind of plot…

Now, the success of “Love Metronome” proves that the market has this demand. Driven by the market, this type of light novel will spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain. At that time, no one cares about “Love Beat”. It’s a problem with the Maker, and this essay is also a measure to re-examine the market…”

Speaking of this, Xia Zhiqiu paused: “After that, I was threatened by the old woman Yuanzi!”

“This topic has a big jump, and it suddenly shifted from testing the market to threatening the other party…” Sougo Tama twitched his eyes.

“No way, the old woman Yuanzi said on the phone, let me pray that this essay is complete and smooth, otherwise, she must let me understand what it means to block people at the school gate. Listening to Yuanzi’s meaning seems to be because she is here. The library is blocked by readers, and you have to walk through the back door after work, and you have to go through a series of disguise…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu pointed upwards.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Is this because the legendary work is risky, and you need to be cautious after work?

“Yuan Zi also encountered those situations because of me. Zong Wujun, it’s really hard for me to refuse…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu bowed her head.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Well, if it was him, he was too embarrassed to refuse, but…

Sougo Tama looked at Zhen Bai-the question came. He and Waste Material had to conduct special cooking training, and Shi Yu wanted to serve as a judge. Who would help Zhen Bai to take supplementary lessons?

Shiina Mashiro: “Sougo, Shiba, don’t worry, Mashiro is fine!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Sure enough, it’s better to negotiate directly with the old man Yamamoto. As for the really white results, I will find a way to make up for it later…

Turn back to today’s lunch break…

After Tama Sougo gave the baumkuchen, pineapple buns, and sushi left over from yesterday’s dinner to Kasumigaoka Shiba and Shiina Mashiro separately, he set off on the journey to the principal’s office alone…

When he was about to reach the terminal station, he happened to meet Shizuka Hiratsuka coming out of the principal’s room with a cigarette in his mouth, still muttering: “Toyosaki’s school spirit is really open. If you are in Sobu High, be the principal The old man had been trained to smoke cigarettes a long time ago, but he didn’t expect that he would take the initiative to light it up…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Although he knew that Principal Yamamoto was not very reliable, but…

While he was thinking, Shizuka Hiratsuka discovered him: “Tama-san, what are you doing in the principal’s office?”

“This is considered personal privacy, Hiratsuka-sensei with a cigarette…” Sougo Tama tilted his head.

“What’s wrong with smoking? The teacher is an adult. As long as I don’t smoke in the classroom, no one can control me. By the way, Principal Yamamoto said that his office and the surrounding area are all designated smoking areas. After all, , Basically no students will come here, so, why are you here?” Shizuka Hiratsuka spit out a flue.

“It’s all about personal privacy…” Tuma always realized that he did not talk about it.

“Sougo, shouldn’t you just promised to help Zhenbai and the others with tuition yesterday, did you think about it today?” Hiratsuka Jing’s eyes exuded a light of reasoning.

“Teacher Hiratsuka, I don’t understand what you say, but I am the student you taught. What bad thoughts can I have?” Tuma looked innocent, Sougou.

“Don’t…” As soon as the voice fell, Hiratsuka held out his palm as a defensive gesture: “I have been your teacher for less than a month, but I can’t educate students like you.”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, are you despising me?” Sougo Tama was “sucked” by the other party’s reaction. He lowered his head and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Um…” Of course, the smirk did not let Shizuka Hiratsuka see, so she only saw Sougo Doma bowed her head because of her words, which made Shizuka Hiratsuka realize that Shizuka Sougo is just a 16-year-old high school student, how can she talk to each other like that…

“No, no, I mean, I always realize that you are excellent, ah…I, I will do that again in the future, so what…”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, what does it mean to quit smoking and drinking?” Doma Sougou, who bowed his head, was so kind.

Quit smoking and drinking! ? Impossible, it’s impossible in this life. She has lived on this tobacco and alcohol. If she quits, how can she relieve her worries?

“Ha, haha, Sougo, you’re joking again, then, of course what does it mean education…”

“But Hiratsuka-teacher doesn’t even educate himself well, can he really teach others?” Sougo Tama began to question his soul.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

“At that old age, I still like to watch Hot Blood Manga like children…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka suffers a crit…

“Although I smoked in front of the students, I was accused of shirking on the grounds of adulthood…”

While Hiratsuka hit the duo critically, he also put the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray he carried with him.

“The amount of alcohol is not good, the wine is not very good…”

Hiratsuka is holding his chest…

“By the way, do you know how to cook? Because I often see the teacher in and out of the ramen shop…”

Hiratsuka Shizuo ORZ…

“By the way, curiosity is heavy, I like to ask nonsense if I have nothing to do…”

Hiratsuka squatted in the corner: “Don’t, stop talking, woo…”

“I don’t even dislike Hiratsuka-teacher like this, you even dislike me? Hiratsuka-teacher, you are swollen…” Sougo Tama stepped up and patted the other person’s shoulder with satisfaction.

Shizuka’s grievances raised his head: “…”

Isn’t this bastard in the earth just trying to avenge the joke she just said, just to swear at her, right?

“You guessed it, you think I lowered my head because I was sad? Wrong, I lowered my head just thinking about your shortcomings, Xiao Jingjing…” Tōma Sougou’s face was full of joy.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”


Well, how does this guy know what she is thinking?

“Why do I know what you are thinking? Xiao Jingjing’s mind is so easy to guess, it is completely written on her face, illiterate, really can’t see it!” Sougo Doma became more and more happy.

Hiratsuka Shizu: #^_^

What the hell is Xiao Jingjing? ? Is her mind so easy to guess? How can it be……

“Xiao Jingjing is my nickname for Hiratsuka-teacher, otherwise, I can change it to Jing and cute. By the way, Xiao Jingjing’s mind is really so easy to guess, don’t think it is impossible!” Tuma, Wei Reading expressions, always enlightenment.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”


This, this must be mind reading!

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