Chapter 739

Shimiya home.

Shimiya Yanye used the junior’s inconvenience to intervene and asked herself to get out of the matter, seemingly indifferent. If it hadn’t been for her right hand to smash the phone when she hung up, maybe the person next to him would believe it. …

“Heh, hehe, Tujian family…” Putting down the phone gently, Si Gong Yanye closed his glasses, and muttered: “What a madman from the Tujian family, what a Guilong from the dirt world!”

Unfortunately, no one around him dared to respond to this. Regardless of whether it was the Sigong family or the Tujian family, they were all behemoths. The two really wanted to fight. For these people, it was completely equivalent to a fight between the gods. They do not want to be cannon fodder, nor do they want to be pond fish.

Therefore, when Sigong Yanye murmured, even if someone heard what he was talking about, they all pretended to be deaf and dumb, and all began to pretend to be quail, pretending that nothing happened.

“Hey…” Although Yanye Sigong himself didn’t want to go into this matter, he couldn’t help but sighed in his heart after seeing everyone’s reaction. It was obvious that their Sigong family was one of the four big chaebols, but they could face it. To the Tujian family, it’s not right, it can’t even be said to be facing the Tujian family, the other party just mentioned the Tujian family…

Just let the Patriarchs around him, who are dominated by his fourth house family, shudder and dare not even verbally mention revenge. He is really old. Now, he can only hope that his children can stand up. Point, after his hundred years, don’t be stepped on by the Tujian family from the threshold of the four great chaebols!

“Master Yan Ye, do you want to notify Miss Hui Ye again so that she can rush back to her home tomorrow?” Seeing that the atmosphere is really dull, and the patrons are looking at him with distress eyes, the housekeeper of the fourth house has to bite the bullet road.

“No need, since it was the situation created by the madman from the Tujian family, what use is it for her to come back?” Si Gong Yanye shook his head.


Tokyo, Shinomiya Kaguya Castle, Shinomiya Kaguya Boudoir.

“Bastard of the earth, what the hell are you talking nonsense on the phone…” Not long after Shigiya Yanye’s call hung up, Shigiya Kaguya received a call from Doma Sougo, and Bingzhi Kuo Le Ji expressed herself Very angry, she said.

“Well, it’s just to cross the road…” Sougo Tama was still lazy: “With my remarks, your father shouldn’t have trouble with you because of today’s affairs…”

“Aren’t you guys afraid that this incident will lead to a complete war between the two families? Even the Patriarch of the Earth will not…” A touch of emotion flashed in Si Gong Huiye’s heart, making her unconsciously think about each other.

“It’s okay, it’s okay…” Before Shigiya Kaguya finished speaking, Tama Sougo chuckles and interrupts the other party: “As long as your father is sensible, he can’t talk to him at this time. Our Tujian family is at war! As for the attitude of our old man, haven’t I told you?”

“What?” What did you tell her? Does the Tujian family really let this guy die outside? Shimiya Kaguya, who was educated to focus on family interests since childhood, doubted her life.

“I’m a lunatic, not only have a doctor’s certificate, but also can withstand the most professional examination!” Sougo Tsuchama said in a showy tone.

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

What’s so good about this kind of thing! ! !

“Then you should stay in a mental hospital!”

“I also think, unfortunately, they don’t accept it…” Sougo Tama was rather helpless and regretful: “However, how can everything go well in life, maybe I am in conflict with the mental hospital by nature, but fortunately I can see it openly, after all. , It is life with a little regret!”

Shigiya Huiye twitched the corners of his mouth. If this philosophical statement did not mean that he could not enter a mental hospital, then it would be great! Why would anyone regret not being able to enter a mental hospital as an adult? This guy was really sick, no, he himself said he was sick…This, Si Gong Hui Ye was very tired.

At the same time as she was tired, Tuma Zougou changed her words:

“Okay, I regret not to say in advance, are you ready? Partner of the Fourth Palace?”

“What are you going to prepare?” Si Gong Huiye wondered.

“Are you ready to watch your brothers’ jokes? Don’t you think that I’m looking for the Patriarch of the Fourth House just to prevent him from attacking you? That’s just by the way…”

Sigiya Huiye’s eyelids twitched. It turned out that she was just incidentally, returning the touch that she had just raised! Wait, Shimiya Kaguya seemed to have realized something, and Tama Sougou’s words afterwards proved this:

“The fourth house, my real purpose is to make me appear reasonable and reasonable when I attack your three brothers. After all, your father just said that it is inconvenient for him to intervene in the matter of the younger generation. Hehehe…” Jian Zongwu smiled happily.

“Aren’t you going to directly attack my three elder brothers?” Sigong Huiye was startled when he heard the words.

“Don’t worry, I have a sense of measure…”

“What is your measure? You know how high the security level of my three brothers is…”

“Does the security level have anything to do with me?” Sougo Tama was puzzled.

“This is your measure?” Kaguya Sinomiya’s black line face: “You don’t think that you can find trouble with those three guys just by your skills? Even if your skills are good, how can you face firearms?”

“It’s okay, I have a sense of measure!”

“Where is your self-confidence and proportions? Wait, if you are proportionate, you won’t lie to me to make that video. No, when it comes to that video…” Shimiya Kaguya realized something again : “Sougo Tama, what is going on with Mai Sakurajima? Why I can’t remember her existence at that time, what did you do to me…”

“Huh?” Tōma Sougou’s voice was obviously raised: “Sigong, do you still have memories of that time?”

“Sure enough, it was your hands and feet! What did you do to me? Why do my memories conflict…”

“Actually, I didn’t do anything to you…” Sougo Tama inquired out of curiosity: “Signomiya, can you tell me about your conflicting memories?”

“Are you pretending to be stupid?” Shigiya Kaguya suspiciously asked.

“No, I’m really curious about this, maybe we can talk about it…”

“What do you want to talk about? Wait, don’t you want to do anything, let me make some video, I won’t be fooled for the second time with the same trick!”

“I know, after all, you are a Saint Seiya in the Fourth Palace…” Sougo Tuma said with a light smile. It seems that in the fourth house, she has forgotten that she was showered on her face by the same Kuole.

“Kuo Le’s thing is an accident!” Sigong Huiye said suddenly when Tujian always felt in his heart.

“I did not say anything!”

“You must have thought so…” Sigong Huiye said coldly: “I can feel a long-lasting malice from your laughter!”

Doma Sougo Black question mark face:? ? ?

Is he acting so obvious?

“In the fourth house, do you have victimization delusions?”

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