Chapter 937

No one can hinder Sougoto’s salted fish time! After all, he hasn’t seen any big winds and waves. Isn’t he just looking for a reason? He can find countless ones with his eyes closed, such as:

“Teacher Hiratsuka, let me tell you the truth. I still have a comic and a light novel in my hand to complete. The reason why I go to class and sleep is because I am creating comics at night, and absenteeism is for light novels… ”

“You guy has a game company and an animation company…” Hiratsuka asked with a black face.

“That was once…” Sougo Tama held up his index finger and said, “Since I went to high school, my family has no pocket money. I can only rely on these to make a living…”

“Make a living?” Hiratsuka’s mouth twitched, “But I heard that you took a lot of money from Yukoshita’s house…”

“I can’t sit and eat Sankong, right?” Before the other party was finished, Sougo Tama asked rhetorically, and suddenly his eyes rolled: “Also, Hiratsuka-sensei, did you just ask me what I wanted to do in the future? I think, I Can be a cartoonist! Yes, I am going to embark on the way of a cartoonist now…”

“…” Hiratsuka heard the words and glanced deeply at Sougen Tuma: “Although this is also in line with the routine of the hot-blooded comics, I always feel that you are fooling me.”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, please have more trust in your students!” Sougo Tama’s face was full of “sincerity”.

“Comic creation…” Shizuka Hiratsuka sat back in the chair again: “If there is a manga artist among my students, that would be great…”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, it’s not just me, even Zhenbai is also creating comics…”

“Mashiro? You mean Shiina Shiro is also creating manga?” Hiratsuka Shizuo curiously asked.

“Well, we are working hard to become a manga artist together! Isn’t that king?” Sougo Tama said with his thumb.

“If this is the case…” Hiratsuka also smiled: “There is a more royal plot waiting for you!”

“Hiratsuka-sensei is really a fan of passionate comics…”

“Haha…” This time, Shizuka Hiratsuka was not embarrassed, and still grinned gloomily: “The kingly story I said means that although you are the first in the entrance exam this time, Shiina, who is also a comic creator, is really white this time. The score in the entrance exam is zero in all subjects! Do you know how to play the kingly plot?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”


I completely forgot that Zhen Bai this guy even missed the exam.

“Teacher Hiratsuka, what is really white is a super high school painter, shouldn’t his theoretical grades matter?”

“Super high school painter?” Hiratsuka Shizuka was a little puzzled: “I don’t even know…”

“It’s true that she is known as a genius once in a hundred years in the art world. She has also been summoned by the queen. In the plot of Kingly Road, how can such a powerful role make up the exam or repeat the grade…”

“Uh…” Hiratsuka closed his eyes and thought for a while: “Sure enough, art belongs to art, life belongs to life, Zhenbai and others have received the notice of making up the exam!”

“Then you still close your eyes and meditate on what!?” Doma Sougoku had a black face.

“There is a super high school painter among the students who wants to make me feel proud for a while?” Hiratsuka shrugged and said, “Furthermore, there is no kingly manga that requires a powerful character in every aspect. Strong, so this is still a classic routine, on the way to become a cartoonist together…”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, let me interrupt your passionate speech. If you want to talk about the kingly story of helping the other person to review and pass the make-up exam all night, then I just want to say…”

“Huh?” Shizuka was taken aback when he heard the words: “What do you want to say?”

“Why the blood king did give me a thought about reality. It’s really white but all zero points. Obviously, it’s impossible for her to pass the make-up exam in how to review it?” Tuma Zouwu said, clutching his forehead.

“Sougo!” Shizuka was also serious: “Youth is nothing impossible. Anyway, there are still a few days before the make-up exam. Let me see how you and Shiina become a manga artist…”

“Don’t push everything down to your youth, you come here to help Zhenbai review and try, don’t forget that the Chinese language you teach Zhenbai also got a zero mark…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka turned his face when he heard the words: “The teacher also has his own business to be busy. There are a lot of tasks every day, but also, cough cough… What am I telling you? In short, I believe you and Shiina I can do it, how can I say, Shiina is also a student of Toyonosaki, as long as I review well…”

“Heh, hehe…” Before he finished speaking, Sougo Tama had already laughed miserably: “Teacher Hiratsuka, Zhenbai is specially recruited to Toyonosaki as a super high school painter…”

“Whhhhhh~!” After hearing the words, Shizuka took a violent sip of the smoke in her hand and then extinguished it. Then, she patted Sougo Domama’s shoulder again and stretched out her big mouth. Thumb said: “Go on!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Why is he cheering up and not really white cheering? Is this encouragement used in the wrong place, hello…

“Forget it, the kingly story is really unreliable in life, I still negotiate with the school to avoid making up Zhenbai…”

“Wait…” Hiratsuka heard this and quickly stretched out Erkang’s hand: “Asshole, do you want to go another way without even trying?”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, as the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome, since there are other ways…”

“Sougo…” At the end of the speech, Shizuka suddenly became serious: “Even if you can help Shiina in other ways now, what about in the future? Shiina can’t rely on other ways to do things for the rest of her life, right? ”

Tuma Sougou: “Um…” This guy does have some truth, but:

“Teacher Hiratsuka, in fact, you have said so much, you just want to see the plot unfolding like a kingly manga, right?”

“How is it possible, am I that kind of teacher?” Hiratsuka retorted instantly.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He sighed:

“Forget it, it’s actually good to try to follow the kingly plot occasionally, oh, since Hiratsuka-teacher already knows what I’m up to, then you shouldn’t be entangled in the problem of sleeping in class and absenteeism?”

“Um…” Hiratsuka nodded quietly: “Well, I will talk to Teacher Zhendong to other teachers about the situation. As long as your grades have not slipped, I will try to open my eyes and close my eyes to you. That’s right. It shouldn’t be difficult for you?”


“That’s right!” Before Doma Sougo nodded, Hiratsuka suddenly said in kindness: “Anyway, I’m already going to help Zhenbai with tuition, right?”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, I now seriously suspect that you are looking for cheap labor. No, it should be said that free labor!” Sougo Tsuchima can’t make a face.

“What does it matter? Anyway, a sheep is rushing, and a group of sheep is rushing, Yuzhi classmates and others will definitely be grateful to you…” Hiratsuka smiled quietly.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Uh, there are U, M, R’s Tamaki Ako…

Let’s start with the tutoring tool person for the days of salted fish with Yiwiduo. After the re-examination is over, absolutely, no one can stop him from going down the lazy salted fish every day!

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