Chapter 950

“Forgot to help Zhenbai pass the make-up exam!” In the kitchen, in the soil, the interference was lifted, Zou Wu held his head with his hands.

A few seconds later.

“Well, fortunately, I can ask Shiyu for help…” Doma Sougo reappeared without panic.

One minute later.

Earth house, living room.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Tuma Zougou fell into mystery silence. After a long while, he finally couldn’t help but pointed to the two people in front of the TV and said:

“It’s really white, and there’s a small buried, why are you two playing video games?”

The shout made Tuanzi, who was addicted to the game, turned his head: “Euny sauce, didn’t Xiaomu say that you want to play enough today?”

Tuma Sougou: “Um…”

This scrap dumpling did say it, but:

“Why is Zhenbai playing video games too!”

Shiina Mashiro turned his head: “Sougo said:’Mashiro cannot participate in anything related to manga.” Electricity has nothing to do with manga…”

Tuma Sougou: “Um…”

In this way, electric motors really have nothing to do with comics, a reasonable explanation, but…

“It’s really white, did you go to me to review and prepare for the make-up exam, and what about Shi Yu?”

“Answer the phone in the room…”

“It’s really white, you just played when you answered the phone?” Sougo Tama covered his forehead.

“It’s not a free time…” Shiina Zhenbai shook his head: “Shiyu can still be together…”

“Yes, that’s right!” Tuanzimu also echoed on the side: “Today, let Xiaomai take you to kill and kill, and become the last…”

“I’m so stupid, it’s not the time to let Zhenbai play games!” Seeing that this scrap dumpling was about to rise in high spirits, Sougo Tama hurriedly activated the interruption skills and said, “You Do you know what Zhenbai is facing now?”

“What are you facing?” Tuanzi was puzzled.

“…” Shiina was really silent.

“The make-up exam is a make-up exam. If you fail the make-up exam, then the vacation will have nothing to do with Zhenbai. If you can’t make it, you will be relegated…” Tu Jian was alarmist, always enlightened.

“O’uni sauce, the test questions for the make-up test are either the original ones, or they are several times simpler than the original ones. True white is definitely not a problem, right, really white…” Tuanzi buried himself in his own hands.

“Well, Mashiro is fine!” Shiina Mashiro didn’t know how to write the word humility at all.

“Ouni-chan, look, Zhenbai said that she is fine…” The confident appearance made Tuanzi believe in the other party.

“It’s okay to blame! Xiaoying, do you know what subjects Zhenbai needs to make up for? Do you know her average score?” Sougo Doma sneered.

“Zhenbai used to study abroad, so the subjects she has to make up exams should be Chinese and history. In terms of Zhenbai’s memory, this kind of subject that only needs to be recited is definitely not difficult. O’Neill sauce is too unreasonable, really white. The memory is…” Tuan Zimei said in an analysis.

“The answer is wrong, the subjects that really need to be retaken are all, and the average score is zero, Xiao Bui, do you know what this means?” After listening to half of the error analysis, Tuma Zougou directly announced the answer.

“Huh!?” The dumpling who analyzed the mistake was stunned. After a while, she said: “Euny sauce, lie, forget about other subjects, what about English? Zhenbai had been summoned by the queen of the sun before, she It’s impossible not to speak English, right?”

“…” Toma Zou Wu was also shocked when he heard the words, this dumpling seemed to have found a spot of blooming, what do you think of the blind monk? It stands to reason that it’s impossible to get a zero score in pure white English. He was curious:

“Really white, how did you get a zero score in the English test?”

“Drawing…” Shiina Mashiro replied in a low voice after hearing the words: “Mashiro has been painting all the time…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Wait, this guy Zhenbai did say: “Did they take the exam?” Such words, but he thought the other party was joking, now it seems…

“It’s really white, you won’t really just draw and paint during the entrance exam, right?”

“Yeah!” Zhen Bai said without expression, nodding his head again: “Zao Wu, Zhen Bai doesn’t remember taking an exam.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

There are too many slots, and he doesn’t know where to start vomiting for a while.

“It’s really white, what exactly is your grade!?”

“do not know……”

Buried dumplings: “…”

She silently turned off the game console in front of her.

“Euny sauce, Xiao Mai already knows what’s going on, Xiao Mai will learn to endure until Zhenbai passes the make-up exam…”

“Xiao Bui, you don’t have time to play video games before you pass the re-examination…” Seeing the tragic face of the dumpling, Tu Jian Zou Wu’s face was black.

“Yes, by the way, Ernie Chan, Xiao Qian should also be able to help Zhenbai with his homework, right?”

“When did you learn the avatar technique? Shiyu is in the real white tutoring…”


During the conversation between the two brothers and sisters, the sliding door of the living room was opened again, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who brought Cao Cao’s light-weight exercises, came in ashamed: “Zong Wujun, I may not have time to help Zhenbai with tuition…”

“Shiyu, after you help Zhenbai test the background first, after…” Sougo Tama made a suggestion, but the other party’s words made him startled: “What’s wrong?”

“Just now Yuanzi called and said that because of the market demand for the final volume of “Love Metronome”, after the Fushikawa Bunko held an editorial meeting, he decided to add a light novel branch called Fangwenbu, the main direction is for girls. The time is so beautiful…” Speaking of this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked away and said:

“Yuanzi was transferred to become the editor-in-chief, and at the same time it opened up an essay essay activity among girls. As for me. Yuanzi was selected as one of the judges for the essay essay activity…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The slots are too dense, he can’t vomit at all!

“Are you trying to completely obliterate the existence of the male protagonist?”

“I also refused, but the old woman Yuanzi made a threat. If I dared to refuse, she would block people at the gate of Toyozaki every day…” Shiyu Xiazhiqiu shook his legs: “Obviously I just didn’t want Sha Yujia to follow me. The men you know are together…”

“Shiyu, that is the original hero, not a man you don’t know…” Tuma Sougo reminded.

“No, Sha Youjia doesn’t know each other at all!” The mother Xia Zhiqiu fanned the protagonist completely with her palm…

“…” Toma Zou Wu silently mourned for him.

“Wait…” While he was silently mourning, the dumplings on the side were enthusiastic: “Shiyu, why refuse to be a judge. If you become a judge, doesn’t it mean that you can get the priority that others have not posted. Manuscript?”

“That’s right…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded: “After all, the judges still need to write about their opinions…”

“Then Xiao Bui can watch with me? Hey, hey…”

“As long as it doesn’t spread to the outside world, it should be fine. After all, buried opinions are precious. The final volume of “Love Rhythm” was able to take shape, thanks to the comments raised by Mei Li.”

Hearing this, Tuanzi’s proud face flashed past, and she instantly turned into a eldest lady to bury her, and then quickly stepped forward to hold Xia Zhiqiu’s hands with both hands and said: “Shiyu, the judges must take over the work of the judges. Let’s become the best judge in the essay contest…”

“Buried sauce…”

“Sister Shiyu…”

The two watched and watched each other, they forgot, no, they should have ignored everything around them.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

What kind of bad blood theater is this! ?

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