Chapter 644 Eyes are also a means of communication!

“Forget it, just let things go…” After realizing that he was pitting himself, Tuma Zouwu quickly changed the subject: “Then, Kazuya, do you still compare with Zhenbai now? Painting?”

Dongma, who is pretending to be innocent, and her mouth twitched. She is mentally ill, so she can compare paintings with this kind of super-college-level painting artist. She is more capable than piano! It’s just that Dongma and Sa, who read Zhenbai’s resume, didn’t feel embarrassed to speak. The other party had studied painting since childhood. How could it be possible to compare piano with her?

“Not better than…”

“Isn’t it?” Shiina seemed quite regretful after hearing it. After she came here, it was indeed a long time since she had officially painted an oil painting.

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

What a shame? She can’t paint at all, OK? Is it fun to abuse food?

Fortunately, the dumpling next to her didn’t know what she was thinking. Otherwise, the dumpling would definitely say: “Of course it’s fun, you can’t even imagine the joy of abuse of food!”

“Tu, Sougou, you know what I mean, I want to play a Dobby piano with you…” Dongma and Saeniguo asked themselves not to be affected by true whiteness, and stared at Sougo Dao with their eyes.

“Compared to Xiao Mai’s piano?”

The troupe who just wants to eat melons and watch the show is buried: “…”


She is already so low-key, why is anyone looking for her? She just wants to be a salted fish quietly, or, instead of playing games?

Dongma and Sha looked back at the little ball: “…”

Compared with this guy who is ten years old or not? When is she stupid? If you win, you won’t be able to win. If you lose, then she will be able to see people in the future?

“I’m talking about a touch of your mouth, reaching your twelve-year-old level a year and a half ago!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Isn’t that still a small burial?”

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

She looked back at the little ball again…


Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Is this playing fun with her? That small group? How old was she just a year and a half ago? Weaned yet? Even if your Tujian family does everything in the same state, but at this age, she is too young, she can lose when she plays games, after all, she has just contacted, but it is not better than the piano…

“Are you sure that my sister was at your twelve-year-old level a year and a half ago? How old is my sister this year?” Full of suspicion.

Tuma Sougo glanced at his own waste material with a touch of it: (¬_¬)

This is asking, how should he answer in this case?

Buried dumplings: -_-|||


She just wanted to be a melon-eater in peace, why did things turn to her? Isn’t it just easy to learn piano or something? However, in order to avoid saying the wrong thing in his own sauce, Tuanzi had to speak:

“Xiao Mai will soon be ten, six (super quietly) years old!”

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

Will you turn ten years old soon? In other words, she is still inferior to an eight-year-old child?

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Is there such a big gap in elite education?

Tuma Zougou rolled his eyes, and said in a secret voice-this piece of waste material can really be fooled, if it weren’t for his ears and eyes, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be able to hear her super low voice…

But as a qualified Oni sauce, it is impossible to dismantle more than one of his own stations. He had to cover the dumpling and said:

“However, this is the case. Xiaobui has already caught up with my twelve-year-old piano performance a year and a half ago…”

In these words, there is no mention of his own age.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

If I remember correctly, Tama Sougo said that when he was twelve years old, he had already surpassed Dongma Yaozi’s playing level, Dongma Yaozi…

That’s Dongma Yaozi! The world-renowned pianist! Even if the other party is exposed to the chaos of private life, it is faster to change men than to change clothes, there are still countless people in pursuit…

She Sakurajima Mai, don’t look at the once super popular idol artist, but if it is exposed…not to mention the chaos of her private life, even if it is revealed that she has a lover, she is sure that her reputation will decline faster than it is now!

Even if the other party takes a rest for three to five years, as long as he is willing to come out to play, he will still be a high-profile pianist.

But she has just retired for less than a year, and the news about her has gradually been forgotten…

The status between the two is clearly compared with the influence.

But this guy who could see her said that he surpassed Dongma Yaozi’s playing level when he was twelve years old. Now, let’s say that the little group who just played games with her just a year and a half ago…

This f*ck can believe it! ?

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

Want to die, want to die…

It’s fine if the big devil’s touch is about the same age as the big devil, but…

Looking at the dumpling who is obsessed with games and can never be faked, Dongma and Sa feel like a joke. Even if the relationship with her mother Dongma Yoko is not good, she has devoted herself to the piano. Absolutely far beyond ordinary people,

As a result, this is it?

It’s not even better than this dumpling that seems to have been addicted to games for many years. The most important thing is that this dumpling is only ten years old! A year and a half ago, this dumpling was only half of her current age. In such a comparison, she won’t live on Huskies all these years, right?

“I don’t believe it, you are lying to me, are you? She…” Dongma and Sa couldn’t accept it, she pointed to the dumpling and buried: “I don’t believe anyone is more perverted than you, even the little sister… ”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This is really hard for him to refute. Even Xiaobui was fourteen years old a year and a half ago. It is indeed incomparable with him, but what the hell is perverted? he……

Can he say these things? If he really speaks out, this wasteful vest will shatter in minutes. From then on, he will probably be harassed by this many complaints and explode every day, or the kind that cannot be refuted, for the sake of a peaceful life in the future. , He could only use his eyes again to ask what to do with the waste material!


Buried dumplings: →_→

O’Neill, why did you push the ball over again? Who was the one who taught the piano? Don’t you know it? Had it not been for the piano teacher invited by O’Duo Sang to test her, I am afraid I would still think that his piano performance level can reach the excellent level among ordinary people…

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

Is there something wrong with his original statement? The level of excellence among ordinary people is equivalent to the outstanding among ordinary people, that is, the so-called pianist. Moreover, if it weren’t for the blessing of dragging the Ooni sauce, you would have to take another piano lesson!

Buried dumplings: →_→

Isn’t it true that Xiaomian would also like to thank Ernie Chan for finding some Huanggang secret scrolls, five tests and three models when he was in Xiaomian Junior High…

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

You are welcome……

Years of tacit understanding allowed the two brothers and sisters to complete an exchange in a short period of time based on their eyes.

Buried dumplings: “…”


This incident can only be fooled by Xiaoying, if it weren’t for Ounichan to talk nonsense…

Tuma Sougou: “…”


Who am I propagating for? Miss buried!

Buried dumplings: “…”


Do you really think so?

In the earth, the dazzling girl crazy demon, Zongwu turned his head to the side, he didn’t say that to show off that he has such a good touch!

Buried dumplings: ╮(╯3╰)╭

It’s another day when O’Neill has turned white. Forget it, those are not important anymore. Now, let’s comfort this little…cough cough, and Sasang.

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