Chapter 686 Sigong Huiye was trembling!

“Soul of the soil?” Probably the impression of breaking the desk with bare hands was too deep, and it was the first time to hand in the paper. After subconsciously glance at the name of the big man, the gorgeous female teacher suddenly blurted out with a surprised look.

“Huh? What?” Looking at the other party’s surprised expression, Tomazou Gou, who had just finished handing in the paper and was about to flash, paused and tilted his head.

“No, nothing…” After the gorgeous female teacher subconsciously glanced at each other’s fingers, she suddenly thought that this guy is a hunk who can break off the desk with her bare hands. How could it be the person she had heard of: “It’s just that this name is somewhat Familiar.”

How could this kind of hunk who breaks off the desk with his bare hands is the only disciple of her idol Touma Yoko——Sougo Doma, probably just the same name…

Sougo Tama also looked up and down at this gorgeous-looking female invigilator. He did not know him, but he didn’t know why the other party said his name was familiar. If it was just the same name, it would be fine. If there is any other purpose, it can only explain this guy. It’s stupid, a name can expose her, and the level of threat is comparable to that of an ant, so ignore it.

Bai Yin Yuxing has forgotten how he handed in the test papers after the exam was over. He now has a lot of doubts that urgently need to be answered!

Why can that guy walk around in the examination room, why can he pass through the human body, why… Is it because he is too stressed, causing hallucinations, or the world is abnormal?

at the same time.

Sougo Tama, who has turned the silver royal line into a hundred thousand why, expressed his sincere pleasure! Then he was ready to dig the pit again. He first turned out his mobile phone, and then dialed the number of Sigiya Kaguya.

“Moximosi, the fourth house?”

“Sougo Tama? Why are you calling at this time?”

“Of course it’s to connect with you in Si Gong…” Sougo Tama chuckled lightly.

“Who, who has feelings with you, we are just a cooperative relationship.” On the phone, Si Gong Huiye seemed a little embarrassed.

“That’s it, then, for the President Silver who just accused me of cheating on the spot…” Sougo Morama whispered.

“Wait!” Sigong Huiye’s voice was cold: “I warn you, stay away from the meeting!”

“I also want to stay away from him, but he insists on accusing me of cheating, tsk tsk…Miss Sigong, how do you say I should give back to President Silver?”

“So did you cheat?” Si Gong Huiye was a little anxious.

“I had a great time copying!” Sougo Morama said confidently.

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

“Why are you still so reasonable in cheating? At this time, shouldn’t you reflect on your own behavior?”

“Cheating that hasn’t been discovered is not cheating!” Sougo Doma was so reasonable.

“So you were discovered by the president, isn’t that you cheating? Haha…” Si Gong Huiye said coldly: “It’s just a prestigious school entrance exam. The second young master of the dignified Tujian family was forced to cheat. , Ah~! I forgot, in name, you guy has been expelled from the house…”

“Miss Sigiya is taunting me now?” Sougo Tama’s voice was gentle.

“Am I wrong? The second young master of the dignified Tujian family has to report back to the other party because of cheating. He is not afraid of being laughed at, hehe…”

“Forgot to say, although President Silver accused me of cheating on the spot, everyone else in the examination room sneered at it and thought that there was a problem with his brain!” Sougo Morama jokingly said.

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

“You bastard……”

“Thanks for the compliment!”

“Damn it, is he okay with the president?”

“I also apologized to the invigilator in public, and then promised to apologize to me. I don’t like to embarrass other people’s character, so I just let him buy some luxury goods as an alms. By the way, when I say After buying the luxury goods, his face doesn’t look too good…”

“You…” Sigong Huiye gritted his teeth. The president was so proud of a person who was forced to apologize in public by the guy in the earth, and he had to apologize to him afterwards. It would grow the financial conditions and he could compensate. Can you afford it?

“Sougo Tuma, what do you want? Don’t make it difficult for the president, say what you want, and I will be responsible!”

“Wow, let Miss Si Gong speak these words, it seems that the relationship between Miss Si Gong and President Silver is not easy!” Sougo Tsuchima laughed.

“Don’t, don’t talk nonsense to me! I just can’t understand you asshole bullying others…”

“Is that so? Then I’ll notify the silver president, no need to apologize, Miss Si Gong is willing to help him come forward to make compensation…” Sougo Tama deliberately said.

“Wait…” On the phone, Sigong Huiye seemed to be anxious: “I don’t need to explain to the chairman of the matter that I paid for him?”

“It is necessary, at least let the silver president know, because he identified me, so that Miss Si Gong had to pay me compensation, otherwise, what should he do if he doesn’t have a long memory?” Always comprehend a tone of voice that wants to teach the other party a lesson.

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

No, absolutely not. If the president knows that she has done something like this for him, he will surely guess her intentions. No, it’s not her intentions, but she is willing to accept him…

“I said, it’s not necessary, I will explain to him on the chairman’s side, or you don’t believe me?”

“Hey, Ms. Si Gong just said that we are just a cooperative relationship? It’s just a cooperative relationship. If I have 100% trust in you, that would be stupid?” Sougo Tsuchima asked rhetorically.

“I, I just said nonsense casually. Actually, I have always regarded you as a friend and a trustworthy partner…” Shigiya Huiye GET the essence of Zhangkou.

“Sorry, but, I only regard you as a partner, Miss Si Gong, trust or something, please forgive me for not giving you…” Sougo Tama squinted his eyes.

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

This guy is still so annoying!

“Asshole, don’t you think you are trying to be a strong man? Luxury, the president…”

“Everyone needs to pay for what they do, don’t they?” Sougo Tama interrupted Shimiya Kaguya’s words: “What’s more, human beings, you don’t force them, you never know him. How great is his potential? I believe that being able to become the president of the student council in the private Xiuzhiyuan is just a few luxury items, and he will definitely not be bothered!”

Sigiya Kaguya: “…”

It turns out that this guy asked for more than one luxury item~! President…

Just thinking of this, I heard Sougo Tama continue to say: “Miss Si Gong, I have already given you a lot of face. If it is not for your sake, for the guy who has offended me, you think that there are millions of blessings. Will Sawa Yukichi’s apologize reveal the matter?”

“Count, millions of Fukuzawa Yukichi?” When Shimiya Kaguya was down, it was indeed a small amount of money for them, but for the president, even if he sold him, he couldn’t get the money. !

But even if she is willing to pay the money, according to the proud character of the president, unless she reveals her heart, the other party will never accept it!

Damn it, why would the president run into this bastard Sougo Morama! ! !

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