Chapter 658 Ying Lili, where are you?

The noisy day passed, and the Tujian family at night ushered in tranquility and peace.

“Matsuma Sougo!” In the bathroom, Mai Sakurajima, who had just finished taking a shower, dried her body and was about to change clothes, seemed quite excited. Looking at the bunny girl costume she was holding, she seemed to crush her teeth.

“Okay, what a bold style!” This is the dumpling that is still in the bathtub buried with Dongma and yarn.

Look, it’s so peaceful.

The soil house, the second floor!

“Sougo, will Kazawa give up the piano?” Shiina Masashi subconsciously asked after taking the silly teacher Tama Sougo had handed to her.

“I don’t know, but maybe not…”

“Kolita also said that she would never give up painting…” Zhen Bai lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

“It’s really white. People are different from person to person. For example, you. Even if you make a comic debut, there are still many cartoonists in front of you. Even some talented newcomers have surpassed you in their debut. Then you Will you give up the comics?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

“No!” Shiina Shiba shook his head: “Mashiro will not give up manga, I understand, Sougo wants to say…”

“Idiots will always be more stubborn than ordinary people!” Zou Jian, poisonous chicken soup, always enlightened.

Shiina Mashiro: “…”

“Sougo, is that really a fool?”

Look, it’s so peaceful!

Compared with the peaceful and quiet Tujian House, the Spencer House in Ze Village is much noisier.

After dinner, Ying Riri said it was work, but it was actually time to fish. Sawamura Sayuri came to behind her daughter quietly.

“Ying Lili…” It seemed gentle, but a certain golden retriever could hear a hint of coldness from this voice. She shuddered, and then turned her head back nervously, but on Sayuri Sawamura’s face again, All smiles, it seems that releasing that trace of coldness has nothing to do with her.

Sawamura Hideri: “???”

“What’s wrong? Mom…”

“Call my sister…” Sayuri Sawamura’s coldness is even more obvious, Damn it, she has only been called Obasan for one day today, so don’t remind her of her age at this time!

“You’re all very old…” Sawamura Ying Riri rolled her eyes.

“Yingli Pear sauce is not good…” Sayuri Sawamura Blacken: “Would you like to punish you?”

Sawamura Hideri: “???”

What happened to her mother?

“By the way, Yingli Lijiang, where are you with that guy?”

Sawamura Hideri: “Huh!?”

It does not make sense?

“Who are you talking about?”

“Come less, of course it’s the little bastard Doma!” For some reason, Ying Riri can clearly feel that when Sayuri Sawamura speaks about the bastard, it is absolutely true feelings from the heart, but:

Sawamura Hideri: “…”


How could she have anything to do with that demon! ?

“Mom, are you okay, you know…”

“Come on!” Sawamura Sayuri rolled her eyes: “I know everything between you!”

Sawamura Hideri: “…”


Is there anything between them?

“What nonsense are you talking about? Who, who is going to have anything to do with that guy!”

“In Tsundere?” Sayuri Sawamura turned her head.

“No!” Ying Lili roared sincerely.

“But, that guy came here today, so he came to the door directly…” Sayuri Sawamura said.

Sawamura Eiri black question mark face: “?_?”

“You’re talking about Tama Sougo? He came to the house today? Why is he here?”

“It doesn’t matter why Yingli Lijiang is so nervous?” Sayuri Sawamura said, hugging her arm.

“Who is nervous!?”

“Yes, yes, yes, not nervous, that guy came, of course, to solve the rivalry…” Sayuri Sawamura sneered.

“Love, love rival?” Sawamura Ying Riri looked surprised: “Why does that guy have a love rival too?”

“Why can’t there be?” Sawamura Sayuri asked rhetorically.

“Um…” That’s right. Eri Sawamura just wanted to nod, but suddenly reacted: “Wait, why did that guy come to our house to resolve his rivals?”

“That’s what I want to say, sister, I was warned today…” Sayuri Sawamura’s face was a little unnatural: “That guy’s rival is not An Yi-kun, so he warned me not to interfere with An Yi’s family affairs. …”

Sawamura Hideri: “…”

An Yilun can also find death!

“Then don’t interfere…”

Looking at the indifferent look of Eiri Sawamura, Sayuri Sawamura secretly said as she expected. If it were in the past, Eiri would be crying for her help, but now…

“But, that guy not only warned your sister about me, but also called me Obasan…”

Sawamura Hideri: “…”

Although the demon is Damn it, he was not fascinated by her mother.

“Mom, you are not too young anymore, you are the age to be called Obasan…”

Sayuri Sawamura’s mouth twitched when she heard this, so she has already begun to sing with her husband before being together? What does it mean that she has reached the age to be called Obasan? She obviously looks so young! Even if she goes out with Ying Lili, others will only regard her as her older sister, maybe younger sister…

Ying Riri must be jealous of this, so she often complains in front of that guy. If not, why does Toma Sougo call her Obasan? It must be to help her unfilial daughter vent her anger! Damn it, where are these two guys?

“Yinglilijiang, shouldn’t you be like me? You are turning your elbow away…”

Sawamura Eiri rolled her eyes: “I’m just telling the truth!”

A mother who still likes to pretend to be tender at an age is very tired, and a mother who can really pretend to be tender at an age is even more tired, Ying Lili thought.

“You are clearly in the same group!” Sayuri Sawamura gritted her teeth: “Yingli Lijiang, honestly explain, where are you going with that guy? Otherwise, I’ll take N jobs for you! You can’t finish it! Manuscript! Don’t force my sister to…”

“Mom, what the hell are you talking about? How could I…” The confused Ying Lili felt wronged.

“Don’t want to lie to your mother and me? If it weren’t for you, would that guy treat An Yi as a rival?” Sayuri Sawamura had an expression that I knew everything.

Sawamura Hideri: “…”


Wait, how did this become her? An Yilun is also such a scumbag, who knows what he should not provoke?

But before Ying Riri said anything, she heard Sawamura Sayuri continue:

“If it wasn’t for Yingli Lijiang, would that little bastard investigate An Yi on purpose? He is obviously interested in you and doesn’t want you…”

Eiri Sawamura was a little confused, but after hearing the investigation of An Yilun, she seemed to understand something: “Wait, Mom, do you know what An Yilun also does?”

Sawamura Sayuri: “…”

She was silent for a while, then nodded: “Idiot Ying Lili, you should tell mom about those things earlier…”

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