Chapter 603 Isn’t it just getting a certificate? What a big deal!

That’s Twitter…

Hongsaka Zhuyin has a Twitter account herself, and even her Twitter fans have already passed one million. For her, the Twitter account of 400,000 fans is nothing more than a slapstick. After all, her own fans are broken. Millions, let alone rougeenrouge’s official Twitter account.

The more fans there are, the more Hongsaka Zhuyin can realize the influence of the well-known Twitter account and the economic benefits behind it. The more this is, the more she can appreciate the power of the Twitter company. It only refers to economic benefits, but refers to the right to speak!

And the Tujian family who holds this power…

Hongsaka and Zhuyin both glanced at Sougen Tuma who was talking on the phone, and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

“BOSS is really leisurely. He gave a lot of things to those of us who are struggling, but he is comfortable drinking and having fun…” About half an hour later, the sliding door of this Japanese-style room was opened again. After entering, he began to babble, and then, the visitor glanced at Hongsaka Zhuyin, who was barefoot but full of the charm of a mature woman, and suddenly his face changed:

“No wonder I started drinking during the day. It turned out to be accompanied by beauties. Does the BOSS like this one? Or, this is the new taste of BOSS? Could it be that new people forget the old people, sobbing, sobbing? At the end of the day, people are still working so hard to help the BOSS take care of the foundation. Unexpectedly, the BOSS has already…” After this performance, the person who came was really like the abandoned woman.

“Well, the abandoned lady, is enough acting, right?” Doma Sougou, who has long known the evil and fun of the people, poured a glass of wine and handed it over: “Excuse me, if things are like you said, I will do it. Why should I call you over? Yang Nai…”

“Huh?” Xuexiayang accepted the wine glass quite naturally, and then put his index finger on his lips, making a thinking like: “Does it mean that the BOSS wants to fly?”

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “…”

Hashima Iori: “…”

Enough, there are still minors here!

The corner of Tuma’s mouth also twitched: “By the way, there are other boys here…”

“Boss is really not too bad, do you even have to get started with boys?” Xuexia Yangnai drank the wine in his hand, and sat down beside the soil, Sougou said: “Although I said I I have already made plans to dedicate myself to the BOSS at any time, but if it is so intense the first time, I am afraid…”

It’s impossible to believe this kind of nonsense, even the punctuation marks in it. He actually saw it a long time ago. If you don’t suppress her, she will try Ride on your head.

“It turns out that Yang Nai-chan is ready to dedicate himself to me. In fact, I am actually very gentle. Regarding this, I can ask girls from hundreds of clubs to testify, you see… ”

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “…”

Hundreds of high-end clubs~! How should she evaluate it? Is the private life really rich or…

The identity of this fellow student is indeed a disguise!

Hashima Iori: “…”

This, is this the life of the famous young master? They are all students, how can this guy be so showy?

“…” The smile on Xuexiayangna’s face was slightly stiff, she was wrong, she shouldn’t provoke this bastard, the girl from hundreds of high-level clubs, when she said that, she was wrong. With an upright face, she…

“Although I am ready to dedicate myself to the boss at any time, the education I have experienced tells me that I am actually a conservative person…”

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “…”

This woman is not easy!

Hashima Iori: “…”

Was there any deviation in his understanding of conservativeness in the past?

Tuma Zougou rolled his eyes in his heart, made up, and continued to make up. He has to follow this guy’s words today! While thinking about this, he picked up the bottle again and filled the empty glass.

“So? The conservative Yang Naijiang dedicated himself just to talk casually…”

“Of course not~!” Xuexiayangna held up the wine glass that was just filled, and said with a smile: “However, before dedicating, the BOSS has to fill out a marriage application form with me. In addition, I only accept marriage. , Yukoshita always Gosang…”

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “…”


It is not easy for this woman to let the young master of the Tujian family become her husband, and she is also big enough! Xuexia always enlightenment, Xuexia, wait! Under the snow, shouldn’t it be…

Tuma Sougou also squinted his eyes. This woman was waiting for him: “It sounds like a sincere statement, that Yang Naijiang, we will go to apply for marriage after we have negotiated and cooperated. Watch it…”

The smile on Xuexia Yangnai’s face was a little unstoppable before he finished speaking, what the hell? Tsuchima Sougou, this bastard is crazy, right? Why is there any sincerity in her saying that not only is she going to get married, but she also has to be married, and it’s so simple as a bastard to agree? Could it be that this bastard is interesting to her?

Impossible, impossible! She can’t tell what the bastard Doma is interesting to her at all, by the way…

“I remember Master Zongwu is not yet eighteen years old…”

“This little thing can be solved easily!” Sougo Tama took a sip and said with him, thinking he was scared? See who can’t resist first.

“I didn’t expect Master Zongwu to accept the marriage for me…” Xuexiayangna suddenly smiled: “I just didn’t know when the wedding was…”

“Eh a lot?” Sougo Tama tilted his head: “Wedding, what kind of wedding? After dedication, can’t we get a divorce right away?”

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “…”

Hashima Iori: “…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

I always feel that scumbags are no longer enough to describe the guy in front of me. Does this guy have no bottom line at all?

“However, there is no option for divorce in the Xuexia Family…” Xuexia Yangna reluctantly kept the smile on his face unchanged: “Only widowed!”

“That’s it…” Sougo Tama finally put down the wine glass in his hand, pinched his chin and said: “That’s really embarrassing for you, Yang Nao…”

Not to mention Yukoshita Yono, even Hongsaka Zhuyin and Hashima Iori were stunned. What do you mean by embarrassment? This doubt didn’t last long, so I listened to Sougo Tuma to continue:

“After consecration, you will face the fate of suicide. This is probably the so-called fate of a beauty!”

“You…” The smile on Xuexiayangna’s face grew stiffer, and she really shouldn’t have illusions about the bottom line of the bastard Sougenzu Tuma!

“Yang Nai, needless to say the extra words. After you pass away, on the fifteenth day of every month, I will help you with incense to commemorate the friendship between our husband and wife. After Ms. Hongsaka Zhuyin talked about the cooperation, she called and asked Mrs. Xuexia to take charge of the work, so we could fill out the marriage application form…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”


I always feel that she can’t wait to die! On the fifteenth day of the first fifteenth day of the gods, the gods’ husband and wife friendship is worse than the plastic ones! No, speaking of it, they didn’t have much friendship at first…

“BOSS is still as funny as always, giggle…” Xuexiayangna laughed twice, then turned his head to Hongzaka Zhuyin and said: “Sorry, I was rude here just now…”

This time she loses! She’s not going to pick up…

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