Chapter 936

“Teacher Hiratsuka, I have exhausted all my strength just by thinking about how to live a lazy and comfortable life every day. It’s fighting spirit or something. Wouldn’t it be better if you just look at it in the bloody kingly man?” Dry, but for the sake of her reputation outside, the title of salted fish should be borne by his Ony sauce, Doma Sougo said lazily while thinking about this.

“Damn it, it’s this lazy appearance that makes people angry!” In the face of someone who has been reluctant to listen, Hiratsuka put out his eyes and stopped him in front again: “You think I am watching After the comics of the Hot-Blooded Teacher, it came on a whim…”

“Um…” But when the other party was halfway through his words, Sougo Tama raised his hand and said, “Teacher Hiratsuka, I missed it, it really is because of the passionate teacher~!”

“Can I punch you bastard?” Hiratsuka gritted his teeth.

“Sorry, I don’t know how to turn off the body’s defensive instinct…” Sougo Tama shrugged: “If Hiratsuka-sensei is offended by me, please forgive me.”

“Kacha…” Hiratsuka was silent for a while after hearing the words, then took a cigarette from his pocket and took a sip: “Your brother is actually very worried about you…”

“It seems that Daping said something to you…” Before he finished speaking, Sougo Tama pinched his chin and interrupted: “In that case, I’ve lifted a rock and hit myself in the foot…”

“Emmm…” Shizuka took another breath: “Don’t say that, isn’t it good to have a more fulfilling high school life?”

“I don’t think the house is in a mess, wine bottles are littered, and a female teacher who is almost 30 and still addicted to comics is qualified to say that I am not fulfilling enough…” Tama Sougo reminded.

“Huh~!” Hiratsuka spit out his smoke fiercely: “I still want to punch you this guy, what should I do?”

“Please think twice before telling yourself that you can’t beat me, and the chance of being counter-killed is as high as 120%…” Sougo Tama comforted.

“Are you so good?” Hiratsuka gritted his teeth.

“I never think violence can solve problems…” Sougo Doma tilted his head.

“Count you acquaintance…”

“However, violence can solve the problem-producing guy!” Sougo Tsuchama added.

“…” Hiratsuka quietly took a puff of cigarettes before faintly said: “Are you and Ohira really brothers? The personality is too different, right?”

“Are Xuenao and Yangnao really sisters? There is too much difference between character and body…” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

“Can that be the same? Besides, the kid Yukino has been chasing Yang, coughing cough…” Hiratsuka retorted halfway, and after a sudden cough twice, he continued: “Why am I telling you this? Sougo, can it be said that you really wish that your high school life would be so wasted…”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, what does it mean to be worthless? Is it to win the dynamite award, or to lead the school’s sports club to win the national championship…” Sougo Doma chuckled lightly.

“Uh, you don’t have to do this step…” Hiratsuka’s mouth twitched, “I just want you to be more fulfilled on campus…”

“Ms. Hiratsuka didn’t seem to be able to understand what I said. I mean, even if I keep the way I am, I can easily do what I just said. Therefore, the fulfillment of campus life will only further separate me from ordinary students. The distance between them…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

“Well, that’s it…” While she was silent, Tama Sougo stood up and said, “By the way, I think my life is very fulfilling now. If Hiratsuka-sensei is okay, I will leave first…”

“Wait!” When he was about to turn around, Shizuka Hiratsuka stepped forward again: “Sao Gou, the so-called enrichment of life is not to make you achieve much, but in the process, Have you had fun, have you heard such a sentence? The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility…”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, I’ve seen Spider-Man too!” Matsuma Sougoku had a black face.

“Ahem…” Shizuka coughed a little awkwardly when he heard the words: “That’s not important. What’s important is that there are similarities in this. Summon, you don’t think God has given you this talent. Is it an expectation of you?”

“Expect me to destroy the world?” Sougo Morama smiled, this kind of Gold Finger, who wanted to attract the evil god at every turn, was definitely for this purpose!

“Are you a fool?” To be honest, others just don’t like to believe, Hiratsuka yelled: “Normal people would choose to be a superhero at this time? What the hell is destroying the world?”

“Ms. Hiratsuka is indeed a senior secondary disease. He still believes in superheroes or something…” Let him be a superhero who can attract Kezong’s sugar at any time? Still in the everyday world, is this possible?

“Ahem…” Probably because his mind was broken, Hiratsuka coughed twice before turning his face away: “Even if you can’t be a superhero, it’s easy to help others with your ability… ”

“Do I look like a Virgin?” Before finishing speaking, Tama Sougo tilted his head in doubt.

“Madonna? Virgin Mary? Although you don’t know why you want to compare yourself to yourself, don’t you think this is very passionate and meaningful by helping others to find the value of your life?” Hiratsuka felt like he was burning. stand up.

“Sorry, I forgot about the cultural barrier. Our Lady is a derogatory term for me. Thank you. By the way, I don’t have time to help others to prove the meaning of my life. Don’t look at me like this, I’m also very busy. …” Tama Sougo smiled brightly.

“In other words, where is the cultural barrier that represents the derogation of the Virgin?” Hiratsuka finally couldn’t hold back, and he sealed the other’s collar and said: “Where are you busy when you are only absent from school and sleeping? ”

“Doesn’t Hiratsuka-teacher say it all? I have to sleep and absenteeism every day…” Seeing the passionate female teacher so excited, Sougo Doma hurriedly stepped back, stretched out two hands to block the other party and replied with a smile road.

“Asshole, it’s because I don’t want to see that you are either sleeping or absent from class every day, so I tried my best to help you find a way to enrich your life…” Hiratsuka became more excited.

“But I feel that my life now is very fulfilling, um, I’m very satisfied!” Sougo Morama affirmed.

“If Xiaomai knows that you are such an Oni sauce…” Hiratsuka Shizuka once again threw out his assassin.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

In fact, the head of the waste material is more salty than him, but he can’t say it!

“It’s fine as long as it is not discovered, ha, ha ha…”


“Huh…” Hearing this, Hiratsuka lighted a cigarette again: “Then what if it is discovered?”

“Fuck the past!” Sougo Doma held up his index finger and said confidently.

“…” Shizuka’s eyelids twitched: “Are you serious?”

“It’s just a joke…” Sougo Morama shrugged and said, “However, I really don’t have any time to spare…”

“Busy sleeping and absenteeism? If that’s the answer, Xiao Jian-classmate would probably know…” Shizuka threatened.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Damn Ohira Morama, Damn Shizuka Hiratsuka!


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