Chapter 565 Xiao Mu: They’re all younger brothers!

“Why do desserts turn into green peppers is the devil? Didn’t you say that the food is ruined? And it’s really white, don’t you give me such a quick approval…” Sougoto, who was desperately rubbing his temples, retorted.

Upon seeing this, the hamster turned his head and whistle: “Euny sauce doesn’t feel green pepper…”

“Is the tutu cute? Is the hamster cute? Is the bamboo rat cute?” Sougo Doma always convinces people with reason.

Tutu? Hamster? Bamboo rat? A certain love dumpling was buried in thought, and for a long while: “Euny sauce, is our family finally going to have a pet?”

Doma Sougo: “It seems that Xiaoying thinks these little animals are very cute?”

“Uh, uh…” Tuanzi nodded desperately.

“Then, like braised rabbit heads, fire-roasted bamboo rats, etc., Xiao Jian will definitely not be able to eat them…” Tsuchima Sougo laughed very happy.

Buried dumplings:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Oh, what do you mean by Oni sauce?

“It is said that those are the treasures of Tianchao cuisine, I haven’t made them for a long time, but if Xiaojian can’t eat it, then I and Zhenbai will only enjoy it tomorrow…”

Buried dumplings: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

O’Neill, it can’t be like this!

Although Shiina Mashiro lay down, he still had doubts on his face: “Sougo, what is the braised rabbit head?”

“It’s delicious, do you really want to eat it?”

“Yeah!” Naturally nodded again.

Buried dumplings: “…”

Really white, Teacher Xiao Mu hasn’t spoken yet! As a student, you turned out to betray because of a good meal, but Damn it…

However, when it comes to acting like a baby, she will not lose if she is buried in the ground!

“Ouni-chan…” Although she couldn’t move because she was lying on the ground too much, she was still in tears and stared at the dumpling of Sougoto Domama.

“So, who told you two to eat so many desserts? Xiaobui…” The many reactions from his own made Somatomu want to cover his forehead.

But before Tuma Zougou could finish speaking, the dumpling had barely supported half of his body with his hands:

“Xiao, Xiaoying knows. This, this must be the conspiracy of O’Neill. They all say that when girls eat desserts, they have a second stomach. O’Neill must be to verify this statement. Buried Zhenbai as an experiment, made, made so many desserts…”

Sougo Tama felt that something was wrong, especially when he stood on Xiaobu’s side and nodded to him: “Sougo, we still have a second stomach to hold dessert…”

After listening to it, Sougo Doma, who was quite “skeptical about life,” walked into the work room with an inexplicable expression after finishing the dining table, and then lay down on the massage chair, wanting to vent a lot.

Rested for a while, soil house, living room.

“Really white, now take out your comics, let the teacher give you a good guide, whether it is drawing skills or sub-mirror…” It seems to be sent away from the soil, and the dumplings become more and more talented. Obviously.

“Yes, teacher…” Affected by this temperament, Natural Zhenbai had a great sense of trust in the dumplings. While nodding, she handed the manuscript to the small-looking dumplings.

“Woo~!” Tuanzijian seemed to be very careful about this. She just looked at the cover for a minute, and then:


Before Shiina Shiro understood what it meant, the dumpling had already dropped the cover on the table: “Isn’t this a prank? Why do you want to show off your painting skills on the cover? Really white, this is your own painting. Yes, someone else helped you…”

“I drew it…” In the face of criticism, Shiina Masashi bowed her head seriously.

“Really white, are you stupid? If the cover art style is too exquisite, once the content can’t keep up, it will be criticized. It’s like you just ate the dessert of Oni sauce, and then you go to eat other people’s cakes. , Then there must be a feeling of being deceived!” Buried, Qianwu (house girl) expert, Buried.

“Eat Sougou’s cake first?” Shiina was lost in thought: “Then I went to eat someone else’s cake…No, no, Zhenbai couldn’t eat it at all!”

Buried dumplings: “…”

It’s really an easy-to-understand metaphor.

“So, the cover doesn’t need to be too good, it must be in line with your actual level…”

“But, this is Mashiro’s usual level…” Shiina was puzzled.

Tuanzi looked at the beautiful cover: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This, this is a normal level! ?

Make trouble with her! ?

Which cartoonist did not paint the cover beautifully, in fact, the content of the painting style is different by tens of thousands of miles, this is no way, the cartoonist also needs to rest, how can it be guaranteed to be full at any time?

At the same time that Tuanzi told himself that it was impossible, Tuma Zougou walked down from the second floor and said:

“I remember, someone said that as long as you look at the style of painting, you can know if a comic can be popular…”

Buried dumplings: -_-|||

O’Neill this guy!

“That, of course, I have read so many comics…”

Before she could finish her words, Shiina Masaki stepped forward again: “Teacher, that’s amazing.”

“Ha, haha, of course…” A dumpling in an awkward smile.

“Well, don’t look at the cover for now. Look at the first chapter. According to Xiaobui’s intuition, can this comic of Zhenbai become popular?” Tsuchima Sougo always gives others a chance to show it.

Tuanzi: “Euny sauce, you don’t need to read it at all. It’s because the plot doesn’t match the style of painting…” Eunice, idiot, the hints are so obvious. If you don’t know the true white style of painting is pitfalls That’s stupid, so O’Neill, stupid!

Tuma Sougou: “…”

How could this waste material know?

Shiina Mashiro: “…”

Is the plot not worthy of the style of painting?

“However, Zhenbai met my teacher…” The world-wide expert group buried his back: “I was still trying to teach Zhenbai the problem of split lens, but after reading her cover, I already knew that she was lacking. What is it!”

Tama Sougo: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

If it is said that this waste material will be slapped in the face more than once? This f*ck?

Shiina Mashiro: “Teacher Xiaomai!?”

“Zhen Bai, as the second disciple of Teacher Xiao Jian, you…” Xiao Wei, who was still really white just patting his head to comfort him, has now changed his head. Tuan Zi patted Shiina’s head with a big look.

Facing this warm scene, Doma Zougou desperately rubbed his temples, then went back to the second floor and sat back on the massage chair, no matter how the machine pressed the hammer, he didn’t want to move.

After half an hour.

Sougo Tama turned on the computer in the workroom, and took out a bottle of whiskey from the small refrigerator in his private possession, and drank it, only then slowly calmed his mood, and then…

“Master, master, someone has hacked you on the Internet and has been intercepted by Silly Qiang, do you need to snipe?” The computer just turned on, Silly Qiang opened the pop-up window.

To this, Sougo Tama once again asked a question mark: “What the hell? Those guys have been so bold enough to move from the dark web to the bright web?”

Someone is hacking himself on the dark web, it’s not that Tuma Zouwu doesn’t know. Other than that, as for his identity as a small bank who walks on the dark web, it is really strange if no one is hacking him on the dark web.

After all, it takes a long time to find someone to deal with him.

It’s just Mingnet~!


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