Chapter 657 Between stimulating and ordinary, she chose ordinary…

You can insult me, but you can’t insult my IQ. I don’t know why, Sakurajima Mai’s mind suddenly came up with a passage that she had read before, and she glanced at the talkative Sougo Doma.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Okay, although the other party did not insult her IQ face to face, but she has a feeling of being crushed by someone on the ground…

Obviously what happened to her is so absurd and bizarre. Before meeting Sougo Tama, Mai Sakurajima felt that she was almost at a loss, and she was quite frightened, but after meeting the opponent, she won’t be frightened anymore. It’s impossible to panic in your life, what about being in a bizarre state? As long as there is a solution, it is not a problem…

What’s more, there is more than one solution, this… Mai Sakurajima said that she doesn’t know how to write the word nervous at all! With this comparison, she always felt that her IQ was rubbed severely on the ground. At this time, Mai Sakurajima was even thinking, why is her problem less serious?

At the very least, there shouldn’t be so many ways to solve it! In this way, it might seem that her IQ is not much different from his…

This kind of thinking is perhaps the last persistence and stubbornness of a pseudo-study tyrant?


The corner of Mai Sakurajima’s mouth curled upward.

What about high IQ? Anyway, a mere Zong Wu, she has taken a fancy, she has also taken a fancy to her, it can only prove that her vision is not bad!

Fortunately, Doma Sougou who is explaining the twelfth method doesn’t know what this bunny girl thinks, otherwise he has to be wronged. What does it mean to fall in love with her? Has he ever performed misleadingly?

Mai Sakurajima-Not only was she attracted by her bunny outfit, she also tried her best to solve her problems. If not, why did she find so many ways to solve the problem? Moreover, he was extremely honest with her, and even the surprising experiments in the laboratory did not hide her from her. If she didn’t care about her, she would not believe it!

“Mai, haven’t you chosen the right solution for so many kinds of solutions?” As Sakurajima was pondering, Sougo Doma asked, who had already explained the fifteenth method of liberation.

“Huh!?” Mai Sakurajima was taken aback, wait, the reason why this guy said so many solutions, is it because she didn’t stop it?

“Actually, as long as it can solve my problem, I don’t know what method do you think is more appropriate?”

“Mai, do you want to make the solution to the problem sensational or interesting?” Sougo Tama turned his head and looked at Mai Sakurajima inexplicably. He was wondering whether this little white mouse counts as one. A good candidate for the back pot?

“Huh!? What do you mean?” Mai Sakurajima was puzzled.

five minutes later.

Earth house, inside the underground elevator.

“Mai, although you chose the best solution, do you really not consider that interesting method? Trust me, as long as you are willing to cooperate, I guarantee that after this time, no one in this country will forget you…” Doma Sougo tapped his notebook and said.

“I refuse!” Mai Sakurajima said with a black thread: “If you do what you said, I will definitely…”

“Mai, you will definitely become a household name, even more famous than when you were a child star! No, it should be said that there will be no more famous person in this country! Even the prime minister…” Sougo followed the other party’s words.

“After that, I will be completely on the watch list of the Ministry of Defense?” Mai Sakurajima rolled her eyes.

“Look, being stared at by the Ministry of Defense, your safety will be guaranteed in the future…”

“This security guarantee is too scary. Since there is the best solution, let’s use the best solution!” Before Sougo Tama finished talking about the myths, Sakurajima hurriedly interrupted.

“Hey…” The other party was too reluctant to go back, and Tama Sougo could only sigh in his heart: “Mai, don’t you think you lack the spirit of adventure and entertaining too much?”

“I just made the choice that a normal person should make!” Mai Sakurajima refused to accept: “There is a real-life Resident Evil in Tokyo. No one would choose this way, right?”

“It’s a salted fish crisis! What I am planning to release is a salted fish virus, not a biochemical virus!” Sougo Tama hurriedly stated his position.

“Is there a difference? Who said that the salted fish virus itself is extremely dangerous?” Sakurajima Mai asked rhetorically.

“It’s a big difference!” Sougo Doma stretched out his index finger and said: “The zombieization of biochemical viruses has irreversible characteristics, while salted fish viruses do not have such characteristics. As long as they possess detoxification reagents, people can Break free from the salty fish…

Think about it, in this prosperous and peaceful city, a virus suddenly broke out. The infected person is gradually becoming salty. Only the forgotten person can save the city…Look, what a magnificent script!

After that, I was making the antidote reagent into a firework shape. When people found the antidote, they launched fireworks, and there would appear in the sky to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Mai Sakurajima’s transition from the shadows. After this incident, I promise that no one will do it again. You are the air! ”

“It’s good for this kind of thing to happen in a movie or TV series, even in real life…” No matter how good Tama Sougo said, Sakurajima Mai’s voice remains the same, and he will never take it back.

When the two talked, the elevator had already reached the first floor. Seeing that he couldn’t move the other party’s back, Tamazuo was actually quite helpless. Didn’t he just want to see the effect of the salted fish virus? If not for fear of being known by his family afterwards, he…

“Oni-chan, Mai-san, where did you just go?” As soon as the elevator door opened, Tama Sougo had no time to speak cruelly in his heart when he ran into a dumpling coming out of the living room to bury the three people.

“Handle some problems, what are you guys?”

“It’s getting late, I should say goodbye…” Dongma and Sa did not seem decadent because of losing the duel.

Toma Sougou heard the words and glanced at the time on the computer——

PM09: 20.

“Are you sure you can get home safely now?”

“He Sasang, stay here tonight, and Mai-sang too, it’s so late…” Tuanzi buried aside and advised. At this point, let a girl go home alone. She and O’Neill make both No way!

“But…” Dongma and Sa wanted to say something.

“Should I speak to Teacher Yaozi?”

“No! That woman isn’t here…” Dongma and Sa thought for a while, before saying: “It’s just that it’s too disturbing…”

“Everyone is clamoring to be a junior, do you still care about this?” Tujian always realized that he was puzzled.

Dongma and Sha gritted their teeth: “Who killed it! Damn it, since you said so, I really… stay!”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Sure enough, this girl is quite funny!

“On my side…” Or go home.

“Are you sure you can get a taxi in your current state? Or take the subway or tram?” Before she could finish her words, Tama Sougo asked rhetorically.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Yes, she seems to have to stay!

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