Chapter 645 It’s really stupid to hand over management to the artificially retarded self


The dumpling was buried in thought for a while, and then…

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

How can she pacify a female high school student who was hit by her in her current form? In this situation, no matter what she said, she would be mistaken for provoking the opponent, right?

This is still soothing!

Why is it so difficult to be a salted fish in peace and to spend a lifetime leisurely? The dumplings that were originally salted fish were buried in my heart and sighed with emotion-sure enough, in this world, only her and Oni sauce are the only two dried salted fish that are perfect match…

She was sighing with emotion here. On the other side, Touma Kazuya who was beginning to doubt herself suddenly turned her head and looked at the thinking dumpling and said: “Little, little sister, you, you can play the piano…”

Before she could finish her words, Tuanzi said in a cold sweat, “With Sasang, Xiaomai only understands a little about the piano, a little…” The other party has been blown into doubt about life. If she is dazzling I am afraid that my piano skills will leave a psychological shadow on the girl in front of me…

“Understand a little…” Dongma Hesha’s face improved slightly, and after hesitating for a while, she said, “Excuse me, can I listen to your performance?”

“But, we don’t have steel in our house…” Tuanzi said with a strong smile with cold sweat. She wanted to refuse, but just when she wanted to say that there was no piano at home.

A certain artificial mental retardation who was devoted to death came back with a mechanical sound:

“Master Sougou, your way of turning off the silly and strong is too rude, which does not match your identity, let alone such a rough behavior, even if it is silly and strong, you will feel pain…”

The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched when he heard the words. It’s strange that a bunch of data hurts! This fellow Shaqiang… Why did he forget that after Tujianzhai entered the safe mode one, the house itself was controlled by a computer program. After turning over the idiot that day, he gave the control to the other party, too. In other words, turning off the laptop does not stop the stupid operation…

Before he set up a new command, the entire Tamazaka network was a place for the silly guy. Thinking of this, Tamazuo wanted to cover his forehead. Fortunately, the really white thing is a paragraph, otherwise , Shaqiang, who is an artificially retarded man, can’t figure out how to expose him…

However, Tōma’s rejoicing time is very short. When Shaqiang said through the speaker: “Master Buried, and a few respected guests, Shaqiang just heard you mentioned the piano, are you going to the piano room? Allow the idiot to show you the way…”

The dumpling who was just about to refuse buried: “…”

After a long silence, Tuanzibu glanced again at Sou Jiantu: →_→

O’Neill, this is what you specially arranged to dismantle the small burying platform! ?

Tuma Zou Wu also returned his eyes: (¬_¬)

I’m so stupid, don’t you realize that this artificial mental retardation is calling the shots without authorization? I never let it teach the truth, saying that I and her are the relationship between the kidnapper and the victim! ! !

The corner of the dumpling’s mouth was also twitched: “…”

It seems that this is indeed the case, but…

Before the Danzi could understand, Dongma Kazuya who wanted to prove something said, “Thank you very much. Please take us to the piano room.”

“The piano room is at the end of the aisle. Guests are also asked to go out of the living room first.”

“Thank you very much…” Dongma Kazuo buried the sluggish dumpling.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Sprinkle, a touch of sprinkles was so taken away by others! ?

“Silly strong, can’t you just be quiet for a while?”

“Master Sougo, didn’t you tell me that when a guest comes, you must make the other person feel at home? All this is the order of Master Sougo, recorded in the core of the stupid…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He must have had his brain pumped to write this kind of code!

The end of the corridor.

“This is the piano room?” Looking at the bright wall ahead, Dongma and the yarn mouth twitched.

“Actually, Xiao Mai just wanted to say…” Tuanzi was overjoyed.

But before she finished speaking, she heard the mechanical voice: “Wait a minute.”

“Swish, swish, swish…”

With a slight noise, the wall blocking Dongma and Sa and the others slowly rose up, and an elevator that looked rather sci-fi color appeared in front of them.

Looking at this scene, the corner of Tama’s mouth twitched again. He has now noticed that the security mode he set has many shortcomings. At that time, how could he give control to the artificially retarded silly strong? This is The rhythm that made him frantically exposed!

Mai Sakurajima and Dongma and Sa have their eyes widened. What the hell? Is there a hidden elevator in a house? Is this going to be lazy even on the second floor?

Shiina Mashiro was still calm, as if nothing would surprise her.

Looking at this familiar scene, Tuanzi once again shed cold sweat on his face. This guy, O’Neill, dug the basement again, right? Moreover, the basement is so deep that she didn’t even know it! ? She felt strange just now, obviously there is on the second floor of the piano room…

Thinking of this, Tuanzi turned his head to look at Sougo Tama, his eyes filled with questions: “Oni-chan, what the hell is going on?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Sure enough, giving the control of the house to the artificially retarded is the biggest failure!

Fortunately, there is still room for change, and he also returned a look:

“Idiot, the basement is only half dug, I originally wanted to notify you when it was completed!”

Tuanzi nodded at this point. This was not the first time that this happened in Doma’s home. However, Ernie-chan would only take her down after the basement was fully constructed.

Just as the two of them were making eye contact, the elevator door opened…

Looking at the buttons in the elevator that say -1, -2, -3…-7-8, Mai Sakurajima and Touma Kazuza who originally thought they were going up and down the elevator: “…”

They were silent for a while.

“You belong to an illegal building, right?” Mai Sakurajima whispered.

I have heard of digging a cellar, but I have never heard of digging several floors underground!

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Want to discuss this with him now? late!

Just as Mai Sakurajima was speaking, the elevator started: “Dear guests, the piano room is on the basement floor…”

Before I finished the introduction, the elevator door was already opened, and the mechanical sound could only say again: “It is already the basement level now. Please come out of the elevator.”

Some Touma and Sae, who were eager to prove something, walked out first, holding the dumplings, Shiina Shiro followed closely, and Sakurajima Mai just wanted to step out, but he didn’t want Tama Sougo to hold on again. Her hand left her in the elevator, and then pressed the -8 button:

“Fingerprint confirmation, may I ask, do you want to go to the eighth floor underground?”


“Voiceprint confirmation! Scanning…”

“What are you doing?” Mai Sakurajima was puzzled by everything that happened before her. Didn’t she say that she was going to see Xiaomu’s match with that winter horse? Why did you leave her in the elevator, and what was the series of confirmations just now?

“Piano competition or something, we won’t mix it up…” To the guinea pig that he finally met, Tuma Zougou was very patient. Of course, he didn’t say that the reason for not mixing up is in case of winter. If Ma and Sha were crushed on the piano, so many of them were there, maybe Dong Ma would not be able to think about it!

But if it’s only her and Xiao Qian, plus a real white who doesn’t know anything about piano…

That’s very operability. Doma Sougo believes that his own piece of waste material will definitely be able to grasp this!

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