Chapter 566

Tu Jian Zhai, second floor, Tu Jian Zou Gou’s studio.

“What should I do if I am violently bullied?”

“Yes, I am not the first…”

“There is a senior in our school who is a light novelist, and I am her fan…”

“Yes, that guy has not only stepped on me, but other students have been stepped on, and they dare not speak with their feet…”

“Is he a senior…”

“It’s that senior, he even let me sever ties with my childhood sweetheart, and I dare not refuse…”

“Our school? Feng, ah, I still don’t say anything. If someone finds out, that senior should trouble me again.”

Turning on the silly interception information, Sougo Tama finally understands what it means to not die if you don’t die, and then look at the directivity of these-Mr. TAKI?

An Yilun?

At the beginning, Sougo Tama also praised the efficiency of Tubo Shiro’s work. Now, looking at this guy desperately jumping on the Internet, he made a call again.

“Mr. Earthwork, have you turned into earthwork fungus now? You haven’t settled the matter of the Aki family?” When the call was connected, Sougo Doma asked while looking at someone who wanted to jump on the Internet. .

“Asshole, even if you want to transfer people, it will take a certain amount of time. Wait, Sougou, why are you today? Could it be that that guy…” Tukata Shiro snarled a few words first, and then seemed to think of it. What’s wrong, the voice is octaves low, and his face is cold and sweaty.

“Woo~! That guy looks very unconvinced, he’s going to smear me on the Internet…” Sougo Tama didn’t care.

“Should you just complain? Sougo, restrain yourself…”

“Mr. Tukata, others are big Vs with hundreds of thousands of fans. Hundreds of thousands of fans are scaring me to death…” With that said, Doma Sougo did not even change his voice.

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

“Mr. Earthwork, then I will notify him now, I have to punish him…”

“Zao Wu, don’t mess around!” Tufang Shibu Lang’s voice was very anxious.

“Don’t worry, you won’t kill anyone!” Sougo Doma hung up the phone.

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Looking at the phone where the call ended, Shiro Tufang gritted his teeth, and at the same time he asked the people around him: “Has the Aki family not been sent away yet? Fukuda?”

“Deputy, Deputy Chief, you said, try to get them through with formal procedures. We are already negotiating with their company…” The one who was asked by the earthmover was a man who looked more than 30 years old, bald, and slightly plump. man.

“Negotiation, negotiation? Negotiation means that it hasn’t been settled yet, right? Damn it, just because of this…” Tusuo Shiburo reached out and hammered the table, shocking everyone present, especially those who were named. Futian is even more cold and sweaty.

“Deputy, vice-chief, according to the formal procedures, I have tried my best here, and, the vice-chief, there is also the Sawamura family, and the Kosaka family is making trouble…”

“Sawamura’s family? Kosaka’s family? What’s the matter with them? They want to fight against our Kondo team?” Tusagi Shiro frowned.

“No, it’s not…” Fukuda quickly turned around: “Mrs. Sawamura and the young lady from the Kosaka family just want to protect the Anyi family…”

five minutes later.

“Sawamura’s family? Kosaka’s family?” Tsuchima Sougo held a cell phone with an inexplicable smile on his face.

He knew why the Zecun family wanted to help the Anyi family intercede. After all, the two were once neighbors, and Mrs. Zecun should be optimistic about An Yilun. If this kind of affection, as long as he Give the true face of An Yilun once exposed to Sayuri Sawamura…

I’m afraid that I don’t need him to intervene. Sayuri Sawamura, or Mr. Spencer Sawamura wants to kill An Yilun himself.

As for the Kosaka family, it should be the thread pulled by Hajima Iori’s An Yilun, but this thread is very good. Hongsaka Zhuyin is said to be a very capable guy. Tama always realized that he wanted to meet. know……

“Sougo, although these two are not a big deal, but the Kondo team has to go the right way…” While Sougo Tama was thinking about it, Shiro Tukata on the other side of the phone was anxious: “Anyway, I Arrangements will be made to take that guy away.”

“Right way?” Sougo Morama chuckled: “Mr. Earthwork, I will bring Kondo group to the right way, instead of sprinkling the light of the right way on myself like you…”

“Zong Wu…” Tufang Shibu Lang coldly said: “Things are not as simple as you think. For example, the Si Gong family, although Si Gong Kaguya did not refute anything, but the other party resisted…”

“Signomiya? Mr. Tufang, I understand…” Sougo Tuma hung up the phone again.

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Looking at the phone that had been hung up, he wanted to rant, so you really made it clear to me what you understood! ?

Sougo Doma, who hung up, shook his head and dialed a number again.


Si Gong Family, Si Gong Manor.

Someone’s lifelong wish is to buy a house in this golden city so that their children can cross classes. This wish is so small for Shigiya Kaguya. The manor she lives in is enough. A residential area has been built, and it is still the most upscale…

The Sigong Manor occupies a large area, with elegant objects planted on both sides. Green bamboo is one of them. Through a bamboo forest, you can see the villas in the manor, which are said to be villas. It is not as good as a castle. The castle is surrounded by a flower field. , Because of the frequent repairs by servants, it looks prosperous.

Going further in, the owner of this castle will welcome the world with a noble attitude…

“Haasaka, the president, he will call today, hey, hey…” In the castle of Shinomiya, among the masters, a certain idiot lady was looking at her maid (good sister) with an idiot.

Hayasaka Ai: “Yes, I will…”

Ha, ha ha, what can she do, she is also very desperate, damn Si Gong Yan Ye, he is the only one who made Miss Hui Ye like this!

“Haasaka, you said that if the chairman calls, what kind of tone should I use to explain?”

Hayasaka Ai: “…”

“After talking with the president, I will add his line…”

Hayasaka’s mouth twitched: “Ms. Kaguya, have you ever thought of changing your phone?”

“Change your phone?” Shigiya Kaguya looked at Nokia, who had been using it for more than ten years: “Haasaka, do you know how many years I have in this phone…” Wish and dream, because I can’t do it, I can only use the camera function. Shigiya Kaguya regarded Nokia as his own memory.


It is also unavoidable that she could not forget the war that concerns the entire earth. Nokia resisted all the pressure and resisted the final attack of the aliens with a hard body. It is a pity that the body depends on the soul and the soul is dead. Nokia also Has become history…

Hearing Shinomiya Kaguya’s question, Hayasaka Ai wanted to help her-Miss, the Nokia in your hand is no longer an old phone, but a scrapped phone! How can she use the smart phone’s functions on the scrapped machine? This is a problem!

Hayasaka Ai is agile and has a good IQ, but…

Let the scrap machine use the smartphone APP, this is no longer in line with her professionalism!

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