Chapter 639 Is it deleted fast, or am I uploading it fast?

“Since the so-called air meme wants to erase the traces of Mai’s existence, what if there is another force that constantly emphasizes Mai?” In order to relieve the mouse, he tapped the soil on the keyboard. Jian Zongwu’s face is full of confidence:

“Silly strong, start to prepare. After copying the pheromone existing in Mai Sakurajima, upload it to the Internet in batches, and then top it into a hot search…” Sougo Doma, who was typing on the keyboard, said this sentence before lifting it up. He started and said with a chuckle: “Ma Yi, guess what, is it because the meme on your body is erased faster, or is it faster to copy and paste on my side?”

Mai Sakurajima was silent for a while: “…”


On, on hot search is that simple? No, no? When she was a super popular idol, it was extremely difficult to get on the hot search, not to mention that she has been retired for so long now, this, this…

When Mai Sakurajima was suspicious, Sougo Tama turned the notebook upside down again and showed the screen in front of him.

After watching the screen entry about Mai Sakurajima increased to hundreds of thousands in an almost exaggerated manner, the mouse himself opened his mouth…

However, the titles on the screen made Mai Sakurajima feel a little embarrassed and shy:

“Shock! Mai Sakurajima, who debuted as a child star, is actually doing such a thing? 》

“A man will be silent when she sees it, and a woman will cry when she sees it. That’s a story about Mai Sakurajima! 》

“Private! The story that Mai Sakurajima and yogurt have to tell”

“Fortune in the world!” The brain-disabled girl was finally sensible, two or three things about XX (the role played by Mai Sakurajima)”

“People live for Mai Sakurajima! 》

It seems that something strange has gotten in, cough cough…

“What kind of weird titles are these?” Mai Sakurajima twitched her lips. “And, is it really useful to do this?”

“Huh?” Mujian always felt a little puzzled by the white mouse’s reaction. Shouldn’t you worship him crazily at this time? What the hell is the twitching corner of your mouth? Somewhat puzzled, he stretched his head over and looked at the computer screen: “…”

“Silly strong, what are you doing with these titles?” Toma Zougou was very patient with the artificial intelligence he created. If there are not so many blue veins on his forehead, the above is the truth.

“Master Sougou, big data shows that the more exaggerated the title, the easier it is to attract people’s attention, and the more popular searches will continue…”

“Where did you learn this?” Sougo Tama tried his best to maintain a smile.

“Heavenly Dynasty!”


“As expected to be a great master of Sougou, it is absolutely correct. Silly Qiang is in the Shock Department of IUC, Men’s and Women’s Tears Department, etc., etc., as a reference…”

“Understood!” Before Silly Qiang could finish speaking, Doma Zougou directly covered the laptop, and then pondered for a few seconds before raising his head and saying, “Ma Yi, black and red are actually red!”

I was still sighing in my heart that the top chaebol is worthy of being a top chaebol. Mai Sakurajima, who made a hot search so easy for one person, was stunned after listening to the words of Tama Zou Enlightenment: “…”

What is red and black? What does this mean?

and many more!

At any rate, Mai Sakurajima, who has been in the entertainment industry, suddenly reacted. To make a person’s popularity continue to rise in just such a short period of time, even a mercenary army can’t do it, that is to say, this guy in front of him uses it. Some special means…

While Sakurajima Mai was thinking about it, Touma Kazuya next to him suddenly stared at the phone screen and said, “Why is there another spam recommendation? “The Secret that Mai Sakurajima and the Manager Have to Talk About”? What is Mai Sakurajima? Who? Use this rogue software… or force it to open?”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Ha, ha ha, she understands what it means! When I think of those headlines just now being received by people through various compulsory methods…

Mai Sakurajima suddenly felt hopeless in this life…

So many netizens are forced to receive her messages. If there is a violent old man, hehehehe, it’s not as good as all traces have been erased!

Moreover, what privacy can she have with her agent? That’s her mother, her mother!

Just as Sakurajima Mai wanted to hit the wall to commit suicide, Touma Kazuya, who could not see her, suddenly raised her head and looked straight at her and said, “Are you Mai Sakurajima? That child star? The one who played XXX?”

“Mai Sakurajima?” Just transferred from abroad, she didn’t know Mai Sakurajima with a puzzled face. She looked at the girl who suddenly appeared in front of her, very puzzled, although Sougo said that there are five in this room. Personally, but how did this girl appear? It really fooled her eyes…

“Can you see me?” Facing the two people who suddenly stared at her, Sakurajima Mai was also stunned. So, Tama Sougou’s method worked again?

“Supernatural beings?” Dongma and Sa have a dark face. Isn’t this the one on TV? She was scared for a long time just now.

“I’ve never admitted this!” Mai Sakurajima, who looked at the other’s black face, said coldly.

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

Okay, although the Great Demon King explained that it was a meme or something that prevented the other party from being observed, but she had always thought that those were excuses. The Great Demon King just brought a Piao, or other monsters. What……

at the same time.

“Mahashiro!” After discovering that Mai Sakurajima was re-observed, Danko pulled Shiina Mashiro aside in a timely manner, and then acted as his own master teacher: “What did you think of what just happened?”

“A big change?”

“It’s almost done. How about drawing this plot into a comic? It was originally two childhood sweethearts, but Xiao Qingmei found out that the sweetheart was following an invisible one…” The hamster, who was always open-minded, buried her.

“As expected of the master!” Shiina Masashi bowed very much.

While the two masters and apprentices were discussing the plot, Sakurajima Mai turned her head and looked at Tama Suzuka and said, “Is my problem solved now?”

The tone was a bit cold, but Mai Sakurajima really didn’t know what attitude to respond to the person in front of him, saying that this guy was a lifesaver, indeed, he pulled her out of the state of being unobservable, but it’s true. Benefactor, this guy’s series of sorrows just now is entirely for her social death…

That kind of approach is to force others to recognize her existence. As long as other people have the intention, those just now will become stone hammers that attack her. Why do you want to be crazy and want to go crazy? To make a comeback…

Having been in the entertainment industry for so long, Mai Sakurajima wouldn’t know the dirty tricks of people in the circle, she took the initiative to give it a handle.

“Solve…” Just as Sakurajima Mai’s face was tangled, Tama Sougo once again looked at her with an illiterate expression: “Mai, you don’t think that memes are so easy to eliminate, do you?”

“What do you mean?” Mai Sakurajima was puzzled.

“Woo~!” To answer this question, Sougo Tama turned on the computer again: “Silly strong, stop uploading information!”

“Understand, the great Master Zongwu, can you not be so violent when he sends Silly Qiang home next time?” As soon as the voice fell, the mechanical sound rang again.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This product is artificial intelligence. It is naughty to prove that the intelligence is high. This product is artificial intelligence…

After reciting the Heart Sutra silently in his heart several times, Sougo Doma dismissed his plan to throw the laptop on the ground and turned the computer screen to Mai Sakurajima again.

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