Chapter 602 Return to the original owner or destroy it?

“Woo~!” Sougo Tama said while filling the wine glasses in front of the three of them: “Bodao brother seems to want to keep the other party. It seems that you have some ideas.”

“Iori, don’t talk nonsense, Sougo-san can handle it whatever he wants. We just need to cooperate…” Although I don’t know the attitude of Tuma Sougou, Hongsaka Zhuyin still habitually chooses the most conservative approach.

“Yes!” In front of his boss, Hashima Iori subconsciously chose to obey: “Sorry, I just took the liberty…”

“It’s not presumptuous…” While Sougo Tama held up the glass, he gestured to Namishima Iori with his eyes, and asked the other party to pick up the wine in front of him. Namishima Iori dare not refrain from it, and Hongsaka Zhuyin saw it. , Also picked up the wine glass in front of him, as an accompaniment, Tuma Sougou then continued:

“I’m just listening to what you guys think. By the way, you said just now, that guy’s Twitter account was originally maintained by you, right?”

Iori Hashima nodded: “I’m also taking care of the Twitter account from scratch, and witnessing its development and growth on the Internet…”

There is something wrong with Hongsaka Zhuyin. If the Twitter account is managed by the guy Hashima Iori, then the fans brought by the Twitter account shouldn’t be him and that An Yilun. Is it also a common property?

But now, how come it becomes a person’s thing? She is quite puzzled:

“Iori, did that guy named An Yilun give you any benefit?”

“Benefits? This…” Hashima Iori’s face was a little hard to look like: “He will lend me some house games…”

Hongsaka Zhu Yin frowned: “According to the rules of rougeenrouge, which one of you has more power on that Twitter account?”

Hashima Iori: “…”

He bowed his head and was silent for a long time before whispering: “Probably it’s me.”

This is a fact. Even An Yilun’s fanatical to extreme propaganda method is good enough not to scare people away. Want to keep fans? Somewhat unrealistic…

On the contrary, it is Hashima Iori. If he does not speak, other people will not think of him as an otaku at all. More people will regard him as a livelihood. Coupled with his sociable character and so on, it can be said that Anyi Lun Ye’s Twitter can develop, and he takes most of the credit for it.

“In that case, how to divide the income of the Twitter account and how much severance payment did you get when you withdrew?” This is probably considered a professional habit. After Hongsaka Zhuyin asked, he also sipped the sake in his hand.

“Boss, the severance payment is too exaggerated. We were only junior high school then…” Hashima Iori smiled stiffly: “What’s more, Twitter didn’t start to make a profit at that time.”

“So, you have worked so hard to maintain the Twitter account for so long. When the number of fans is increasing and the eye is about to make a profit, you will be kicked away by the opponent…” Hongsaka Zhu Yin’s face was a little weird: “Now, Are you still thinking about reconciling with each other, and still thinking about helping each other?”

Hashima Iori’s face became stiff, isn’t he like this? What did he think? Obviously that Twitter account has half of his account. No, most of the credit is due. Even if the other party wants to fall out with him, he must first explain to him the account of the Twitter account…

By the way, he only wanted to reconcile with the other party, so he didn’t care about the ownership of the Twitter account. However, because of his father’s work, he was about to leave Tokyo, so…

Now, Bodao Yizhi is heartened, the Twitter account of 400,000 fans!

How could he hand it over to the bastard An Yilun directly after the fallout? Having said that, if that Twitter account is put into his hands, now it may be that the fans will exceed one million! pity……

“Boss, Iori was too young at the time…” Although I regretted that there were countless MMP sentences in my heart, Iori Hashima chose to honestly admit his mistake in front of Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “Actually, I was also at the time. I never thought about the issue of using Twitter to make money, and the Twitter account was also registered by that guy himself…

Moreover, after he fell out with me, he didn’t discuss the ownership of the Twitter account with me. I didn’t care much about it at the time, and he took advantage of it. ”

“These things, you should tell me earlier…” After he finished speaking, Hongsaka Zhuyin lowered his head and sipped the sake in his glass, then raised his head and said in a tone of hatred for iron and steel.

“Sorry…” Seeing the BOSS sip the sake, Hashima Iori drank the drink quickly before continuing, “To be honest, if it weren’t for Sougo Sang mentioned today, the Twitter account I almost forgot about it. After all, I was not the one who signed up for Twitter…”

“Iori!” When it comes to Sougo Doma, Hongsaka Zhuyin hurriedly interrupted. Then, she looked at Sougo Doma who was watching the play again: “Sougosang, made you laugh…”

“It seems that my feeling is right…” Before she could finish speaking, Sougo Tama turned the empty wine glass in his hand and interrupted: “Ms. Zhu Yin doesn’t mind helping me pour a bar?”

“It’s a great honor…” After Hongsaka Zhuyin brought a bottle of famous wine that was opened but had not been drunk from the side, he slowly poured it into the glass in Sougou’s hand, and said: “Can I ask more? What does Sougo-sang’s feeling mean? Of course, Sougo-sang doesn’t want to…” Saying that she hadn’t spoken, and hoped to forgive her.

Before the rest of the story was finished, Sougo Tama chuckled and said:

“Although I have always emphasized that we are also our own, Ms. Zhu Yin is still very jealous of me…”

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “…”

Can you blame her for this? She didn’t even have a deal with a guy of this type Sougo Tama! Be stronger? Under the deterrence of the two big chaebols, she, who was already trembling, said that she did not dare, dare not, usually, in case she accidentally angered this guy who played cards according to common sense…

In addition to being cautiously jealous, is it wrong for her to accidentally offend the other party? If this guy doesn’t have the surname Tujian, try it in front of her with an ordinary famous young boy, because she has been in the industry for so long, and she is not a vegetarian!

“Honestly, if Ms. Zhu Yin cooperates with me in this state, I feel like bullying you…”

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: -_-|||

Is not it! ? Say it’s cooperation, and take away the most important shares when you get started. Isn’t this bullying? Is it charity?

Just as the MMP in Hongsaka Zhu Yin’s heart continued, Tama Sougo turned on the phone again: “If Ms. Zhu Yin cares too much about my identity and keeps giving in, then for the sake of fairness between us, I’ll let my hands count. Professionals come and talk to you…”

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “…”


“Wait, what do you mean by professionals?”

Sougo Tuma smiled while broadcasting the phone: “Like Ms. Zhu Yin, she is a big beauty…” When he said this, he turned his head and said, “By the way, Brother Bodao, the reason why I mentioned that push Special account, I actually want to ask you, what about returning that Twitter account to the original owner?”

Hashima Iori: “…”

Return to the original owner! ? Isn’t that Twitter account registered by Yilun also? Is it wrong to use the wrong word about the thing returning to its original owner…

“Of course, if you don’t want it, it’s not bad that the Twitter account disappears. One of the means to cut off all sources of income for the other party, even if it is a means that may bring income to the other party, it must be obliterated. Unfortunately, soil Jianjia has a lot of shares in Twitter…”

Speaking of this, Sougo Tama got to Hongsaka Zhu Yin’s ear and whispered: “It’s okay to say that the absolute holding ratio is occupied…”

“Guru…” Hongsaka Zhuyin swallowed his saliva. The Tujian family has developed too fast, and no one can explain in detail what the industry under its umbrella includes, but as for Tujian Zongwu just said… …

Twitter, that’s Twitter! How many people use Twitter in this country! ? Basically, all the guys who can surf the Internet have manually registered for a Twitter, and even more, and Twitter is just a holding industry of the Tujian family…

Twitter knelt, her rougeenrouge knelt again…

No one can laugh anymore! ?

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