Chapter 738

For the sake of this, Sinomiya Yanye has basically figured out what is going on now. Regarding the fact that Sigiya Kaguya made a move to Tuma, Sinomiya Yanye said that he understood very much at this time. Let’s not talk about his grievances, just after he talked with Tuma Zougou, he felt that if the other party appeared in front of him now, he would have the urge to kill the other party!

How could there be such annoying guys in this world! If this guy had a good dad, Damn it, why didn’t he do anything before the Tujian family developed and swallowed the Tujian family directly? If the Tujian family was swallowed back then, thanks to the arrogance of this guy, I am afraid that the grass on the grave will be several feet now!

Let’s talk about going to the hospital. At that time, if the Tujian Guilong was not decisive, he directly took this guy to the hospital to lie down for a long time, he would have already had an excuse to swallow the Tujian family, how could he let the Tujian family sit as big as the four big chaebols? !

Sigiya Yanye also feels a headache for Tuma Zongwu. According to the information he has obtained, the youngest son of the Tuma clan is an unscrupulous madman, madman, violent man…

Just because of the fact that many famous patriarchs in Chiba were smashed, Si Gong Yanye could imagine how lawless the guy who was talking to him was! Although Sougo Tama was driven out of the Tama family because of this incident, he was also wanted by the dark web, but…

Since some violent groups that are not afraid of death have just taken over their tasks on the dark web, they have been called to seek revenge and find fault, so that the entire group has been disintegrated and incorporated, Shimiya Yanye wants to say that the Tuji family’s hand Who do you miss? ?

Tujian Guilong–It’s really nothing to do with him. He also wants to teach Sougo that kid, so that he can understand that the Tujian family has the final say, not the Kondo group, it’s just a shuangshu. Former Royal Court Fanzhong), it’s not within his calculations…

What’s more, as long as you think about it, when you are eleven or twelve years old, you will trade arms with terrorists, and no one still eats black – Guilong in the earth feels so tired!

Skip this point first, then the question is, what should I do when faced with a madman who has no scruples? Even the most powerful handful of people in this country, the Patriarch of the Fourth House, feels helpless. Since the Tujian family has grown up, he has begun to urge the people of the Fourth House to avoid the Tujian family…

Just like the Tujian Zongwu said, he is old, but the Tujian Guilong is at a magnificent age. If he is a hundred years later, the Tujian Guilong makes a bold move, the Si Gong family is afraid…

Fortunately, this kind of mentality is not clear to Guilong. Otherwise, he might say that if the guy doesn’t salt fish and uses the money of the Tujian family to annex a fourth house, it will be easy! It has a fart relationship with you for hundreds of years-it’s a pity, why did Zou Wu take Xiao Bui away…

He didn’t even think about whether it would be good for Xiaomai to marry, it was all speculations by the people below, Xiaomai, Xiaomai, she only needs to revolve around him!

To this, Sougo Tama just wanted to say: “Old man, for Oni sauce, you are also a dangerous man, bastard, your daughter, as a touch of Oni sauce, how could it be possible to let that one The dumplings are turning around you, old man!” Sure enough, his decision to run away from home was right—

Not only got rid of Daping, but also got rid of Guilong! The soil is always enlightened, and I think so!

Keke, let’s not mention this…

Normally, a sensible person meets an unscrupulous madman. Then, it must be a sensible person who retreats, such as the current Sigiya Yanye. If he is replaced by someone else, Sigong Yanye must make him understand. , What is cruelty in life, but in the face of Tuma Sougou…

If you use the private armed forces of the Sigiya family, let’s not say whether you can keep the opponent. After all, the premise of Sougo Tama’s madness is that he has beaten the famous door of the Chiba generation under the premise that many bodyguards exist. Every time, that is to say, this madman’s force value is astonishing, not to mention…

Even if you don’t consider the opponent’s force value, you must also consider the Tujian family’s counterattack. As the Tujian family second only to the four major chaebols, Tujian Guilong really wants to go crazy. Even if the Si Gong family can win, it won’t It may be able to annex the other party, and even more likely it will hurt both sides and make others cheaper!

As a sensible Patriarch, Sigiya Yanye certainly wouldn’t let this happen. Therefore, after he had heard the voice of Tujian, he quickly thought about it, and then changed his attitude: “Haha, My nephew is right, Huiye’s education is indeed my negligence…”

Phone a third party.

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

No, it’s not! Then, the self-righteous old man will admit it, admit it?

“Tsk tusk…” Sougo Tama chuckled again: “Uncle, don’t you think that Miss Sigiya did something to me, just a verbal negligence passed by you?”

“Haha…” Si Gong Yanye also smiled: “I have heard that there is an old saying in the celestial dynasty that if you don’t know each other, you have fate since you were a child…”

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

This kind of thing can also open your eyes and talk nonsense, where is their fate?

“I don’t understand what the uncle meant. Besides, because I don’t have the habit of beating a woman, I was only unilaterally…cough cough, I shouldn’t be able to use this sentence if I don’t know each other.” It is also Tao.

“Hehe…” Si Gong Yanye laughed again: “The little girl has been called the Bingzhi Kuoleji for many years because of her nephew. Isn’t this the bond between you?”

What kind of fetters are that? It’s shame at all! ! ! Shigiya Huiye complained like this in her heart.

“Uncle, you can only blame the bartending shows for this. Who made them start to shake and said that it tastes better? I just listened to the opinions of others. After all, I was still young…” In time, bear child, always enlightenment.

“Uhhhhh…” The fourth palace is very magnificent, Yan Ye: “Even so, can it be regarded as a bond? In this country, there are not many guys who dare to use Kuole to shower my daughter’s face…”

“Uncle, do you need me to find someone to shower you on your face?” Sougo Tuma’s voice is still gentle.

Si Gong Yan Ye: “…”

Sure enough, he is an unscrupulous madman!

“A good nephew…”

“50 billion yen, or, when I saw your three sons, I also did the same thing. As for the eldest lady in the four palace who shot at me, this time it is a video involving the entertainment industry. Next time, my uncle guessed What is it…” Doma Sougo grabbed the stubborn words.

“The Tujian family has fallen to 50 billion yen…”

“Yes, the Tujian family is so poor, uncle, come and annex the Tujian family!” The Tujian always felt arrogant.

“My nephew laughed…” The Xiucai encountered the soldiers and couldn’t explain it clearly. Si Gong Yanye had a deep understanding of this sentence at this time.

“Uncle seems to have figured it out. It’s only 50 billion yen. For the Si Gong family, it’s sprinkling water…” Sougo Tama said in a tone that I understand.

“No…” Yanye Sigiya thought about the security of her three children: “If my nephew can teach my three dogs some lessons, I would like to see it…”

Toma Zou Wu was silent for a while after hearing this: “Uncle, you are really a good father…”

“Ha ha…” Si Gong Yan Ye smiled and said, “Over the award, over the award. As for Hui Ye, if it was arranged by a nephew, as an uncle, he can’t refuse it, can he?”

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