Chapter 745 Tomorrow, Reminiscence the Past! (The big guys in the group demanded more…)

The next day.

“Ouni-chan, the big thing is not good!!!” Doma Sougo was awakened from his sleep by the panic noise of a certain waste dumpling. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the rising sun outside the window:

“Xiao Bui, today is a holiday, right?”

After Mai Sakurajima’s comeback presentation was successfully held, Ms. Sakurajima invited everyone to hold a celebration banquet. As the most contributory person, he was naturally also on the invitation list, and all the people who participated in the celebration banquet were filled with her own efforts. After turning over, Sakurajima mother and daughter: “Are you not weak?”

Of course, these words are just talking from the bottom of my heart. What made Doma feel a little headache is that Mai Sakurajima, who defiled him, not only didn’t feel the slightest shame in front of him, but also when he was fighting with everyone, there was a kind of faint The feeling of protecting the calf, is he the guy who needs someone to protect the calf?

Have fun! Sougo, who felt like he was being degraded, had to blow the water of life with Miss Bunny on the spot. If it weren’t for Ms. Sakurajima to see the opportunity quickly, the first news after Mai Sakurajima’s comeback was probably the super-popular goddess’ celebration party drinking too much. Alcoholism on the spot…

In this regard, Mai Sakurajima just wanted to say: “If I am protecting that Sougo, I will, I will…” As long as I think of the other party holding the 96° water of life to her, what to say “Come on, don’t talk about embarrassment or embarrassment to me, let’s go one, with deep feelings, and a boring mouth…” Miss Bunny girl wanted to grit her teeth.

If she didn’t see the old fried dough sticks that Kasang was looking for and wanted to get drunk, would she stand up and talk? 96°650ML, the water of life, I always realize that idiot will pass it to her!

This kind of frustration continued until Sougo poured everyone on the ground with his own power. Mai Sakurajima said: “…”

No one ever told her that she could still be immune to alcohol by studying God!

This thought has just appeared for less than a while, and Doma Sougo, who has accumulated a lot of ethanol in his body, is also drunk in the past. Recently, some skills have been improved too fast. Doma Sougo has long wanted to find time to numb and numb his brain, so today. A good chance was almost annoyed by Miss Bunny. Isn’t this a bullshit?

“Huh…” Looking at everyone who was drunk except for her mother and daughter, Ms. Sakurajima suddenly sighed and said, “Mai, your mood just wasn’t right…”

“Kazan, what are you talking about?” Mai Sakurajima frowned.

“Mai, I don’t remember you doing this to others, helping to speak, and stopping alcohol…”

“This is just a thank you, let me say…” Mai Sakurajima retorted: “Do these people you invited know who Sougo is? After they know Sougo’s identity, they dare to fight with him so boldly. ?”

“Just thank you?” Ms. Sakurajima pointedly.

“Of course!” Mai Sakurajima affirmed.

“Mai, since you know Sougo’s identity, you should understand that you and him…”

“I have nothing to do with him!” Mai Sakurajima replied quickly.

“It’s best!” Ms. Sakurajima whispered: “If the opponent is just an ordinary giant, Mai, you may be able to fight, but the Tujian family… Mai, he and us are from two worlds!”

“I know!” Mai Sakurajima buried her head, if it weren’t for this, she would not just steal a kiss, but confess it directly, but…

“Mai, I know your current psychology. As the saying goes, the feelings of sharing joys and sorrows and tribulations are the most unforgettable. You and him can also be considered to have shared tribulations. Maybe you will…”

“Stop talking, I know, I won’t have any unrealistic ideas!” Mai Sakurajima interrupted coldly: “Besides, this guy is an idiot, I won’t like an idiot, just This guy is too stupid, so I want to look at him, I don’t want him to be deceived, that’s all!”

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”

Is the guy who can do so many things on his own? Does she have any misunderstanding of the term fool? Who is stupid!

While she was feeling awkward, Mai Sakurajima stepped forward and gently lifted the drunk Mottoma Sogo up, and then gently put the opponent’s head on her lap again…

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”

“Mai, this is what you said, what are you doing now!?”

“It’s easy to get a pillow when sleeping on the ground…” Mai Sakurajima explained, “There are no pillows here…”

“So you gave the other party a knee pillow?” Ms. Sakurajima covered her face.

“This is still a thank you gift!” Mai Sakurajima nodded.

“What kind of thank you gift is this!?” Ms. Sakurajima murmured.

“Kasan, I know what I’m doing…” Mai Sakurajima pulled the hair out of Sougou’s forehead.

Ms. Sakurajima: “…”

Why don’t you send yourself out! No, Mai is willing to send it, but the other party can accept it! With such a big identity gap, even if the Young Master Tujian is the same, the Tujian family cannot agree to it!

at this time.

Under the paralysis of ethanol, Doma Sougo, who didn’t know what happened, slept very sweetly. When he woke up, only him and the sleeping Sakurajima Mai were left at the celebration party. Under the circumstances, Doma Sougo first visually inspected the distance between the two of them-more than three meters, safe!

As for the clothes on his body, Tuma Zougou doesn’t need to check it at all. If someone wants to take off his clothes, his body’s defensive instincts are enough to make people suffer!

As long as no one can move his clothes, he won’t be ruined when he is unconscious.

After applauding himself for a while, Sougo Tama stretched his waist and complained about Ms. Sakurajima’s unreliability—he left him and Mai who were drunk in the same room. If his wine is not good, then The first hot news of Mai’s comeback was that the super popular goddess was taken to a hospital by an unknown person, Hai Bian, to recuperate. It is reported that it will take several years to fully recover…

Thanks to him since he was drunk for the first time, the old man Guilong has taken care of him. For the sake of family affection, Tuma Zou Wu has such a good wine-this is definitely not a spontaneous wine that was beaten out by violence. Taste!

After once again complimenting his perfect wine, Sougo Doma walked to the sleeping Sakurajima Mai:

“Mai, wake up, wake up…”

“Huh?” Mai Sakurajima rubbed his glasses: “What’s the matter?”

“Why are you asleep too? What about the others?” Sougo Tama asked.

“Kasan said, those people still have work tomorrow, she will send them back first, ha~…” Mai Sakurajima yawned.

“You Kasang is really big-hearted, just leave the two of us here?” The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched.

“Actually, I stayed here to take care of you…” Mai Sakurajima embraced her hands and said, “Who told someone to drink the 96° water of life as water?”

“Isn’t the water of life just water?” Take care of him? Does he need someone to take care of? Doma Sougo retorted.

“96° water?” Mai Sakurajima’s mouth twitched again.

“What’s wrong with the water temperature of 96 degrees? But…” Sougo Tama had an “inexplicable” expression: “I suspect that your mother bought fakes. The water temperature is not 96 degrees at all!”

“That’s the alcohol level!” Sakurajima Mai spit out, but the conversation turned around: “I have already sent the second thank you gift. It’s just that some idiot doesn’t know if it feels…”

Toma Sougou looked terrified when he heard this: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

“First, second thank you gift?”

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