Chapter 685 How Arrogant Guys Can Do Such A Thing?

What are you looking around?

Shouldn’t a place like the examination room be quiet enough to hear the rustling of pens on the paper? Why would someone speak blatantly and loudly in the examination room? With this, of course his Silver Royal must see other people’s reactions to this, but other candidates and invigilators are indifferent, and their conscience is not. Will it hurt?

Can the force value really scare so many people? There is something wrong, this thing is very strange, whether it is the reaction of other candidates or the unscrupulous guy behind him, it is very strange!

Bai Yin Yuxing started a brain storm, and fell into thinking: “…”

Did he hear the hallucinations? Or are the people in this examination room scared or bribed by the other party?

Wait, what is he thinking about? Let’s not say that the seats for the prestigious school entrance exam are randomly assigned…

Just as Shiyin Yuhang’s heart ruled out the option of buying, Sougo Tama suddenly stood up from his seat, walked to a certain candidate in the front row, and looked at the other’s test papers and nodded constantly.

Just now I thought that it was impossible for someone to silence the Baiyin Yuhang, who had bought the entire examination room. Go, go too far! Isn’t this too blatant? If it weren’t for buying the entire examination room, could it be said that everyone in this examination room was blind except him?

In fact, Bai Yin Yuxingmeng got the truth right. At this time, everyone in this examination room except him was blinded selectively. Like a bunny girl, it cannot be observed, almost forgotten…

Ahem, although the problem of Miss Bunny Girl has not been completely resolved, how could it be possible that no results have appeared since the memes carried by him have been studied for so long? What Baiyin Yuhang saw was nothing more than Sougo Doma’s trial of the finished product. As far as the current situation is concerned, the technology of simulating air for the human body is quite successful!

After that, Baiyin Yuxing thought that he had participated in the most absurd test in his life. The candidates who participated in the test were like real proctors, wandering in the classroom, and from time to time he looked at the candidates’ test papers for a few comments. He wanted to say One sentence: “I have never seen such an arrogant guy when I grew up!”

It’s just that it was probably because he was too focused on observing Tujian Zou Enlightenment. Before he could say anything, he was stared at by the beautiful female teacher: “The evil-eyed man behind, why did you look around during the exam? No? If you know how to do it, hand in your paper…”

“That’s right, that’s right, President Silver, I just reminded you not to look around at you and not listen!” “Extremely arrogant” Doma Sougo standing beside the gorgeous female teacher with his hands followed by booing.

Silver Royal Line: “…”

These guys are too blatant and double-labeled, right? He is just looking around, but that guy is already standing on the podium, is he not even going to cover it up? All other candidates…

and many more!

Why do other candidates stare at him because of his invigilation? Why did the examinee next to him suddenly block the paper? Do you think he will plagiarize from the Silver Royal Guild? In other words, this is too targeted, right? What are the benefits of these guys?

Has this world been so dark already? With such arrogant guys, this prestigious school entrance exam led by the private Xiuzhiyuan is going to be a joke!

“President Bai Yin, for the sake of the ten bottles of Kuole, I can help you explain which questions you have, so don’t look around and take the exam…” Just at Bai Yin Yuxing, the world is lacking. At that time, Sougo Tama once again refreshed his cognition. After the other party openly took out the standard answer from the information bag brought by the invigilator, he turned his head and looked at him.

Silver Royal Line: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

This is no longer a question of laughing or not, this is blatantly not putting the exam in the eyes:

“Hey, did you do this…”

“What?” The person who responded was not Sougo Tama, but the gorgeous female teacher who had been staring at him: “I can’t tell you when you look around during the exam? If you didn’t plagiarize, I would have taken your papers and let you go. People!”

“Then what about him?” Bai Yin Yuxing immediately pointed to the earth’s total enlightenment when he heard the words.

“Huh? You student is not ill? Not only did you look around during the exam, but now you start talking nonsense?” The beautiful female teacher looked at Bai Yin Yuxingdao suspiciously. Is there anyone next to her? When she is blind?

“I’m talking nonsense?” Baiyin Yuxing’s black question mark face: “The guy next to you is looking at the standard answer…”

The beautiful female teacher heard the words and looked around: “Where is anyone next to me?”

Silver Royal Line: “…”

This is too much!

“You want to treat everyone as stupid…”

“Chairman Silver, are you sure that I really exist?” This time, Sougo Tama finally spoke?

Isn’t it a real existence, or is it not what he imagined? Even if he wanted to fantasize about Silver Royal, he should fantasize about the fourth house. How could he fantasize about a boy? When he is stupid! This kind of reason will kill him and make him jump off the building…

Before Shioyin Yuxing could finish swearing, Doma Sougou walked towards him like the air through the body of the gorgeous female teacher.

Bai Yin Yuxing rubbed his eyes: “…”

Illusion, hallucination? Or is he dazzled?

“Now, does President Silver think that I really exist?” Sougo Tama continued to ask.

Silver Royal Line: “…”

Really, real ass! This is so special that the human body has passed through it! How could he have such hallucinations? What he just told this guy…

Wait, it should be said, what happened to him, he would have such absurd hallucinations, and chatting and interacting with the characters in the hallucinations, it would not be too much work pressure, his brain has already begun to show up…

Bai Yin Yuxing, self-doubt.

After reading the standard answer, Sougo Doma also sat back to his original position and began to answer the question, “DI~!!!” After another mechanical sound, the air meme transplanted on his body began to be driven away gradually until it disappeared. The weight is coming, the examination room, your emperor is back!

After experiencing a lot of hard work, Baiyin Yuxing doubted his life again. Sougo Doma, who he thought was an illusion, suddenly raised his hand, and the gorgeous female teacher on the podium looked at the person who raised his hand. Abnormally kind: “Classmate, do you have any help?”

Silver Royal Line: “…”

Isn’t this particularly visible? Did he have hallucinations again?

“Can you hand in the paper?”

“Classmate, have you finished your answer? Don’t check?”

“It’s okay, I’ll copy… I’m doing it very seriously, there is nothing to check!” Sougo Tama chuckled lightly.

Silver Royal Line: “…”

What this guy just said was copying, right? If he heard it right, he should definitely copy it!

“Chairman Silver, do I really exist now?” After getting permission, Sougo Tama whispered again when she passed by Yuxing Silver.

Silver Royal Line: “…”

Is this the world he knows?

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