Chapter 746 The so-called ignorance is just pretending to be stupid!

“Sougo, what’s your expression?” Looking at Sougo Doma, who was terrified on his face, Mai Sakurajima wanted to hit someone. Isn’t she right to say thank you?

“Ma Yi, the area above the neck of the Sajia family was eaten by you again?” Although according to, the area above the neck belongs to the pure zone, but…

“Who would be okay to bite you!” Looking at Sougo Domama, who looked as if she had been ruined 18 times by others, Mai Sakurajima tickles her teeth. Isn’t she a beautiful girl? Even if he kissed his cheek secretly, he wouldn’t suffer, right? Does Sougo really look down on her so much…

If you don’t like her, when the two of them met for the first time, she was dressed as a bunny girl. At that time, wasn’t the sight of Sougo staring at her observing the moon is not hot enough? Is that also a disguise? But then…

“Eh? So I didn’t chew…” Just when Mai Sakurajima was about to doubt his life, Sougo Tama said with a blank expression. It turned out that it wasn’t cheated. It’s okay if you don’t thank you. Anyway, really thank you. He will take it himself! Speaking so hard, people who don’t know think they are robbing eggs!

This reaction once again puzzled Sakurajima Mai: “Sougo, do you want to be gnawed or not!”

“Mai, did you finally admit that you were gnawing at me?” Obviously, Sougo Tama is better at grasping the point!

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Who gnawed! ?

She must have Watt in her mind to have a good impression of Sougo, who deserves to be single for a lifetime!

While she was madly complaining in her heart, Tuma Zougou continued:

“That old saying is true. Boys need to learn to protect themselves when they go out. Fortunately, I am not a caregiver. If I get gnawed, I will be gnawed. By the way, Mai, you said the second part. What is a thank you gift?”

“There is no second thank you gift, you! Listen! Wrong! That’s it!” As soon as his voice fell, Mai Sakurajima smiled, seemingly dangerous, and even when he spoke, he bounced out word by word.

This appearance made Tuma’s instinctive choice sneer: “Yes, that’s it, I, I know…”

Before he could finish speaking, Sakurajima Mai said coldly: “Since you are awake, then I have completed the task of taking care of you, so I won’t bother. Besides, the bill Kasan has already bought…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

After he was silent for a while, his signature smile was put on his face again: “Well, okay! I’ll see you another day…”

Miss Bunny Girl was turning around to open the door. After hearing this, her hand on the sliding door seemed to be a little weak. After a while, she squeezed her hand and said, “See you another day, another day…”

“Hey…” Looking at the other person’s staggering back, Tuma Zougou closed his eyes and sighed. He really didn’t expect that Mai, a money-making tool, would have feelings for him. He declined it. Bar? However, isn’t the image he displayed a perverted pervert who is addicted to science? How can such an image win the hearts of girls?

Could it be that this is really a face-seeking world?

Sure enough, his handsome appearance still burdened him with everything, and made him bear the weight that he shouldn’t bear at this age!

Because of the heavy mood, after returning home, Doma Zougou was ready for insomnia, and he gladly accepted the invitation of a lot of waste materials, wandered with her in the game world, opened the special killing mode, and then, The waste material manipulating the game characters suddenly said:

“Eonechan, are you in a bad mood?”

“How is it possible? There is no such thing as a bad mood in this world!” Mu Ma, his mouth was so stiff, Sougo!

“Excuse me, what do you want to do when the 100-player battle royale game took 50 heads…” Tuanzimu said, while pointing to the screen with zero kills: “I’m watching Xiaomu, until now. It’s still duck eggs, duck eggs! Xiaobui has no game experience at all!”

“…” Tōma was silent for a while before touching his chin and said: “I think these players are all touching my bullets. What’s wrong with this world? Even in the game, there will be clashing behaviors. It really is the world’s decline. , People’s hearts are not old!”

The dumpling murmured and twitched: “Euny sauce, don’t you mean to say that these players are using their lives to touch porcelain, right?”

“It’s obvious…”

“Then what about the person who was just chased by Xiaobui? Obviously he was going to be killed by Xiaobui, but he was shot headshot by O’Neill!” Tuanzi buried his face.

“That guy is also touching porcelain, obviously I didn’t aim at his head, but he suddenly squatted down and let me complete a headshot…” Tsuchima Sogo explained.

“Ouni-chan, that person has blood left, is it important to start?” Tuanzi complained deeply.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He was silent for a long while before covering his face, and said gravely:

“Xiao Mai, O’Neill is doing this for you! How can O’Neill bear with blood like this behavior…”

“Ouni-chan, don’t play the trick, who would get blood on his hands because of killing in the game…” Tuanzi said with a buried mouth.

“Xiaobui, how can you think like this, it’s the so-called game life…” Mu Jian, a touch of life mentor, always enlightened.

“Da da da…” But he was halfway through when he saw the dumpling picking up the handle and manipulating the character in the game to turn the muzzle. As the saying goes, under the fire, all beings are equal, and half of them are eliminated. The Sougo character was shot dead instantly.

Sougo Doma, who claims to be a life mentor, was instantly sluggish: “…”

After a while, his whole body began to fade: “Xiao, Xiao buried, what are you doing?”

“Eunichan, I’m sorry, Xiao Mai is actually an undercover agent!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Shente is an undercover agent. I would have known that I would not show these messy movies to this waste dumpling!

“Euny Chan, are you in a better mood like this?” While he secretly regretted, Hamster Buried suddenly asked.

“How could it be better!” Sougo Tama couldn’t help but said directly: “How do you think about this kind of thing, your mood will get worse?”

“Oh, oh, sure enough, Ernie Chan was in a bad mood just now…” He had just finished speaking, but the hamster nodded and said.

“…” No, I didn’t expect him to be so easily made out by this dumpling. Shouldn’t it be worthy of his training? Doma Sougo thought so.

“Why is Ernie Chan in a bad mood?” asked the hamster.

“No, nothing!” Doma Sougo turned his face away, yeah, why is he in a bad mood? Didn’t you just turn down the bunny girl? He obviously doesn’t hate her, wait, could it be that this body is secreting some unnecessary substances indiscriminately? Adolescence is a trouble!

“Very suspicious!” Looking at the faceless Ernie Chan, Tuanzimu suddenly stepped forward and kept looking at him.

“Where is it suspicious?” Doma Sougo retorted.

“It’s because of the girl?” Tuanzi ignored the other party, her eyes radiating a fierce light.

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