Chapter 638: Terrifying Reality? Just flip it back

Blocked soil house.

living room……

After Mai Sakurajima grudgingly accepted the idea of ​​closing the house, in fact, she had no choice but to accept it. People under the eaves had to bow their heads! As for Dongma and Sha, she was persuaded by Doma Sougou’s sentence that coincided with his meeting, and it would not work if he was not persuaded. Anyway, with Dongma Hesha’s understanding of Doma Sougou, she probably couldn’t walk. Why struggle?

Immediately afterwards, Tama Sougo asked Shiina to take the laptop with the silly source program.

“Sougo, is there really a fifth person here?” Shiina Masashi looked around. As a professional painter, she couldn’t believe her eyes! ?

“Yeah!” Sougo Tama nodded while turning on the phone: “The human brain sometimes gives humans wrong feedback, just like people who freeze to death often feel that their body is very hot before freezing to death. Compared with touch, vision is more Easily deceived…”

“Oh!” For this, Shiina is so white that it is easy to understand. For the painter, playing with vision is actually one of the basic skills. She just didn’t react for a while…

After a question and answer, the notebook has already been turned on.

Doma Sougo once again called out the silly strong: “Have you analyzed the logic of maliciously deleting pheromone? Can you anchor the other party?”

“The logic is unclear, the technology used by the other party cannot be analyzed, and the reason for the formation is speculated, unknown!?”

“How about data backup?”

“The backup was completed, and the malicious program was deleted. After the resistance was completed, the other party failed to break the backup…”

“Excuse me…” Seeing Tama Sougo was answering questions with the computer again, Mai Sakurajima couldn’t help but said, “What is this doing again? Is it related to me?”

Sougo Tama nodded when he heard the words, and then, as if thinking of something, he said with a smirk: “Mai, do you want to see a horrible fact…”

“A terrifying fact?” Mai Sakurajima was puzzled.

“Ouni sauce, Ouni sauce, what terrible facts, Xiao buried also depends on…” A certain dumpling who fears that the world will not be chaotic.

Dongma Kazuya, who was unable to leave at the meeting, stretched out his neck, and even Shiina stared at Sougendou with a curious look. Sure enough, human beings are extremely curious creatures!

Tuma Sougou sighed in his heart, and then shrugged:

“This fact is quite terrifying to Mai. For you, I shouldn’t have any impressions.”

“What the hell is it?” The four women looked curiously!

“Silly strong, start searching for Sakurajima Mai-related entries…” Sougo Tama also ordered directly without selling Guanzi.

After loading for less than a second, Sougo Tama directly turned the notebook around, facing Mai Sakurajima on the side of the screen, Danzimu and the others also looked at it curiously.

Looking at the screen, when there were only a few entries about Mai Sakurajima, Mai Sakurajima’s face turned pale again.

On the contrary, it was dumplings. Touma and Sasha and Shiina Masashiro were quite puzzled. Then, dumplings as a representative asked, “Euny-chan, is there any problem with this?”

Isn’t it because the relevant entries are scarce? She has fewer relevant entries buried in the soil. If you search for her real name, it will definitely be a bunch of introductions about the family of the soil, and none of them are related to her. Of course, if you search for U, M, R, it’s a different matter. , But that is only a special case, ordinary people rarely get online entries…

For example, Tujian Zongwu, really want to search on, Baozhun is also a bunch of Tujian’s introduction, as for him, hehe, completely confidential.


“Xiaobui, don’t you think Mai is familiar?” Sougo Tama asked. Although she didn’t know why she was not affected by the meme if she had a lot of waste, she didn’t seem to be completely unaffected, you know, Mai Sakurajima is also a super popular idol of child star debut, but she seems to be too calm because she has a lot of her own in front of the other party.

“Huh?” Tuanzi was a little surprised by the problem with Ouni-chan. After all, she had always felt this before her. It is said that the female high school student who could not be seen by others was familiar: “Mai-san does look very familiar, Ouni-chan. , We didn’t have a good relationship with Mai Sang before, did we?”

“No, to be correct, today is indeed the first time you have communicated with Mai…” Sougo Tama shook his head, denying Tuanzi’s guess.

“That…” Tuanzi frowned.

“Land of Spirited Away, do you remember?” Sougo Tama reminded.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

That was her work a few years ago. I didn’t expect this guy to have seen it, and I still remember it!

“Of course I remember, that is a classic recommended by Xiao Mai to O’Neill. There is a plot in it. I almost didn’t cry Xiao Mai when I watched it. However, I remember that O’Neill only said one thing after reading it…” At this point, Tuanzi complained: “Brain Disabled plot! Brain Disabled starring!”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Ha, ha ha, in fact, this guy is a black fan, right? He is the head of a black fan, right?

“Ahem…” The person involved, Sougo Tama hurriedly coughed twice: “That’s it, so small, you are thinking, who is the actor of the heroine?”

Buried dumplings: “…”

It was all reminded, and she felt that she didn’t have to think about it. Then, isn’t the heroine’s name called Mai Sakurajima? Once the shackles of memory were opened, more and more memories of Mai Sakurajima appeared in his mind. After finishing the memories, Danzi looked at the former bunny girl in shock:

“You, you are the sour milk…”

Mai Sakurajima’s mouth twitched again. It was an advertisement she endorsed: “Japanese yogurt…”

“Sorry, I’m the Kuole Party…” Tuanzi buried his face with remnant thoughts.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Don’t use yogurt ads to refer to her in the Kuo Le Party!

Skip Mai Sakurajima’s little awkwardness.

At this time, Danzi finally understood why Oni-chan would say that it is a terrifying fact for Mai-san. If she remembers correctly, Sakurajima Mai is the super popular idol of child star debut. Now, search Who are you fooling with these insignificant pieces of information in the entry?

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Tuanzimu began to analyze it-not only was the other party unable to be observed at this time, even the traces of her past existence were being erased. If this happened to him, Tuanzimu would not even dare to imagine…

“Hey, who is Mai Sakurajima you searched for?” Touma and Sae couldn’t help but said while the dumpling was buried in thought. She also looked at the search information, but…

Sakurajima Mai was stunned again when she heard the words. If the news on the Internet was only a reference, then Dongma Kazuya who asked “Who is Mai Sakurajima” with a confused face was the final blow to her. Not only can it not be observed by people, but at this moment, even the trajectory of existence is being erased…

The guy in front of me had no inference errors from the beginning, but can the other party really make her recover? If she even wiped out the traces of her existence, then who in this world can prove that she has been there?

Is this retribution? She longed to show herself in the spotlight, but abandoned the spotlight. In the end, she ended up in obscurity. No, this is no longer obscurity, but the end that no one can know!

While Mai Sakurajima was thinking about it, Sougo Tama moved the computer back. He tapped the keyboard and said to Touma Kazuya with a smile on his face: “Who is Mai Sakurajima? Ugh…”

Speaking of this, Sougo Tama turned his head to the side of the bunny girl who bowed his head and said, “Since the horrible facts have been seen, the next thing will be a miraculous turn. Then, once again introduce yourself to the two who are about to see you. Mai Sakurajima!”

“Huh?” These words made the low Sakurajima Mai raise her head.

What does he mean?

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